The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1994

Conference Accommodations whl'n ynu call Ill makl' your rcscrvaltons, you mu •t identify tl1at you are witl1 the ()htl) 1\ ~Sl)l' tati t)n < r Regular I~aptist ... hurchcs; you , hould refer to the block of room hc1ng held f{)r delegates for Mc)nday ~u1d ·rue, day night . R<.X)lll hlt'>Ck~ v.'ill onl be held tJ1rough ()ctobcr 10. I l owevcr, after that lime, if flX)lll~ are ~ttll available and y()U identify your.. clf as witll lhe OARR , you bould Lill rece i ve tJ1e rcduc ' d rate . Rt)(lms n1ay be difficult to find after ()ctober 10, because a large convention ,, ill he in to,vn t hr<>u gh Sunday, ()ctc.>ber 23. I 1n11tcd free h ) U, ing i available with church n1e1nbcr . Be t lVester11 1:. 1. 1. 1: . I)ublin-C,ranvi lle Rd . C'nluln1bus, 0 11 43229 6 1-t- c - 230 l) i: tancc fron1 Gra e: IO minute Rate, : 47 per room (50 roon1 held) R(){>n1s arc for 1-4 per on , ci tJ1cr I king- .. i ze or 2 double bed l J "'atcd near .. h pping, attached atJ1l etic club (con1plin1entary to gue t ) Cross Cou11try /1111 909 outh tate t. W c.. terville, OH 4308 1 1- 00-621-1429 Di tance from Grace: 1 mile Rate : 38 .99 per roon1 (50 room held) Roon1 are for 1-4 per on , either l king- ize or 2 double bed For additional ... 5 you can u e the facililic o f t11e W e tervi lle Atl1l etic lub Knights Inn 32 HeatJ1er Down We terville, OH 4308 1 6 14-890-0426 Di stance from Grace: l mile Rate : $30 per room (60 rooms held) Room include 1 bed (if double rooms are available, they will be the arne price) Signature l11n 6767 Schrock Hill Ct. Columbus, OH 43229 6 14-890-8111 Distance from Grace: 10 minutes Rates: $60/queen; $57/2 double beds (20 rooms held) Complimentary breakfast and USA Today. If you de ire a brochure or map from a motel , plea e requesL i t at the time you make your re ervation . Room are aJ o avai lable at the Holiday Inn for $79 per night; however, no rooms have been re erved . The phone nurnber for HolicL'ly Inn i 6 14-885 -3334 (identify your elf a with tJ1e OARBC) . S ey.·slener o f I.he A ssociation of Regular Bap<ist Churches PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429-9058 Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 Here's How To Get There I 27 0 .}.} - - 161 1-70 ~o I Westerv,lle Ad IUO .1 1\.. ( - (Ale 161) (Rte J) \le s a r v I I 1 ~ Rd • Columbus } Dempsey~ p ~ ~''s ~,~o· c , ece lhplf1t Church Oubhn,Granv,lle Rd Mor se Rd Crac , Baptist 161 \ N .... 0 J I\. ' L,