The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1995

Across the State, Chris Pile! Temple Baptist welcome an additi on to thei r staff. Chris Pi let comes from Cal vary Baptist, Uni ontown , Pennsy lvani a. Chri s and hi s wife , Maura, are nati ves of Seattle, Washington. A graduate of Cedarville College wi th a B.A. in Bible/Preseminary, he is currentl y working towards a Master of Divinity through Western Seminary in Portl and , Oregon. Chris is also an accompli shed vio lini t who has studi ed at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and the Mannes College of Music in ew York. The Pilets have two children . The Pilets began their mini stry with youth and seni ors foll owing hi s August 28 th ordinati on. John Gowdy is seni or pastor at Temple Bapti st. Clintonville Baptist hosted a homecoming event August 5-6 that turned out to be a surpri se tribute to Pastor George Hattenfi eld, who ,s marking 25 years of service at the church. The fesuv,ues began wi th a ra111-drcnched picnic with about 400 past and present members of the church attend111g. The surprise was revealed during a group picture, at which time Pas tor Hattenf1eld' s boyhood pastor and longtime friend, Dr. Lehman Strauss, entered After a potluck d111ner, church members put on a comi cal "This Is Your Life" program for Hattenficld . Commen– datI<>ns from the governor and senate of Ohio we,e read honoring his fai thful work On Sunday the fe st1v1t1e s cont111ued v.1th nearly 100 out of town fo rmer 111cn1bc1s .ittend1ng The worship service v. as planned a1 ound the v. ee l,. end theme , "He s Bee n l·a1thful " A lwmecom rn g 1.ho11 leatured, and sneral t11butes , 1nLl ud1ng a me11HJf) boo!,. ol news L11pprngs letters and cards The Hattcnf1elds were p1 esen ted with a tnp to Israel and London O, er 470 attended tht: scr ILe continued The Faith Baptist Church News reports thi program honoring Pastor Merlyn Jones ' 50th birthday and 25 years of ministry . "When Pastor Jones came to church Sunday evening , September 24 , he had no idea that he was about to receive the surprise of hi s life...Walter Butler, chairman of the deacons, came to the platform .. .and announced, ' Pastor Merlyn E. Jones , toni ght thi s is you r life.' For once our pa tor was speechl ess-almost, that is. He did manage a one word vocabul ary throughout the res t of the evening– 'amazing.' To commemorate the evening Pas tor Jone was presented with an engraved watch and a new Bibl e. A surpri se concert with Mark Jones as master of ceremoni es foll owed . A recepti on in th e fellowship hall concluded the evening." Members and friend s of Faith Baptist honored Pastor Denni s Burns on Sunday, October 8. A program consisting of music, tributes and a charge to the membership by former pastor Don Rettger showed apprec iati on to Pas tor Burns. A poem, "What Docs Our Pas tor Do?", written by a deacon at Faith, was read and a framed copy presented to Pastor Burris. A fell ows hip meal fo ll owed the se rvi ce. The Pa ·tor Appreciati on Day was organized by the church soc ial commi ttcc and deacons. Denni s and Jana Burns and son Jonathon have served at Fai th Bapti st for n111e years. In ce lebrati on of Pastor David hapman 's tenth anni versary at Fos toria Baptist, th e church fami ly hos ted a surpri se carry-i n October 8 fo r their pastor and fa mil y. The theme of the ce lebrati on was, "You Ilave Touched Our Li ves." Tes t1mon1 es from members spoke of love and affec ti on, apprcc1at1 on, sp iritual m1n1stry , humor and lnenLbh 1p they have rece ived under the m1111stry ol th e hapman fam il y David and his wife, L111d a, have th1 cc children , Mari.. , Rebe cca anu 81 ,an continued, page 8 Baptist Children's Home & Family Ministries, Inc. Providing Christian Care and Counsel for Family living. ~ Ohio Office: ~Ch~~:~~n~!!:i~~~:or The American Heritage Group "A Tradition 111 Ftmding for 22 Years" Contact : Ga r ry Beasinge r (800) 226- 1776 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes , the whole family 1n the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension! Grades 1-2; 3-4; 5-6 ; Teen/ Adult For Information Call Ken Dady at 513-592-23 8 Cecil Cairn at 216-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Wh ole Church Family 7