The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1994

The: <> The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol.67 No.8 December 1994 Pas ors by State Representative Larry Fetzer ' 'T HIS CONFERENCE CHANGED MY LIFE ! ' 'These were the heart-felt words of a pastor when he called me late Wedne - day evening, the day tl1e conference ended. He bad returned home in lin1e for prayer meeting. '' It was the be t prayer meeting we ever had," he . aid . " I hared with my people how God had touched my heart by the me age and the spirit of thi conference. I con f e ed that I had fai led to lead t11en1 in to a deep and 111eaningful prayer 1ninistry in our church, and had been lax in n1odeling and developing an evangelistic out– reach t11rough Lhc church. I a ked for t11cn1 to forgi ve n1e, and inviLed t11em to Truly this confere,ice was a ti111e ofcelebratio,,. We praised tlie Lord tlzat tlze RBF crisis is behind us. We tha11ked God for ''Tlze Miracle ofOl1io. ' ' We tur,ied our focus toward the prese11t to face tlie great issi,es before us . • • • • • Pastor Ti tn Kenoyer preached the keynote niessage, in "vlzich he clarified the biblical principles which 'rvere the basis ofour handling of the RBF debt. Through it all, our prirnary tnotive 'rvas to uphold the testi111ony of Christ. Professor David Warren challenged us to keep the signal lights of the will of God in sight. Fro,n the book of Colossians he challenged us to, "Stick Y·.'ith Christ, stay by the cross and serve 'rvith dignity in the church." Pastor 1'o,n Wriglu taught us pr1nci/Jles of evangelistic 111i11 istry fro111 I Thessalonians 1 and 2. "Ho» 1 111any unbelievers clo you have uncler incubation?" he asked. (Jur relattrJnshtJJto one anoth er as brothers ancl sisters ancl to the lost »•orlrl around u.\ \i\!as the topic ofPresirlent l)ixon's ,11essage. My challenge "va.~for each of us to e).llllline our 0» 1 r1 o/Jetlt ence ancl our church 'J ol,ed1ence to u ocl '\· call to a 111in1s1ry of11ra)'er a11rl 10 the Great Con11111s 1r1n. ()n ee 11,urt /li e Word uf God lo u clied J1earl.'i t111d l ives. l 'ha11ged pallors produce cJ,a,,ged cl1url l1es. urc j oin wit11 n1c in ean1e t prayer t11at God would trcngU1en u in tJ1e e areas of weakne.. ,. Wc a JI prayed for each otJ1cr, and for our OARD . We began today to pray down t11rough tJ1c Ii ' l of our si tcr churche in Ohio." In This Issue • Council of Twelve sets new publishing schedule for 018. page 2 • If you missed the Annual Confer– ence. you can still get the reports . page 2 • Serve on a missions work team, no visas or shots needed. Help Baptist Church Planters in Grafton. page 3. • CedaNille approves construction of two dorms. page 3 • Ohio churches welcome ten new men. pages 4,5,6,8 • The Patmos "Concrete Ci ty" 1s nearly fin 1shed page 7