The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994

: Ladies, don't forget to • -~ ' save your quarter for the OWMU HYMNALS FOR CHAD proj ect. Calvary Baptis t, hi llicothe, has begun tapin g th ei r services for replay o ver a Joca l 'fV s tat io n. They wou!d like to enh ance the quality with profess ional or semi -pro fess io na l equipment (editing capabili ty, etc .). I f yo u know whe re they can purchase used equipn1ent, plea e ca ll Oill Lee at 513-981 -2884 evenings . Books In Review RECLAIMING AUTHENTIC FUNDAMENTAUSM by Dougl as R. McLachlan It i encouraging to read a well -wrilten book on Fundamentalism. Dougl as McLachlan, a biblical fundamentali t, wri tes wi th a genuine love for authentic fundamentalism, evident in the spirit wi th which he identifies the weakne e that have plagued the move1nent in the last several decades. His con1ment are accurate and ironic. He addre e the various spiri ts of dominance, combati ve– ness, shal low exegesi , and petty legalism that have done a great di er– vi ce to our Lord and to His church. The author i s to be commended for the way he corrects these damaging attitudes with Scripture. The book leaves no tone unturned, either in i ts diagno i of the sins that have affected the movement or in its prescription of what mu t take place for God to bring revi val . The author offers a careful plan for reclaiming the truth , bringing the Word of God to bear on the critical area thal are the hallmark of every work of God. Godl y leader hip i s reaffinned as e sen– tial . Careful and intelligent al tention to the whole coun el of God i offered a the alternati ve to "getting a text, and getting a fit. " FundamentaJists are called back to evangeli r11 and challenged to pay attention to where people really are today . The chapter titled, " In1ple11enting Authentic Separation" i excellent. The book doe not get caught up in irnple fonnula , but i careful to lay out olid biblical reason upon which to ba e both personal and eccl esiasticaJ eparation. Reading the book i s easy . Ilumble implementation will demand the work of our great God. --Reviewed by Pastor Ti,n Kenoyer Cliainnan, Council of Twelve Raptured By Youth Sponsors by Darrell Lenox H ave you ever had to get up real l y early? 1 l ow about l :30 a.m .? That ' what happened with the youth group at Immanuel Bapti st Church, olun1bu ·, during their " rapture night" on May 20. 'I'he youth pon or arranged with U1e parenlS Lo pi ck up thei r teens t11roughout the night and .. rapture" them to I leaven, in thi case, U1e church. The sponsor lef t U1e church al 12:30 a.m. anned wilJ1 white rc>bes and trumpet music. 'fhey then went Lo each home, and woke lJ1e teens. After giv ing each young person a few minutes to get pre~entable for " I leaven," botl1 group~came back t<) the church for s<>rnc activities . ·1~hey en tered tJ1c church ba~ement to find it decorat ed like I leaven. 'I'hey went 01rough the j udgemcnl seal, crowns, and n1arriagc supper to gi ve an idea of what it will be l ike in I leaven. A<::. you may 1n1ag1ne, t11e yc>u lh were tired a11d so1ne were grumpy but they had a great Urne learning abou t I leaven, play ing a gainc to rev iew U1c Jc sons of the year , and watching the mov ie, .. A Thief i n tJ1e Night. " The events of t11e even ing helped t11c young peopl e get a new real ization of how the raplure could happen al any ti111e and will help make t11cm t11 ink every night before U1cy g to Jeep. Church D~ ign ~ MMter Planning MAQK D. JONEe>. Ali\ 6201 /\c~ Qood Oll.HwBLake. Ml 4(!2b7 Phone (l5 t'Bx (313) ~ 1119 AQCHITEC11JQE + PL/\NNI C, 24 Yt:AQ tXPt:Qit:N("' t: Serving the Lord in Lhe (jARBC for over 20 .vears Evangelist Norm Sharbaugh (now scheduling meetings fo r 1995) Evangcli t Norm Sharbaugh PO ll ox 215 Brownsburg, IN 46 11 2-02 15 317-852-0877 Revival and Evangelist Meetings rou"'- HGo~,..,r. OltP()JlfUt <J fY 1\ IOVING ·ro ·r,~ E ( '0Ll ll\1Bl 1 S ,\RE.-\ ? I SPECIALIZF I REI 0('1\ l' ION OFF · RING BUYFR BRC)KFRI\C, I· RO ,\ LD BRO\\'N, (; 1i1 CAM f l\ YI.OR () . Rl ,.A I ·1 ()RS 882 111c; 11 s ·r woR·r111 c;1·0 . () II -t J085 ·roL L FRl : I· 1-800-848-6996 ALL FOR FREE l~El.() ( '1\ 'f l ()N K rr Teen & Children Leadership Conference • Challenging • Practical September 9-10, 1994 Lima Baptist Temple Contact Ken Dady Box 430, Bellefontaine. OH 4331 1 513-592-2358 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Trav I Off the Bea ten Path... wi th Lee land & Mary rolts Bap tists for Israel Seminars ontact us for written det~il for p lanning your trip to Israe l! ~ ' nu n ,1 r l oord 11 \,l ( :.1ry W l ',1ndli -..h, l',, -.. tur Tl'<h. hl' r B, l, 96 • < ,rund • l 1.•nt1.·r, IA St )(l..'\h J 19 X24 1:12.t Pa stors. ~Vn'tt> for our fn't' ,,,11n1111l, " I la10 I <> l -t>,ul A t't,, ,,,,1, 1 ''I' 1 c> lsr,1~/."