The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1995
1996 Ohio Tai nts For Christ, pon or d b th Ohio State Youth C mm1tt , will be held May 18 at Cedarvil l Coll For more information contact Gr g Davies, Cal a Baptis t Church, Sandusky (4 1 -625-9690) Church Pew Padding Adds Comfort and Beauty to Old r ews On-Site Installation 15 Year Guarantee Stays in Place ... Will 'ot Slip or Slide Like a Loose Cu hion 'early 50 Color of Fabric Call 1 -800-232- 1822 The American Pew Paddi ng Co. 676 E. Sixth Ave. Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Trave l Off the Bea te n Pa th ... wi th Lee land & Mary Crotts Bap tis ts fo r Israel Seminars Contact us for written detai ls for planning your trip to Israel! Semmar Coordtnator Gar,• W. Cand lish 22Q.l..22nd St. N.W. Rochester, M 55901 507-2 9-6750 Pastors: I Vritefor 011rfree 111a1111a/, "Holl• To Lead A emi11ar Trip To Israel" Preferred Risk Insurance Company • A uto • Life • Clturclt • Health • Home • Business • Disability • A nnuities In surance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelps Financial Se r vices, Inc. Professiona l consu lting and sa les for ~our finan cial and insurance needs Dorr R Phelps. GP. CFP. RFP LUTCF o:9- H Par~ i\leado"'s Dn vc \\ e'1en ille. Ohio 4308 1 Phone 6 1.J- 99-6000 FAX 899-6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ~,,,,,,,,., Transportation IJl,;I;J,,;.!J Equi p. Sa les Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd . Oregon . OH 43618 419·836-2835 Toll-free nat1onw1de 1-800-227-3572 "Big church discounts· ask for Bud Graham Having An Impact On Ohio F irst and foremost in th e pri oriti es of our OARB is commitment to TRUTH as revealed in the Word . And among those truths most emphatical ly expressed is that of the necess ity of PURITY among God 's peop le, and especiall y for those who serve Him in the pastoral ministry. This was a major thru st at our annual conference. Because of our deep concern fo r the integrity of the min is try of our Association , the Council of Twelve spent many hours studying and writing a pos iti on response to th e terrible moral conditi on of our country and, yes , even of the church. If you attended th e conference and did not rece ive thi s paper, or if you need cop ies, please call me. The Council then as ked Pastor Dav id Graham to address the topi c with emphas is on Leps o f protection to take to avo id a fall. Pastors were given a new book by John Armstrong entitl ed, Can Fallen Pastors Be Restored?. We strongly encourage every pas tor and deacon to obtain a copy and read it carefu ll y and prayerfu lly. Our de ire is to do all we can to help avo id the heartac he and confusion of a damaged mini stry . If you have diffi culty locating the book, let me know. Pray for our Association , its churches, pastors, deacons, th e Council of Twelve and yo ur state rep rese ntati ve, th at God would protect us from ev il and use us as pure messengers of His truth . Pl ease call me if I can be of help to you. I have some open dates for 1996. UPDATE ON PAT FETZER: The chemotherapy program Pat has been on has become ineffecti ve. She is now on a new eight-month chemo program . The cancer has spread to the brain , but the radiologist is confident th at radiation treatments will contro l it. Our hea rt-fell appreciation lo retiring Council of Twelve members Kenneth Spink, Be rea Baptist, Berea; Max McCullough, Grace Baptist, Canton; and Ben Reed, First Baptist. Niles. Bedford Pastor Weds Newlyweds Pastor Bill and June Davis O n September 2, Pastor Bill Davis and June Ward were united in marriage at Bible Baptist Church, Bedford . June, a graduate of Piedmont Bible College, was a res ident of Asheboro, orth Carolina, where she was an elementary school teacher. Bill pastored the Calvary Bapti st Church of Hubbard and the Grand Avenue Baptist Church of Fairborn prior to hi s present mini stry. Bill and June met through her aunt, who was a member of the Bible Bapti st Church . The wedding party was com– prised of members of both fam ili e , and tephen Dye, son-i n-law of the groom , officiated at th e ceremony. Baptist Missionary Builders Approved By GARBC A t the Annual Conference of the GARBC in Toledo, the messengers accepted Baptist Missionary Builders of Ely ria as one of the nati onall y approved mi ss ion age ncies. This age ncy is in vo lved in church constructi on projects all over the coun try , helping churches obtain suitab le fac ilities at a minimum expense. Over the years Baptist Church Planters has helped a number of Ohio churches build and expand their facili– ties. Rev. Martin Eaton is pre ident of BMB, and Walter Spieth is chairman of the board .
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