The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1995

, Keeping Up With Our Camps Ca111p Patmos It hardly eem po ible, with snow on the ground, that thi i the time lo regi ter for summer camp. That i , i f you want to get in the week of your choice. Recently Pastor Joel Harriman, Ml. Pleasan t Bapli t of Homeworth, invited the executive director of Skyview and Patmo to pend t11e day with bis people. Thi wa a fir l for Bill Roloff and Lynn Roger to te ll their storie side by side in a local church. At Patmos in '95, t11e ummer program begin witll a Family Camp featuring John and Betty Balyo mini ter – ing to the couple , while a pecial program wi ll be in operation for t11e chi ldren. Years ago, a couple from Calvary Bapli t in Norwalk took their children along a tlley helped " ready the camp" for umn1er. The n1ot11er ren1en1bered u ing ru1 open drawer in a drc er a a crib for her baby. Recentl y he was burdened about improving tlle ~Jeeping facililie for the camp and de ignated a $ 15,000 gift through her church to addre tllat need. Prai e the Lord . Some of our camper and counselor will Jeep on brand new bed and n1attres es this ummer ! Skyview Ranch S ET f"'REE! ~fhi i t11e t11eme for the summer of ·95 at Skyvicw Rru1ch . Each week will provide rancher · with plenty of as urance t11at hri t has et t11c111 free from the bondage of in to serve I Jun . l :,xc1ling progran1 for Junior Jligh and Senior lligb teens have a proven impact. Teen camp have t11e 1nost concentrated n 1blc cn1pha~i for t11e longe\t peri od c)f tin1e available to tlle church today. Last year approxin1ately 40% of teen ranchers n1ade a deci ion at Skyview Ilanch. ·reen week · at t11e Ranch guarantee your yc)utll gr<)up will be b1bltcall y challenged and have ainazing fun, t<><> ( "onlact <>ur office for a C<)[)Y of Lhe new 199') Skyv1ew llanch pro1110- uonal v1de<> RA ctt i,~ws r•1)A ~1·1~s: We have reached U1c $ 1(),()()() n1ark toward <>Ur gc>al <> f \ l ",()()() fc>r 6() new hunk bed\ and n1atlfC\\C\ ( 'urt1~ ( ' hnc W,L\ added l<> t11e f ull - t1111c staff as progra11l director and guc~t group cc><>rdinal <>r 'J he J{,u1 ch need'> he lp w1tJ1 Uh.! purcha~c <> f new w,L\hcr\ and ga~ dryer \ f<>r a new laundry r<><>In ' J'hc annual Skyv 1cw llanch f\-1cn • ~ rcLicat wil l be May 4-6. J>ast<>r I W 'I'caJI w11J be tJ1c speaker and I >ave Murd<>Ch wilJ pr<>v idc ~pcLt.. ll n1u \ 1c ·1he C<>s l is $38. ( <>Hie t,,r U1c W(>fkday on ' l laur~day; LJtc rcLical hcgan~ at 6:3() p .111 . with ~upper a11d end~ 011 Saturday aJter lunlh . 'f<> regis ter \end l () h> Sl:yvie~ lla11ch, 7241 JI{ 1 19, Millcr ~burg, ()11 44654 llt:M l~lrati<>ll deadline i Apri l 27. J)a tor attend free witb IO n1en fron1 your church; bring five and pay $ 19. Scioto Hills S c1o·ro IllLLS ALIVE IN ·95 Upcoming retreat schedule: April 28-29 Men 's Retreat # I May 5-6 May 9- l l ()cl 3-5 ()cl 6-7 (Dr. Paul Dix(>n) Men ' Retreat #2 crnA) Sr. SainL\ ( l)r. Jcrcn1ial1) Sr. Saints I :a11 l{cLrcat (~ouples l~elfcat Stor~ge con11>lex raising a c; r eat Su<.:cess! () vcr 1()0 vc>I untccr~ were in vol vc<l an huil<l1ng tlli~ con1plex ( ,od pr<>vaded Ulc 1rus~c~, planking for loft~, 22 hghL pole~. rc-har, roofing, lulnbcr log\, plu , 1nuch 1norc . l ·or t.hi ~ -l,8()() ~q ( l. COlllplcx, With a CClllCIH fl oor, the co, t wtll be t>nly aht>UL $'),()()() ·1() (,()1) ,~1 · ·1 rr1~c;r .<)l{Y I l•: xci ting OJ>por tunity ('io<l h ;L\ opened a door al tcr 17 year, of prayer l ·our 111orc parce l\ t>J land arc avatlablc for further ca,np cx pan , 1011 J>l ca~c: pray w1tl1 u, Ll1c owne r~ wtll accept the o f Icr of '1, 10,()(){) '-' nd tJ 1 al ( i l >LI \.\ ti I pr<>VtOC the Ul'l'ul'd f u11d, Your prayl' r, arc a vtt,d pd1 l o f lhl \ l'Xp.111~1011 . Baptist Children' s Home & Family Minjstries Providing Christian Homes for needy children. Bethesda Home for women in crisis pregnancies Ohio Office: (513) 322-0006 Charles Monroe, Ohio Director A mission agency assisting mission and non-mission Baptist churches with their building needs. CHURCH LOANS The American Heritage Group ·•, \ J'radtll llrl Lil f'undmg for 2 l \ ~Jr.. O Capital Gift Ca n1pa1gns O Con, cnt1onal Loan 0 01 reeled Bond I sue O Brokered Bond I sue + I .<)ng-1 \.'fin I· t'\\.'(J\ .~ • l· t~,,ht~ p .1\ lll \.'f1l', LO\.\ CS l Fee and Co t Contact Garr~· Beasin~er 2008 Curn Ford Road . Orlando, FL 12806 1-800-426-5528 Buses & Vans For Sale 15 84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality tor less at :i,l'Jt,1'~ Transportation IJl,;.,J,,;t:J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 So.tflhtll Hd , ( )ltt~)Ofl l)l l -I It> I t3 4 1 tJ U3h 2tl :J~, Toll- rret3 nat,onwtde 1 800 227 '.3572 Btg church discounts" Ll!>J.. fo, Bvci C,1c1hc1n1 I