The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1994

, • • • Keeping Up With Our Camps Camp Patmos These Senior Sailors enjoyed a boat trip to Canada. T be Senior Citizens Retreat at Camp Patmos this past summer was a reaJ success. The camp bad not ponsored such an event since Executive Director Jack Willetts scheduled one 18 years ago. Included in their activitie wa a boat trip to Canada. The wind picked up toward dinner time, yet they eemed to enjoy the Jong ride, even lbough it became a bit bumpy. Progress is being made on the wa te water treatment plant. It will take some special gifts, totaling approximatel y $20,000 to see this project lbrough. We Scioto Hills J ust lbe sound of that name should bring thoughts of excitement fl owing lhrough your veins. "To God Be The Glory,, f or the exciten1ent at Scioto Ilill Excitement #1: A great, godl y, growing staff to serve with this summer . Pray for our ' 95 slaff to be like our ' 94 taff. Excitement #2: A great God changing campers' minds and hearts to li ve god l y for llim . Excitement #3: (Jood healt11 and minor injunes t11i s summer J•:xcitement #4: Storage C<>11plcx Lo leavc U1e drawing board and go into t11c ground U11s fall. Ji~xcitt:mt:nt #5: ( '01ning addition t<> I )an & 'J'arnn1y's fa1n1l y and U1e1r hou~c . 1'.lxcitement #6 - #50,()00: You tu1d us working a~co- labc,rcrs for Je~us C'hr1st building ~c1ot<> I Iii ls as a cm11p mid re treat center t<) reach pe<>ple for tJ1 c glory c, f < iod We need y<>ur heJp! Wc need wc,od c.u tters and pole barn builders l~x ·itement e erlas ting: Only t11c tlungs t11at arc dc)ne by ( icxl and for I lis glt>ry will la~L olicit your prayer support and, if the Lord hould lead, contributions as well . The late t word on M eli sa Day (the teen injured while diving at Patn1os this summer) i that she is improving. She has better and better control of her arms; her re piratory system is very much i111- proved. At thi ti1ne sbe has no voluntary movement of her legs and i till not able to feed her elf. Continue to pray for Melis a. The 1995 ea on will begin with a week of family camp June 12; followed by 6 weeks of youth camps; 3 weeks of family camp; and will conclude with a Pa tors and Wive Retreat August 21-22; Senior Sai lors Augu t 23-25 and Single August 26-27. The sun1mer of ' 94 will be remem– bered as a very profitable year. Once agai n can1p was full wiU1 1,252 can1p– er . Of the 953 campers, 265 made deci ion for Christ; 56 of t110 e deci– sion were for al vation. The highlight of the urr1mer was the enior high week revival, when 93 of J 17 campers ponuu1eousl y made deci ions for Christ. Each year visitor to t11e ranch have looked forward to U1e change . In the con1ing year we want our guests to feel the change. Our project for 1995 will be new bunk bed . The time ha conic to replace the qucaky, agging, old military surplu bunks. The camper of today is n1orc sophi~ticatcd, and adu lts expect n1orc cornfort L11illl our first c,u11pcr of 25 years ago. l 'wo factors heavi l y influence a ca111per ' s decision to return each yctlf. 'J'hc Jirst is t11c ca,up food, and Skyvicw has a tradition of exce llence. ·rhc second is tJ1c cru11p bed. ·rhc l{anch goa l for 1995 is to raise $ 15,0()0 to replace at least 120 bed~with tjuaJity wood bed~ and nlattresscs . 1 ~ach cabin will al so rccci vc a full ~i,c bed. A11<) l11cr special pr<>j cct to contact the Jlanch offi ce aht>ut i~ tJ1c need lt) replace U1c 1nach1nc~ 1n Lhc laundry rot>nl Ne\.v Maytag wa~hcr~and dryer arc available to u~ al wholc~alc C<>~ t. ·rhrce wa~hcr~ and three dryer~ are needed. You can reach u~at 216-674-751 l , or by wrHing ll 111 lloh>f r al 7241 ·1.I{ 1 1 <>, Mallcr~burg, ()I [ ..W654-9()47 - - Oaptis l Childre n's Ilomc & famil y rnirus tries Dr. Don Worch President Family Counseling Foster Care Child Care Homes Maternity Care Adoption 354 West Street Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Ohio 513-322-0006 Iowa 515-964-0986 Indiana 219-462-4111 Michigan 517-681 -2 171 A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • Life • Church • Hea/th • H o,ne • Business • Disability • Annuities Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Professional consulting and sales for your financial and insurance needs Dorr R. Phelps. (i i'. <~FP. RFI'. NQA 659- 1l Park M~a<lows l)r iv~ Weste rville. ()h 10 41081 !'hone 6 14- 899-6CX)O l ·;\ X 899 -6022 • Having trouble buying insurance? • Need high-risk insurance7 Cancelled/rejected ? -\Ve can help! Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at DIJaa~ ~~au~~~iZ,! 1 ! 0 ; orp. 640 I ~eanlrtn HlJ ()rlluon l}I t 4Jh lt3 4 IC) 8Jti 28J'l Toll free nat1onw1de 1 800 22 7 3572 '819 church discounts' c1Sk for Bud Grahan, 7