The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994

/ State Youth Workers Conference .,, October 28. 29 · "' 1 Radisson Harbour Inn. Sandusky, Ohio " Speaker John Colyer, Galvary Baptist Seminary, Lansdale, Pennsylvania Topic Con temporary Youth Problems For more information contact Pastor Jeff N1lius at 2 16-458-5128. Serving Ohio State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. Westerville, OH 43081 614-523-3666 Church Pew Padding • Add Con1 fort and Beauty to Old Pe,vs • On-Si te Installa t ion • 15 Year Gua ra ntee Using Media Partnerships To Plant And Strengthen Local Churches • Stays in Place ... ~ \\' ill 'ot Slip o r Slide Like a Loose Cushion • Ne..1rl y 50 Col ors o f Fabr ic Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave . Lancaster. Ohio 43130 RUPP AGENCY, INC. .. pec ia/izing in church property & liabi l irv insurance, l-i'ith o ,•er 1,300 churches insured statewide • Churc h • Life • Auto • Health • Home • Disability • Bu iness • Annuitie 1357 We~ t Laoe Avenue Columbu , 0 1-I 43221 Call toll - free: 1-800-282-9258 or 614-486-59 11 Contac t Ben Rupp First Baptist Chris tian School FACULTY NEEDED • Secondary English Fo r more in forma tio n and applicati on . end resume Lo Ralph C. Duffy, Admini strator 11400 LaGrange Rd., PO Box 929 Elyria. O~I 44036 2 l 6-458-5185 Christ-Honoring Piano Course 2 Play hymns first lesson. For free catalog send self-address ed stamped envelope to Mary Jo Moore Dept. 0 , 286 Poland Ave. Struthers , OH 44471 by Mark Kordic H ave you con idered tl1e vast potential Ohio' 46 radio talion have in furthering the mini try of your local church? Chris– tian broadca ting is a tool God has raised up in thi generation to reach all classe of people with the Go pel. Ju l as the mini try of Jesus crossed all ocial and cultural lines, Cbri tian radio bring life-changing teaching to people you will never per onall y contact. Many of tho e who are being reached by Christian radio would never fit into the average "middle-cla ' ' church in Ohio. Many regular li tener are goiI1g through difficult life ituations, uch as a divorce or job lo , and find strengll1 and direction from mucb of the programn1ing. There are everal ways to gain exposure for your church on the Christian radio talion in your area. Program directors or community affair per onnel are always looking for potential interview guests who can articulate ways your church i meeting need in the con1munity. For example, your church may be conducting a Chri Lian ports camp or perhap you are providing Engli h cla e for immigrants in your community. end a letter to the talion about your outreach and follow up with a phone cal l. You will be surpri ed at the eagen1e of talion per onnel to invite you for an interview. Anotl1er way to gain expo ure for your church i through promotional partner– ships. For example, the CDR Radio Network at Cedarvi lle College was approached a few month ago about co- pon oring a Chri Li an Financial Concepts eminar at Grand 1--leights Bapti t Church in Fairborn . CDR ran promotional an– nouncements about the event, and the church benefit tcd from the expo ure . New church plant can al o utilize the re. ource of Chri tian radio to gai n credibil ity in their new comn1unity. Grace Community Church in Wa bington Court 1-Iou e en t a quarterl y new paper to all re ident in Fayette County advertising a "co-partner hip" with CDR Radio. Many re idents bad al ready come to trust CDR and it wa easier to tran fe r their interest to the new church. Other new churche have di tributed program chedules to gain the tru l of the community. Most Christian radio stations feature a community calendar. You can let your community know about concerts, revival services, vacation Bible schools or special speaker through public service announcement . For example, CDR Radio recently started the ' Neighborhood News" program which ai rs fi ve time a day. Churcbe are encouraged to send in the fact concerning their pecial events, and they are aired free of charge. If you are not aware of a Christian radio station in your area, call us at CDR Radio, 1-800-333-0601. We will belp you identify a station that you can link up with a a partner in mini try . Cedarville College News The National League fo r Nur ing (NLN) has renewed accredi tation to the Cedarville College Department of Nur ing for the next eight years. Cedarville earned NLN' s highest ap– proval rating: "All criteria fully met. No recommendations." According to Dr . Irene Al yn, chair of the department, it i on rare occa ion that an in titulion receives this rating. Scott Hartley ha received a WISE (Washington Intern hip for Students of Engineering) intern hip, one of the highe t honor avai lable to undergraduate engineer . This i the econd traight year for a Cedarville College student to be nan1ed a WISE in tern . Hartley is a junior mechanical engineering/math double major at Cedarv ille. The 1994 group of interns al o include student from Yale, We t Point, Kan as State, Illinois, and eight other top engineering school .