The Ohio Independent Baptist, July/August 1994

Across the State, continued ,' un ili1v, Ma , 1, n,~trkcd - a da • t> f fcst, v ' cc lchra- l tt)n f t)r tl1c pc<>plc <> f "ha rdon llaptist as thcv retired tJ1c chu rch c..lcht f t>ur v ' ars aJ1cad o f - schedule, savi ng <1vcr '" s ().()()() . 111 c f c ' l i v i (i ' ' ,ncl uded a : pccia l wor, hip crv ice w itJ1 g.uc: t spc:lkc r Ross I , r;c l i c, the ("'t)ntincnt.,11 l1aptisl Mis, ion ... n1is ... it)nary church planter wh<> fir l pa tored tJ1c hurch in l 975 and br ughl iL t , el f – .-upport , ta tu, in 19 7 . A L pre cnt \Vere ( "ont.incn tal Ilaptj · t Mi i n, church hui l c..lers 1:red and Mary Krci er , \vho . pent , even n1ontJ1 · build i ng tl1c church hui ldi ng . l 7 ol l t1w ing t11e \VOr, hip .~ervi ·c tl1c church fami l y enj oyed a fc llt)w. hip Iun hcon. A t 1.he n1or tgagc-buming ceren1ony, Pa: t<>r Je ff M ackey focu ed n tl1c retiring o f lhe debt as a lcp toward a future t)f bringing gJ ry lo God . The church will c ntinue to et aside money each rn onth a they l ook f orward to adding much -needed educational pace ... in tlle near f uture. Pa tor E ldon teven o f Midview Bapti t write , ··w e had a pecial empha i Friend Day on April 17. Prai e God for 188 in at.tendance on tJ1a1. day.A l o, our men enjoyed a n1en ' retreat at the halom L ake Bapti t Camp, Hunt. burg, w ith Pas tor T imo tl1 y K enoyer a pecial peaker . The big highlight o f the month wa our opportunity to have D r . Jo eph l owell, r ., and hi w i fe, orabell , with u for a four-day B ib le conference. Our people were deepl y enriched by the preaching o f D r . Stowell. " Newsletter of the Ohi o Associa tion of Regu lar Bapt ist Churches PO Box 293058 Ke ttering 0 1-1 45429-9058 n M ay 1, Pleasant Hil l Raptist held a dedication . crvi ce f r tllcir new facilitic . The w rk began in 1975 and has now ·cen two building program . The weekend began with a concert on aturday evening . On Sunday, Y outh Pa tor .Brian Ilan on 1nini tered during ilie morning wor hip. Following a carry– in dinner the congregation gathered togelher f or a pecial ervice to dedicate lhe new anctuary and educational facilitie to God. tephen 01 en i enior pastor at Plea ant Ilill. Grace Baptist bas a ked Frank Millard, o f Scranton, Penn ylva– nia, to erve as interim pa Lor . Millard i s a graduate o f Moody Bible In titute and has studied at Bapti t Bible Seminary. Grace Baptist, Westerville, has entered into partner hip with Grace Bapti t, Sunbury, to provide children' and youth worker and as i tance in mu i c and give o ther aid a needed. First Baptist cel ebrated their 35 th anniver ary during the month o f M ay. Special speaker included the founding pa tor , Paul Schenck ; fonner pastor D avid Robertson; Nonn Nicklas, ABWE admini trator for North America; and State Repre entative Larry Fetzer . The church recently completed a refur- bi bing o f their building. DeElda Payton i pa tor at F ir t Bapti L. Non Profit O rg. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 • MINISTRY Learn To Use Your Abilities For God John ilviu , Ph.D. Professor of Biology At Cedarvil le ince 1979 "The Christian faculty at Cedarville try to be role models for the students in our love for God, our concern for people, and our ~mitmentto excellence." CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions at 1-800-CEDARVILLE 1-&D0-233-2784