The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1994
Across the State, cont11,ued Pastor Rob and Sharon M1eden , Kathryn , Tricia and Joseph I 1 'irst naptist has Clll cd Robert Micdcn as youU1 p~L~t<)r . " Pas tor Rob' ' began hL n1ini. try at Wi llow i k n August 1. A graduate of Dapti L Bibl e Collc2e of lark ...... un1n1it, Penn ylvania, Rob previc)usl y ,·crved at t11e People Bapti t C"hurch and Chri Lian ch ol, Frederi ck , Maryhu1d . l Ie and hi.. wife, haron, have tl1rec chi ldren. D naJd Lcit h i enior pa tor at Wi llow i ck . The pe pie of Faith Bapti t held an Opera– tion Friend hip weekend October 1-2 witJ1 Evangeli t I. .. arry M oyer of Eva11Tell M i ni try, Dallas, Texa . The congrega- tion in vited friends to a banquet with n1u.. i and a c lear pre entation of t11e go pcl. A 11c · age on unday 111on1ing and a wicnc ' ing , eminar Sunday evening were a great encouragement to t11e congrega– tion . Two people n1ade pro fe i on of fai l.h . John M cCullough i pa tor at Oxf ord . ~ ewslette r of the Ohio AssociaLJo n of Regular Baplist Churches PO Box 293058 Kettering OH 45429-9058 ()n Sunday, October 23 , All>any Jlaptist called Scott Murray to crvc as as ' i tant pas tor . colt currently crvc as an 8th grade ocial ludic lea her in tJ1e Pcderal I-locking ch I Di trict. I le recei ved a 0 . . in Education fron1 Dob Jone l Jniver.. ity, and a Master degree in Education from Jen1 on Univer ity . I l e has been a n1en1ber of Albany Bapli t for five years, erving as deacon, Suncl1y chool uperintcndent, youl11 director, VBS director and congregational ongleader . cott urrendered to tl1e call to full -time vocational mini try ix months ago, and has been eeking God 's leadersbip conccn1ing where he would serve. Albany BapLi t fell led toe tabli 11 the po ition of assi tant pastor , and, beginning in January 1995, Scott will leave bi teaching career to erve full - time at 1..he church. Michael Ro e i enior pastor at Albany Bapti t. On September 25, Mid view Baptist honored its pastor , Dr. E ldon Stevens, on hi co1npletion of 25 year in t11e go pel mini try. Pastor Mike M cLaughlin of Bapti t Bible Church, Ravenna, Ohio, one o f teven ' fonner pa tor , brought t11e inc age for the day. 1l1e church famil y enjoyed a pecial carry- in dinner f olJowed by an aften1oon erv ice of pecial mu i c and te timonial from bi fan1il y and everal member of the congregation . A com1nemorative plaque in cribed with I Timothy 1:12 and Lbe de ignation of evangeli t and hepl1erd wa pre ' Cnted to Dr. Stevens. Non Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 July 14-29, 1995 Enjoy! The hustle and excitement of London. The beauty and serenj ty of the country ide. The tately building and rich history. Experience! piritual highlights as ociated with our Chri tian heritage-the homes and churches of uch giants of the faith as John Knox, John Bunyan , and the Wesleys; vi it . purgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacl~ in London and sing "Amazing Grace" in the hometown of its author, John ewton. Appreciate! Fir t clas or deluxe hotel ; hearty Engli h cuLine; available academic or C.E. U. credit. Dr. James McGoldrick, profe or of history at Cedarville College and an authority on Briti h church Ju tory, will add hi in ights in a livelyand infor1native manner. Dr. Martin Clark, vice president for development at Cedarville, will serve as your tour host. Plan now to join this quality, value-filled tour. Call the Development Office 513-766-7810 for more information. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE P.O Box 601, CeJa.n-illc. OH45314 513·766-2211 FAX 513·766-2760
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