The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1994

, Bethesda Baptist of Columbus has a Hammond organ to give to a church needing one . Call Pastor Paul Vaughan at 614-237-2421. Sending Center Nears Completion From as far away as Florida and Arkan– sas and as near as next door Midview Baptist Church have come volunteers to help fmi h the new Baptist Church Planters Sending Center in Grafton, Ohio. The exterior of the building bas been completed, ome rough grading done, and water, gas and electric lines in tailed. ''We need belp finishing the electricaJ work," ays Missionary LeRoy Gro h. "A work crew from Findlay made a good start on appl ying the 10,000 square feet of drywall. Perhaps ome readers experienced in taping j oints could help finish that job. 1l1e drop-ceiling hardwarehas yet to be bung, there is painting and fu1i sh carpentry work lO do, as well as outside work such as fmish grading and eeding. Along with the work is good fellow hip and tbe sati faction of your mis ionaries in apractica.l way. " Call the1ni ion office at 216-282-1968 or LeRoy Gro hat 216-875-4343 if you have que tions or want to volunteer. Ohioan Develops Missions Data Base T he Ohio Mission Data Base (OMDB) i dedicated to helping Ohio churche upport Ohio missionaries. Founded by Al Web ter, Immanuel Dapti t 01urch, Colwnbu , t.11e purpose of OMDB is to obtain illfonnation from Ohio GARB churches about missionary prospects and appointees from Ohio, and then to share that infonnation with churches, pastors, mission group and budget commit– tees. This information excl1ange would help Ohio churches make long rangeplan to support Ohio mis ionary pro pects when they begin their deputation mini trie . The OMDB provide information only. There is no obligation on t.11e part of any church. A.I reque ts that churchc infonn him of ntlssionary pro pects fron1 their churches as oon as Ll1e pro peel n1ake a conunitmenl to . . nu 10 11 . A.I can be contacted at 5309 Chickadee Circle, Orien4 Ohio, 43146. Ili ho1ne phone is 614-877-362 1, and the church FAX i 614-274-4278. News From Cedarville College I n respon~ lO l11e growing tudcnt popula– tion, tJ1e trustees of edarvil leCollege have approved the construction of two 125-bcd donn1tones, one for men and one for wornen. Scheduled lo be ready for tl1e l 9'J5-96 &ch0<>l year, tJ1e buildings arc named for l)r. J)avid McKinney and l)r. Wilbert McChcsncy, ll1c fin,t two prcs1cJcn~ of l.11e ( 'oUege. I>r. We~ 13aker, pr<>l~sor of con11nunica– ll<>n ~ , rccenlly wa\ featured in a national Msc>euiled f>rc~~ article on .. elcctr<>nic a u11puM!s" J)r Ilaker, who i~ a rccc>gni, leader and consuJuull in intcraclJVC vide<), con1bu1es a trad1uonaJ tcachu1g l <>n11at wiLh elcctroruc nuul and v1dc<> C<>nfercnc1ng an his cla.\ses I all chapel h1ghlaghts included lJ1c pres1<.lcnt of Mc,sc<)w C'hnslJan I ·ellow~h1p, J)r J)nuLn KoU/nctwv, and a dran1a c>n tl1e life of 1). L . Moody, presented by a grc)up f rc)n1 I3ct.11esda Dapti t 01urch of Jlrownsburg, lndia11a. Kouznctsov i a creation scicntjst collaborJting with C e<larviJle geology prc)fessor Jc>hn Whiu11orc on re.\carch proj ects. Travel Off the Beaten Path... with Leeland & Mary Crott s Baptists for Israel Seminars Contact us for written details for planning your trip to Israel! •rn1nar G x,rdintltor ( :ary W. Candh'>h, Pa ..,101 Teacher &,x 96 • ( ,rundy l\•nll'r, IA 5{)('>..18 1 19 824 1.124 J>11sto r:, : Wnte f or our fn•e ,n,1111111/, " I l mv f t> Le,vl A Sn,-1i 1111r Tn11 To l sr11i>I." PEWS AVAILABLE · 18 pews, each 15 feet Call Brian Kenyon at Calvary Baptist Church, Oberlin, 2 16 -774-155 Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • Life • Church • Hea/Jh • H 011,e • Business • Disability • Annuities Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Services, Inc. Profes ional con ulting and sa les for your financial and ins urctnce need Dorr R. Phe lps, GP, CrP. RR>. LlITCF 659-li Park Meadows Dri ve Westervill e, Oruo 4308 1 Pho ne 6 14-899-6000 FAX 899-6022 A Practical Pick-Me-Up for Youth Leaders WORD OF LIFE MID-YEAR CONFERENCE Columbus, Ohio January 20, 21, 1995 For more information con tact: Ken Dady at 513-592-2358 Cecil Cairns at 216-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family Church D~i&i (11 MMter P18.fl !lin8 MAQK D. JO E6. /\Lt\ 620 1 ACC'Cf- QCl8d Lake. Ml 44'2o7 Phl')nc ~ t'ax. ('1 r,) l ~ 11 IQ AQCI ln'El 11JQE + PL.i\ !Ne: 24 YEAQ E.XI) [QIENC~ t: