The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1994
/ Didn' t make It to the Annual Conference? Call your State Rep for a packet of repor ts from the Associa– tion. s tate representative. treasurer and agencies They will be mailed to you at no charge Also available are tapes of all Conference messages Church Pew Padding • Add Comfort and Beauty to O ld Pe"vs • On-Si te Insta ll atio n • 15 Year Guaran tee • Stay in Pl.1ce ... Wi ll f\' ot Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cushion • !\'early 50 Colors of Fabr ic Call 1-800-232-1822 The American Pew Padding Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 RUPP AGENCY, INC. .. pecia/izing in church property & liabilirv insurance, it•irh o,·er 1.300 churche insured srare1rvide • Church • Life • Auto • Health • Home • Disability • Bu ines ~ • Annuiti es 1357 We t Lane Avenue C lumbus. OH 43221 Call t ll -free: 1-800-282-9258 or 614-486-59 11 Contac t Ben Rupp First Baptis t Christia n School FACULTY NEEDED • SPANISH Fo r mo re info rmation and applicat ion enJ re um e to Ralph C. Duffy. A<lmini . tral or 11400 LaGr ange Rd., PO Box 929 Elyria. Otl 44036 21 6-458-51 5 Ohio Women Dear Ladies, F or the last t11ree years, Dr. Cheryl Fawceu has been teaching u about women of tJ1e Bible at the Scioto Hill Retreat During one of tho e essions, she profiled Mary and Martha of Bethany. We were asked to identify wi tJ1 one of tJ1e1n. My inunediate personal response was, "I'm more like Mary tl1an Martha." However, n1ore tJ1a.n half of tl1e ladies present identified with Martha As I continue to evaluate my action and attitudes, I fmd the choice le clear. I believe in many way I'n1 like Mary, but often I arr1 defulitely a MartJ1a. Please forget the "bad Martha' tag we often hear. TI1is lady was exercising her God-given gift of ho pitality. She was not involved in worldly action nor was he trying to "keep up with the Joneses." Martl1a was engaged in service for the Master: practical, personal, nece sary service. As daughters, wive , n10U1ers, en1ploy– cc , gnu1drnotl1crs, i tcrs, Sunday school or youtJ1teachers, nu ion upporters, choir mcr11bcrs, nursery workers (and many other title ) we have n1any respon ibilitie . Juggling L11e activitie inherent to these rcspon ibilitie and caring for tl1e needs of 0U1crs i very comn1on in our lives. If you arc like n1e, you are occasional ly enveloped by the pre ure and tre e of meeting our obligation . MartJ1a didn' t have to worry about tJ1e car-pool for occer practice, nor did he have to fit tl1e rehearsal for t11e Chri tnillS program into her cbedule. But Christ.Honoring Piano Course in Luke 10:40 we ee the stre at work in her life. She cornplained! Perhaps not an adn1irablc response, but oh, o honest and hu111Iu1. Lactic , we've ,ill been there, and we wiU be again . Please notice what l1e did . She went to Jc u (I Peter 5:7 in acti n). Jc u rcn1inded her (aud u ) t11at tJ1ere i one L11ing tl1at takes precedence; it is even n1ore iI11porta.n t tll[Ul our ervice, and tJ1al i our relation h.ip and fellowship wil11 I li111. Read John 15:4, 5. It ren1inds us that we branches e_w do noU1ing without tl1c u tenance of l11e vine. 2 Play hymns first lesson. For free catalog send self-addressed stamped envelope to Mary Jo Moore Dept. 0 , 286 Poland Ave. Struthers . OH 44471 I do not know how Mart.11a responded to Jesus ' word . he nlight have huffed back Serving Ohio State Representative Larry Fetzer 884 Knebworth Ct. Westerville, OH 43081 614-523-3666 into tl1e ldtchen and grumbled about one rnore added re ponsibility (finding a quiet time, omewhere!) But maybe he exam– ined her "to do" list and started ranking priorities; not an easy task (James 1:5 in action). Read tl1e prornise found in John 14:16, 26, 27 and 15:16. Jesus was preparing the disciples for the turmoil wrounding His death . The promises are just as true today in tl1e tunnoil of our busy lives. God can and does supply our needs. The problem is, ometime we don't accept (get too busy to receive) Hi gifts. When you have refreshed yourself in the presence of God, pray for your mis ionary i ter. Her chedule is no le bu y tlian yours. She probably has fewer helpers, and there' likely a little bit of Martha in her, too. As you prepare for Christmas, make ure you "fu1d' ' tJ1e Lime to it at the feet of the Master and worsllip H.in1. :-: ·:.:: :: Sometime Martha, Son1etimes Mary, Always, Diane Please Note ;Ii' For financial reasons, the Council of Twelve has '.[//} decided to publish only four ill 1 ~t~i~~,r~~~n~ 1 ~ gi~stead illili!l -~=~===~ ~If~~~~ .·.. Therefore, the paper will be received in churches during February, May, August and November. January 30 is the deadline for the Winter 1995 issue.
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