The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1994

Across the State, continued \ Pastor Dennis and Jan Rost Denni Ro t has accepted lhe call to become the a i ~wt pa tor of Calvary Bapti t. He, along witl1 hi wife, Jan, and daughter , Je ica and Jill , beoan lheir mini try in 0 . Bye ville n Augu t 27. A reception hanquet wa held on eptember 18, with a me age by State Repre entati ve Larry Fetzer. Ro ti a graduate of Bapti t Bible College, Clark unm1it, and took graduate work frorn Bapti t Bible ... eminary. He previou ly erved as mini ter of youlh at Fir t Bapti t ~f lrono ville ai1d mini tered a a 1 tant t:, pastor in We t Caton, New York. Mr . Ro t ha a degree in education from Bapli t Bible College, Cl~k ummit. he i a contralto 0 10 1 t and teache voice and piano. Her ca ette tape, "Becau e of Who Xou Are," ~as recorded by t11e A ociatJon of Bapt1 ts for World Evangeli n1 . Don Parvin i enior pastor at Calvary Bapli t. Newsletter of the Ohio Associat..ion of Regular Baptist Churches PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429-9058 On Augu, t 28 tJ1e congregation at liible Baptist participated in a mortgage burning; tJ1e church L now debt free. pcakers at tJ1e pccial ervice were Larry Pctzer and f onner pa tor, Frank Odor, now pa toring Vienna Dapti t, Vienna. Odor was pa tor wben the Newark building wa built. l>aul Rein1er i pastor at Newark. Larry Nocella i tbe new youth pa tor at Camden Bapti t. A 1990 graduate of Cedarville College, he wa fonnerl y youth pa tor at Me1noriaJ Dapli t, Colurnbus, and a teacher at Maranatha Chri Lian School, Co lurnbu . He and hi wife, Lori, are expecting tl1eir f tr t child . Calvin Searle i tl1e senior pa tor. Emmanuel Baptist of Marysville, under the leader hip of James Ruck, BMM mission– ary, continues to grow. An entire fan1ily of four recentl y accepted Je u a Savior. They are four of tJ1e eleven people in the men1- ber hip clas . Currently the church i howi ng a five-week Mark IV prop_hecy scrie . Attendance ha been averaging about 50 during July and August. Pas tor Ruck note that tJ1e church recently et record in Sunday chool and prayer meeting. Non Profit Org. US Postage l~AID Dayton OH Permit 838 • MINISTRY Learn To Use Your Abilities For God John il vi us, Ph.D. Profes or of Biology A t edarville ince 1979 "The Christian faculty at Cedarville try to be role models for the students in our love for God, our concern for people, and our ~tmentto excellence." CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions at 1-800-CEDARVILLE 1-800-233-2784