The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994
, Keeping Up With Our Camps s ·ew Ranch f would rather be the gatekeeper, On this verse Pop made his stand. He knew his place at Skyview, was exactly as God planned. Every dream Pop ever drea,ned, came true here in this place. You could see it in his twinkling eyes, and the smile upon his fa ce. In the service of the Lord, how endlessly he worked. No job was beneath him, no task he ever shirked. When he walked these many acres, his heart would.fill with joy. For here the Lord would touch the lives of many girls and boys. Skyview was Pop 's missionfieldfor twenty-four years long. Though his body grew so weary, his fai tli forever strong. God's ever faithful servant, pure of hea rt steadfast and true. Pop set a great example for me, and all ofyou. So I wonder, as we gather here in Pop's loving memory, When heaven's gates swing open wide fo r us, Will it be Pop that turns the key? Camp Patmos The Patmos summer program bas been ble sed of the Lord with Scott Kai ser, summer director . Iii parents, Bob and Sal l y, met as campers at Patmos, al l of their children "grew up" at Paunos, and Scott met his wife, Jruni , at Patmos. Scott fir t joined the Patmo staff as li feguard, then worked in maintenance. Ile has fri ed chicken and worked in the di shroom. In fact, he has done every job there i s to do a l Pal.In (>s . 111!) vocati (>nal C"'hristian servi ce is \erving as headmaster of l11e Mogadore ( "'hri !)tian School . l'ast<>r J~c>b Seyn1c,ur is delighted at tJ1e Jcader !)hip Scott has g1ven to L11e school . ·rhe l'a!)t<>rs and Wives [letreat i~ !)Cheduled for Augu l 22-23, wi tJ1 l)r Malo ·rho1np~c>n 5peaking. t>ali t<)r W1lh~ I lull will ~peak at tJ1c Senior ( "1t11.ens Jletreat Augul)l 23-25, and l)a~tor l)an S111\1nons will be U1e speaker at U1e Singl e!) J{etreat Augu~t 26-27 ( "c)nlact ['~tor l -4ynn flogers at 7854 NortJ1 Boyden l{d, Sagan1ure I I Ill~. () I I 44067 (2 J 6-467-434 I ) It wasn ' t done in a day, but with volunteers working for six con ecutive weekends, a new horse barn was erected at Skyview Ranch . The barn will be cal led " Pop" Wolff Stable, in memory of Henry Wolff s 24-plus years of service. Altogether, over 80 volunteers worked more tl1an 125 volunteer days to get the stable ready. A dedication ser vice was held May 28 with 175 in attendance. The stable was dedicated to the testimony of Pop Wolff and the example he was to staff, ranchers and his fruni l y, of service in the church and ministry at the Ranch. To conclude the service, a poem written by one of his daughter was read and "Mom" Wolff rode the first horse into the stable. A group of famil y camper presented ilie camp with a portrait of "Mo1n and Pop" Wolff. Scioto Hills Fall Retreat Schedule Sept 8- 10 Lad ies Re treat Cheryl r:awcett Sept 30-0ct l Couples Retrea t # I David Dernl an Oc t 4-6 r. aint s Fall Re trea t Richard Durham Oct 7-8 Couples l~elreat #2 David Dernlan l)ec 3 Chri tmas Dinner oncert PROGRE S REf-'ORT: Go d New -'I11e Lord has provided a 34' x 60' bui lding from tlie Wayne National rorcst for f' IVE dollars. f>rai c tJ1c Lord w il11 us! God senL a group of workers fron1 ("al vary Bapt.i t, I ~tu1caster, to heJp u tear off tJ1e roof . We need anotl1cr work crew to help u · tear up tJ1c noor to save tJ1e fl oor j oist. A ls<>, (i(>d has prov ided anotJ1cr log cabin tlHl t we have dismantled and rnovccJ to can1p . ·rhis cabin was originally built in the n1id- l 800s . (icxJ has provided a (i l{l :J\'J' s ·rA1 :1: for 1994 c,unp sctL'-;Oll . ·r11~u1k you for pray ing for a great sun1n1cr . New \U1ff h<>U!-. tng h tL\ hccn pul on hold for a cc>uplc n1onths K eep wa1ch- 1ng tJ1e ()113 for how you c,u1 help. " ' l'o (1<>d 13c 'l'hc (ilory" tor 111~ (r<)<)clllC~~!!! ll,a ltn l 17· l -2 ' l1 t1 pti .s t Childre n'~ IIonic & fan1il y n1in1 s tr ics Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso. Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 5 15-964 -0986 Indiana 219-462-4111 Michigan 517-68 1-2 171 A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • /..,,f e • Churl·h • Health • H 0 11, e • Business • Disability • Annuities Insurance for non-drinkers your " best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Profe sional con uJting and sa le · for your financial and in ·urance ne~ds Dorr R. Phelps . C1P, C FP. RFP. NQA 659-1l Park Meadows Ori v(! Weste rville. ()hj o 4108 1 Pho ne 6 l 4-899-6(X>O FA 89<J-6022 • Having trouble buying insurance ? • Need high-risk insurance ? Cancelled/rejected '? -Wt! t·an help! Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 pnssenger vehicles available Buy qunl1ty for less at ~r,t,r,/':l Transportation IJJ,,;'1Jt,;tt!J Equip. Sales Corp. 640 I Sectll l , lll Hd ( )IUHOll , {)I I 4~Jb ltl 4 1 q UJb 2U:J', Toll free not1o nw1de 1 800 227-3572 ' 819 chur c:. h d1scount c;" c1sk to, BtJd c,, ah,1111 7
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