The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1995

, The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol .68 No. 2 Spring 1995 . •.•.·.········:·:·:········ ~· .. Vf..R 1,50() llLG l AR fl AJYJ ISl s IROM AC'RC)~S I Ill~ NrrFJ) S·1 A'I 1·5 WILL (,A'fl-lI:R Al ·1 Jli SI A( jAJ I ('1 NI RI~ IN Tc>LEJ><), ()JH<>, Jt ' 1'.L 24 -28 JC) A'rl l .N l> l JU· 64111 ANNUAl C<JNI I RI r-.c 'f· <>F ·r1 u~ C1i~ )~AJ. A S\()( )A J l(JI', ()I J{t J(,lJJ AR l! A1r1 ls J " u 1 RC'JU:s. ' I '111s 1s A I NlJSlJ AL <JJ>l'<)k J UNI l'Y f ·C)J{ ( )1 IJ<J llJ: (ilJLAA Ji A.Pl IS I 5 JC) HI l'AR'I <JI· A NA'J l<JNAJJ (,AIJU:J<lN<J <JI· l'ASl<JkS, LAY MJ·N, \\'<)MJ =.N ANI > Y<Jl c, l'l ·fJJ'l I· FR<JM \<JMJ! 1, '5()() ( Hl R< 111:..S. 111c tllt'111e tJt U1c conference, "Our Grel1tes1 Reso1,1rL·e, ' ' center ' our attc11tion <) n prayer and it urgency and in1pact in (>ur li ves . Yc)u'll be blcs ctl hy 11icn ()1 (1C)d like WarTCll W1er~bc, Janie~ (ir1cr, l )c>n Jen1u ngs and I )avid Mark~. ()n page 8 <> f thi s 1s~uc, Y<>U ' 11 find a 1 p.,LJ ng <)f 111J <>r n1at1 ve \C 1111 nar \l!\~J<> ll !-., fr c,r1i wl11ch t<> ct1<.><>\c 1\~cn\ n1a y rcg1~tc1 f <H Y C>U L}\l"eSt, llC]U al tllC 111 ve,~• t y t>1 oJetl<>, J u~t 1111nulc\ Jrt>n1 U1e C(>tlf er e11ce \ J le. a11d yc>u r cl11Ju1 cn wtJ J cnJ<>y tl1c Conference To Close With Evangelistic Rally T he GARBC Annual Conference wi ll close with an evangelistic thrust on Wednesday, June 28. Churches wi thin driving distance of Toledo are encouraged to bring unsaved fri ends to the Wednesday night session. Tracts, wi th an invitation enclosed , are being prepared so delegates can invi te Toledo residents to the meeting . For information contact John Norviel at 419-473-3280 or Earl Shaffer at 513-498- 1501. progra111 pl annee.I c ·pccially f<.)r thcn1. free nur cry servi ce will be prov ided fc)r prcscl1t><)I ct1ildren <) f reg i ·terc<1 parents. \)nsitlcr <>rgani11ng a gr<.>up fr<)Ol y(>Ur churcl1 l () drive t<> tl1c c<.>ntcrcncc tc>ge tl1cr. <)f perhap, charter u bus. At11plc ll<>us1ng i ~ uva1lat1lc 111 lllc Tc>l cc.1o area. A ct>r11plcll' Jt ~t can be f c>u nd 1 n t ht' January ·~~uc <)f LllL~ lltl/Jti~t llullt't111, <> r h} calling l 1 111111anuc l J\ apll'-il ('hurch 111 "f <1 le<.h> at 419 473 ~28(), A . ll ()S(S, (and lllC s \C() ll l J largest state in t 'r11is <.)f tl1c nun1her <)f cl1urcl1cs, s' 't>ntJ <.) n1 y t() Mi .. ti i g an ) \Ve \ ant l l > d<) evervthino \Ve can lt ) " 0 assure <>ur gue~ts a \varn1 ..... we l c(>n1c . Y<111 can l1elp us ti ll tliat by IJei ng tl1ere anti tht' n hy se rving <)Ur gue\tS an<.l (> u 1 • av 1 <. > r I >IL' a,c l ,l ~ l' th l' l 1ll lL' Ill)\,\ l l) J L'Ul l anti t'L' S J)l >1 ld l l> <> n e <>t the Hl'l'Ll~ lJSll'<.1,ln [)age ~ l 't>1lll' ll> 'I\lll'<.lll "'Jlll a l1t•Lu t l l'a< l} l L> ht• rhJllt•ngcLi antJ Ll j)l' lll'tl t)\. tl1c S1>11 ll L>I ( iLlll anti a \.\-tl11ngnt·,, ll> \ l' I \ l' l > U I S J \ l l >I l ll \ l H l\ l' ()1 Jl ll l\ll \.\ J ')'