The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1994
The-: <> The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.67 No.6 September 1994 11::1: ;;?)j[li: ::;:;: ··=·= :~:: Grace Baptist Church ;' T ...../\ 7 k ~ GOD s w·.)~r F ~ EIIEOY NEE(., Dear Friends: Greetings in the name of ou r Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On behalf of the people of Grace Baptist Church o f Westerville, I would like to invite you to join us for the Ohio A sociation of Regular Baptist Churches, Fall Conference on October 24-26. When the A ssociation met with us in We terville in Septen1bcr , 1992, it was with the knowledge that our fellow hip wa going to face a tremendous financial challenge in the ensuing year . Thi year, we wi ll come together to rej oi ce in God's ble ing in leading u through that difficult time. I-Iere at Grace, we are trernendou l y excited about tJ1 e 1ninistry opportunities before u . I am ure al l o f you face the ari1e dynamic potentialities in your n1 inistry . Pica c j oin u for a tin1c of spiritual refreshn1ent and cncouragen1cnl. Let us pray tJ1at tJ1rough this conference our Gc)d wi ll energize us and enable us to seize the tremendou opportuniti es tJ1at urround us. I pray that you will be able to j oin us. We wi ll be delightctl to have you here. Sincerely Yours in ( "hri sl , .. Y ~~ 7 P?'~-L,L... J. Murray Murdoch Senior J>a~tor In This Issue • Dr. Tassell awarded Cedarvil le's Medal of Honor. page 2 • Joe Pisani and his legacy. page 3 • Ohio pastor dies suddenly. page 4 • Ohio churches welcome th ree new men. pages 4-5 • Melissa Day needs your encouragement. page 6 • OARBC Confe rence motel accommodations . page 8 Dr. J. Murray Murdoch Senior Pastor
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