The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994

, Available: Hammond Church Organ, excellent condition. First Baptist Church, LaGrange. Call Pastor Paul Mayo at 216-355-4015. Pastor Brad!ey Quick ~eceiving commendation from his congregation . On April 10, the congregation of F irst Baptist surpri ed Pa Lor Bradley Quick and bi wife, Debbie, with a 10th anniversary o f ministry cel ebration. At the Sunday morning earl y wor ship service, he received a gag (styrofoam) plaque followed by the " real ,, one. The expected r epetition in the second serv i ce provided opportunity for the real surprise- -tbe pre entation of a trip to I srael. At lunch that afternoon Quick confided relief that the surprise; were over . Fully expecting to preach that evening, Pastor Quick w as greeted with a standing ovation . A he ang with a Fir t Bapti t quartet, a quartet from hi fonner church, F irst Baptist, D lanchester, can1e to the platform. A large group o f fri ends from that church wer e seated in tJ1e sanctuary. Parents and family from across the country were introduced, as well as a gospel team from college year . ' fhere ~?re tes,~imoniaJ frorn people who had J~1ne~ ~ 1 1rst l3aptist during each year o f b1_s m1n~strr, letter from si gnificant friend~ 1n life and rnini stry, and special presentations o f more plaques, a bo<>k of re111en1brances, ru1d other n1c1nen t<>~ . New Richland IJa1>th;t has asked Wit liain ( J3ill) Jtusscll to !)Cr vc as intenm pas t<)r. l lu~sell has past<>rcd ()AllflC churches 1n 13 lanchester , M edina and ( "anton , and served as director of Skyview llanch. Abbe Road has ju t completed its spring Sunday school cam– paign built around a baseball theme and coinciding with the opening of the new ba ebal l park in C leveland. The campaign la ted the four week of April, and saw an increa e in average attendance from 220 to 264. Nearl y every cl ass met its goal , with the Toddler Cl as winning the award for the highest percentage o f increa e, at 140% of their enrollment. The church ' new pa tor, Richard Seefried, and uperinten– dent John K oenig, organized tJ1e contc t and handed out award May 1. The three who brought the mo t vi itor were Wally Schwandt, Barb Ilale and Daniel Seefried. Each wa awarded gift certifi – cates to a Cl1ri tian book tore, a trophy and two ti cket to a future Cl eveland Indian ga.rne . On May 11 a commi - sioning erv ice was held al Emmanuel Baptist for Robert and Peggy LatJ1a.r11, 1ni ion- aric with Continental napti t Mi ion in church planting, and Joel and N onna Pritch, Daptist Mid-Mi ion - hort- tenn missi onaries to Ecuador witJ1 the Arriba program tJ1rough 13apti t Dible o llegc. T he four are n1ember o f Emn1anuel Baptist. The comrni . i oning ser v i ce inc luded the bapti m o f , eU1 and Stephannie Frit ch, who w ill accornpany ilieir parents and older brother, Cory, to Ecuador . ·rhc con11nis. ioning n1cssagc was br<>ught by Jla ·tor l ~dward I;uller . Rev . ("'harlc , Niche)) ·, J·icld Administra– tor for llapList M ic.1-M issions, present ed a challenge to the congregation and al s<.> to the candidates . ·rhc serv ice w,L'> c limaxed hy a prayer o f dcdicati <)n hy l las tor 1:ullcr in which ll1c con1n1i~sioncd rn is ion,tri c were encir cled hy the deacons_. A ~cccption was held f <>ll ow1ng tJ1e serv ice f or lhc two couples and the church f,unily . 018 news deadline September issue August 2 Bethesda Jlaptist celebrated tJ1cir l OtJ1 anniversary on June 5. Participating in tJ1c anniver ary ce lebration were l)astor Paul Vaughan, founding p,tslor George M yers and l ~arry r~LZer . l "'he day inc luded a felJowship dinner followed by tJ1e L ord ' ·r ab le, conducted by Pastor Myers. First Baptist dedicated tJ1eir new properly to the Lc)rd on May 8. ' f'he pre ·en l church, located in a downtc)wn area, L at capacit y and w ithout room for grow tJ1. ·rhe new property w ill accco1nn1odatc bo tJ1 tJ1c church and choc) l . Archie Conn L pa. tor at I :irst 1 aptisl. Across the State. continued pg. 8 Ohio Independent Baptist is a publica tion of the ()hio Association of Rcgulur Buptis t C hurches Editor Slalc Rcprcscnlativc l .arry 1:cl1l'r Managing EdiLor l .inda ~Il1omas Proofreader l)cborah ]!i~sctt Technical Assis t ance l<cg1stcr Ciraphics l{anJulph . New Y<,rk Pl c,1sc.: dirci.:l ,di conlnh.: nl, • currc.:sptHH.lcncc, and nc, s ll l Ohio lnde p e 11dent Baptist P C) l\ox 29,058 Kcllcr1ng. ()11 kl5-l 2<) 'i l ' 2<)4 029, ·rht• <>I H 1, puhh , th.·d h1 1uu11th h l·l·h/ \1 ,u . ~1J y/JU1h', July/1\ug . f\n\./1 )l'l ,IIHI llhllHhl, J.111 . . Apr , \l·pt . Ckt. lu1 $4 ('SX ll ll l' l!,!11) P"'r \.1.'t1l h\. lht• < >h1 l1 A ,,,>1..1,1llo n ,,t Rl·gul.u B.1pl"l ( ' IHU l h l·, \2] l ,l\l l)ll\ l', 1),t)lO II ()II l" 11 ')