The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1994

/ Statewide Teen Life Conference Noven,ber 11 - 12 ... Holiday Inn. Hudson . Ohio Speaker 8111 Boulett. pastor and frequent Word of Lite speaker Theme Basic Training For more 1nformat1on contact Pastor Brian Hanson at 216-669-2394. Church Pew Padding l I f\\ • • ,, • • Adds Comfort and Beauty to O ld Pe,vs • On-Site Install ation • 15 Year Gua rantee • Stays in Place ... \,\Till Not Slip or Slide Like a l oose Cushion • l\'early 50 Colors o f Fabric Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster , Ohio 43130 RUPP AGENCY, INC. Specializing in church property & liabilirv insurance, with over 1,300 churches insured statewide • C hurch • L ife • Auto • Health • Home • Disability • Bus ines • Annuities 1357 Wes t Lane Avenue Co lumbu , OH 43221 Call to il-free: 1-800-282-9258 o r 614-486 -5911 Contact Ben Rupp First Baptist Christian School FACULTY NEEDED • SPANISH For more information and application send res ume lo Ralph C . Duffy, Administrator 11400 LaGrange Rd ., PO Box 929 Elyria. OH 440 36 216-458-5185 Having an Impact on Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative F olk , U1i year' annual conference will be ometh ing to SHOUT about. What a celebration! Just think- two year ago we were mired in an incred– ible debt of over $600,000 wicb no relief in sight. But we committed it to God, accepted re ponsibility fo r the debt, and cal led upon God for His provi ion. And prov ide 1-Ie did. Today, tl1e entire amount ha been ati fied. No wonder we have rea on to bout. Con ider thi ver e fro1n Dav id in P alm 35:27, Let the,n shout for joy and be glad Who favo r 111y righteous cause: Let the lord be nzagnijied Who has pleasure in the prosperity ofHis servant. I hope tl1at man y of you will come togetJ1er to raise your voice in prai e to God for I-Iis wonderful prov i ion for the honor of [I i name . Al o, during tJ1i conference we will be hifting t11e focu fro1n the past to cbe future and tl1e work God ha for us to do yet J1ere in Ohio. With the t11eme, Ch ris t -Honoring Piano Course ''Sen ing the Heart of God," it is our prayer tJ1at our people con1ing out of churche al l aero the state might en e God at work in our mid t. I look forward to ecing you. 2 Play hymns first lesson. For free catalog send self-add ressed stamped envelope to Mary Jo Moore Dept. 0 , 286 Poland Ave. Struthers, OH 44471 Serving Ohio State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. Westerville, OH 43081 614-523-3666 Cedarville College P rofe or John Whitmore traveled to Ru sia and Ala ka this summer while working wiU1 Ru ian scientists to find new method to date dinosaur bones. Profe or Whitmore's endeavors were spon ored by the Creation Research Science Education Foundation and Cedarville College . The trip to Alaska wa an adventurou expedition that took Profe or Wl1iunore and fi ve other rnen- all Chri tian and creationi t - to the North Slope and Colville River. Tbe men found new dinosaur bone localities while enduring high winds, quicksand, warm of 010 quitoe and co ld , rainy day . Profe or Whitmore returned with a 14-inch dino aur jaw bone, the expedition' 010 t significant di covery. Warren Wier be addres ed the college fami ly during the Fall Bible Conference, September 19-23. During the morning and evening chapel sessions Wier be poke to over 2,300 students– another record enrolJment for the College. New and returning tudent have greater acce s to CedarNet, the campu wide computer network, now in its third pba e of development. Ninety– five percent of the College' dorm room are equipped with a computer workstation, allowing 24 hour-per-day acces to tl1e network. Through CedarNet, tudents u e a variety of the late t computer programs, including cour e-specific application and word proce ing oftware, graphic de ign oftware, and pread beet . TI1e College frun il y welcome 14 new fac ul ty mernbcr this year: Dr. Gregory Couser, Biblical Education; Mr. David Mill , Biblical Education; Mr. We ley weetser, Bu ine Admini tration; Mr. Jan1e Kragel, Com1n unication Arts; Mr . Sally Ca tie, Education; Dr. W. Garth Frazier, Engineering; Dr. Clint Kohl , Engineering· Mi Joy Fagan, Language and Li terature; Mi s Lynne Funtik, Library; Mr . Teena Sander , Nur ing; Mrs. Diane Stribling, Nur ing; Dr. Steven Gollmer, Science and Mathematic ~ Dr. Ling L. Luo, Science and Mathematic ; Dr. Nel on Henning, Social Science and Hi tory.