The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1995

1l1i!:J Summer, Send Your Kids Away! ... ·\ \A 10 c irnp. \.,1t 1 new friends. swin,rning , can1pfires, good to<1d. f: iblc t cacher··,\.\ ho 0pccit.1lize in rnr1k1nq Gods Word exc1 dnd cauns llor-s v.. hl' n() \.\ ho\ t,o list.en rJn, 1 ':>hare t.he advent;ure of ~ life vit,h G,Jd / lt, the ~ent,er. Summer Camp Schedules Scioto Hills {614-778-2273) June l ~- 17 .lune 1 <>-_..i June _()- JUI \ I Ju l\ ~-,, lut , l<l- 1. Ju l, 17- 2_ Jul, ~-t -_<) . . Ju l, ~ I - 1\u g ) . ... Jr I Ii J Ull H)f .fUllHlf Sr I Ii Jr I l I Junior Ju ni (>r I :an 1 i I y C ,un p Patmos (419-746-2214) June 12- 17 Jun<: J()-2..l Jun~ 26-Jul v I l :an1 ii y Junil>r Jr IIi ,"r I Ii Jun1(1r , r I Ii Jr I Ii r ~u11ily I:amily F iUll ii y J()hn llal yo I .. arry J~ngle Jeff Will cLL~ Ken Spink - Jul \ 3- . Jul\ I 0- 15 Virgi I F'reycn11utJ1 Ken Rudolph Merl in Jone Jul \' 17-22 . Jul v 2-t-29 Jul 1 3 1-Aug 5 .i\ug 7- 12 l)on Worch Jin1 Jcff ric.. ~ :\ ug l--l - 19 l)avc Warren ... - Trave l Off the Beaten Path... with Leeland & Mary Crott s Baptists for Israel Seminars Contact us for written details for planning your trip to Israel! :i.•mlnar C<x)rdmator ("',arv \.\! Cand h--h, l'a">tor-Teacher Ro, 96 • Grundy Center, lA C,()6.18 ~ 19-."2+ 332-l Pas tors: iVrite for our free 1nnnunl, " H 01t 1 To Len.rt A SeminnrTnp To Israel." ~ ey,.s)t!ller of the Oh.Jo A · oc1atJon of Regular 8dpl1 , 1 C'hurche.s PO Ro x 293058 Keuenng OH 45429-9058 Skyview Ranch (216-674-7511) Jun ' 19-24 June 26-July I Ju ly 3-8 July 10- 15 Jul y 17-22 Jul y 24-29 July 3 1-Aug 5 Aug 7- 12 Aug 14-19 Junior Mike 1>attcrsc>n Jr I Ii Mike Paucr. on 1:a1nily Mike t>a ttcrs<)n Sr Ili Mike }lat ter on & llll n1u ic tc~u11 Junior ·r. W . , ~eat I Jr IIi M,trk Shaw Juni or Dan inu11uns r:ru11i ly Gary Corio Family John Street Across the State, continued On unday, March 26, beginning at 9 : 15, Grace Baptist will celebrate 50 year of nlin i Lry . Dr. Paul Dixon, of Cedarville College, will speak, and everal mu ical pre enta– tion have been planned, a well as a dinner folJowing tJ1e n1oming ervice . The church invite everyone to cel– ebrate wil11 l11em. For 1nore infom1ation or direction , plea e calJ 513-339-2019. Non Jlrofit Org. US Postage PAID Da)' lon OH Permit 838 • July 14-29, 1995 Enjoy! The hustle and exci tement of London. The beauty and . erenity of the countryside. The stately buildings and rich history. Experience! Spiritual highlights associated \vith our Christian heritage- the homes and churches of such gianl<; of the faith as John Knox ,John Bunyan, and the Wesleys; visit purgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle in London and sing "Amazing Grace" in the hometo\vn of its author, John ewton. Appreciate! Fir t clas. or deluxe hotels; hearty English cui. ine; available academic or C.E. . credit. Dr. James McGoldrick, profe. sor of history at Cedarville College and an authority on Briti..h church ru tory, \Vill add his insights in a lively and inforrnative manner. Dr. Martin Clark, vice president for development at Cedarville, \vill serve as your tour ho. t. Plan now to join this quality, valu~-filled tour. Call the Development Office 513-766-7810 for more information. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE PO Bo~ 60 I, Ccd.1rv1llc. OH -1 53 1-1 513·766-2211 FAX 513·766-276<> 0