The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1994

Keeping Up With Our Camps Camp Patmos Part of the new waste water plant. B ecau e ours i s a ociety which i s extremel y ensitive about our environ– ment, the Patmos tru tee cbo e to build a waste water plant before it was mandated by the EPA. The above picture gives you one perspective of the plant. Actuall y, there are four 12,000 gallon, pre-ca t concrete tanks t11at are not visible. A K elleys I sland resident commented, as be viewed the "concrete Scioto Hills .. . • Staff House addition S <; IOT~) HILLS I . BOOMING! E_x_plos,011 #I - A 550 square foot add1t1on LO the Sk'l ff I l ouse. rl'hi s is a $25,000 project, but we are praying l<) bu1ld tl for $3,000. 'I'he addi tion consi sL\ of 2 bedroon1s, a baUlroom and ~ludy. 1-J<)ok at what (,od has prc>vidcd already. a shower -tub unit, co1n1node and \ Jilk, 5 wi ndc>w~, 7 dc>or!), enough Jog!-> to cut ~tudd1ng, ceiling j c> ist, r~fter~, s1d1ng and <>thcr n1h,cellanec>u~ pi ece~ at our \ awrn1JJ 'J t> C,od Il e 'l'hc (i lc,~y fc>r l lis continual prov isic,ns l!xp /0~1011 #2 - Jlaby ( 'as\ ic J ~dwartl s n1a<le her appeara11ce Novcn1bcr 15. l!xp /()l to1, #3 - Stal ( c.hangc M 1kc Wi l~<>n 1~ going bat:k t<> l<) llegc . city,,, ult ' big enough to k'lke care of alJ of Kelley I land." It i nearly all in now, prai e the Lord . L ast month we aid we needed $20,000 to fini sh tlle proj ect. That is now down to $13,500, as several churches ru1d individual have sent pecial gift . During ~ e six week of youth camp , 43 profe ions of faith were recorded. · Many more deci ions were made, for exan1ple, at the can1pfirc; but to have recorded tl1em on deci ion cards would have put a damper on the n1oven1cnt of the Spirit in tJ1c meeting. There were also 82 deci sions of rededication . ' con ecrat1on, commitment to ful1-tin1e ervice, rev ival or a urance. One cru11per tcpped forward and wrote on tl1e deci ion card, "To work on 111 y relation hip witJ1 rny n1om." Two tJ1ousand, two hundred and tl1irty-U1ree camper and counsellors were in attendance at Patmos in 1994. There i~ no doubt tJ1at a great number of those will forever have l11eir Jive ~hanged as a re ult. Chri tian can1ping 1 a powerful tool in the hand of God. Erin Wawro, graduating fron1 Cedarville College, will be j oining our ta.ff Janu~uy 1, 1995, for a year or o. 1994 - 1995 Schedule January 27-28, 199 5-Senior I Iigh Retreat (Lifeline Player ) f ebruary 3,4 - Junior I Iigh Retreat Pcbruar y 24, 25 - Junior Retreat (Ma tcr ' s PuppcL5) Apr i l 28, 29 - Men' Retreat # l (Dr. J)auJ Dixon) May 5, 6 - Men' s Il etrcal #2 (Tl1A) May 9, 11 - .. eni<>r Sain ts ( l )r . J~unes ·r. Jcrcrniah) C)c tobcr 3, 5 - Senior , aints I~a lI l{ctrcat October 6, 7 - C'ouple Il ctrcat Sun11ner Schedule June 12- 17 June 19-24 Junc 26-Jul y I Jul y 3-8 Jul y l0- 15 Jul y 17-22 Jul y 2.t-2<J Jul y 31 - Aug 5 Jr I l i Junior Juni or Sr I Ii Jr I Ii Junior Junior l·,un1l y ( ',unp Baptist Children's Home & Family Ministries Providing Christian Homes for needy children. Bethesda Home for women in crisis pregnancies Ohio Office: (513) 322-0006 Charles Monroe, Ohio Director A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. CHURCH LOANS The American Heritage Group ··. \ ·rrad it1on in f'un d1ng I or 21 , ~.i n.·· D Capi tal Gift Can1pa1gns D Con\ cnl1onal Loan D Di reeled Bond I ssuc D Broke red Bond I uc + I ,on g- I ~'1111 I t '\~'<I R .11 \.~ + l ·l~\1hh: Pa, ,n\.'flls O LO\\ CSl Fe~ and Costs Contact Ga rr) Beasin~cr 2008 Cur~ Ford Road Orlando. FL 12806 1-800-426-5528 Buses & Vans For Sa le 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at f!l'Jt,1'!':'f Transportat ion IJI,;".;~ Equip. Sales Corp 640 1 Soarnan I\(! Cl rt-gon ()11 -1:16 18 4 19 u:16 ..>t3:l'; Toll free nationwide 1 800 227-3572 "Big church discounts• ask for Bvd (,rc1h<1rn 7