The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1995
Acros s the State, con tinu ed und.i~. eplember 10. orwood Bap ti t celebrated Home ·oming for the members of th e church. honori ng Dr. and 1rs. Paul Dixon~ s a teenager. Dr. Dixon was a member at I l)n \ ood. and many olde r members remembered those da with jo . Large numl ers g.lthered for both the morning \\ orsh1p serv1 ·e and the afternoon concert b, ed.m 1lle's Brass and Ivor Min is- t~1e~ plaque with the inscription, " Your home c hurch still remembers you in pr.i)er." \\.I ' given to Dr. Dixon. 1a\ Tucker is pastor at orwood No rth Roya lton Bap tist is pl eased to announce that Dav id Rowland has accepted the call to be their enior pastor. Dave atte nded Cemral Mi chi gan Universi ty and Tennessee Temp le College. After graduation he erved as pa tor in Tennessee, New York and Mi chigan. He began hi s minis try at North Royalton Baptist on August 3. Dave and hi wife, Connie , have two sons and three daugh ter . Bringi ng home the si Iver for Bethel Ba p tist was Steve Pi ckett, who partic ipated in the 1995 World Games fo r Specia l Ol ympics in New Haven, Connecticut. Steve and his team won the si lver meda l in doubles and forth place in si ngles in bowli ng. Groundbreaki ng at Bethel took place on July 23. Larry Maddux is pas tor at Bethel Bapti t. The Ob.lo lnd epcnd ent Baptis t Ohio Assoctatton of Regular Bapttst Churches PO Box 29305 Kenenng OH 45429-9058 God continu es to bles al Emmanuel Baptist. Pas tor Jim Ruck, mi ss ionary wi th Baptist Mid -Miss ions, attended the Evange lism Exp lo– sion semi nar at Wes tervi ll e in Jul y. T he church plans to imp lemen t the program next spring. The church has signed a contrac t to purchase the Evangeli ca l Friends Church buildi ng in Marysv ille. Members commi tted to give $500 per week for six months to obtai n th e ba lance of the down payment. Of approxi mately $40,000, they will need anothe r $ 12,000 by occupancy (January - March, 1996). A " needs list" is available for anyone in terested in helping the church. For in formati on write P.O. Box 70 1, Marysv ille, OH 43040. Willi am McNeely is the new pastor at Ha rmony Hill Baptist of Brownsville. He atte nded Wes t Liberty State College in West Virgini a and Marietta Bi ble Co llege and received a BRE from Faith Bible Theo log ical Semi nary. Bes ides hav ing pastored two churches, McNeely also served as administrator at Marietta Bible Co ll ege. He and hi s wi fe , Brenda, have two grown children. Non Profit Org, US Postage PAID Dayton OH Permit 838 The Cedarville College Holy Land Tour Of Israel March 11-21, 1996 Enjoy! The excitement of wandering through the Promised Land and standi ng in the place your favorite Bible characters once stood, Experience! The thrill of standing on the summit of the Mount of Ol ives, exploring the wonders of Jerusalem, sailing the Sea of Galilee, and worshipping at the site of the Garden Tomb. Appreciate! Five Star or First Class hotels; available academic or CEU credit. Dr. Robert Gromacki, disti nguished professor of Bible and Greek, is an experienced Israel program leader. He is among the best quali fied to provide inspirational and insightfu l lessons on the si tes where the biblical events occurred. Dr. Martin Clark, vice president for development at Cedarvi lle, will serve as tour host. Plan now to join us for an unforgettable journey to the lands of the Bible. Call the Development Office 51~-766-7810 for more information. __L CEDARVILLE COLLEGE P.O. Bos 601. Cedarville. Ohio 4S314 lll-766-2211 FAX l l)-766-2760
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