The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1996
, Th.E'; <>Iwi<> I•ad.E';pE';...d.E';Iat :Bc:llpti... a.t The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol . 69 No. 2 Spring 1996 • av1n by John Morgan hy plant another church in A1nerica? Aren ' t there already plenty of churches in the SA? Js11't tJ1c need greater in other countries? l)ur1ng the 19th century, l: ngla11d wa~ a church hopper'\ J)arad1\c Spurgeon. Mac laren , I 13 Me)er. George Muller: tht\ ~ c.1~ <Jne c)f the greale\ t eras o f [)reacJ1ing in tl1c hi\tOry of tl1c church . Out of thc \e t1n1c \ 111odcrn 111i ssi(Jll~ V.'a~ birthed. W1ll1an1 are) and ff ud~on 1 ay lt) r bcca111e J)i<)nee, 131 1ti sh 111i ss1<)11,1r1c\ : tl1c Al 11c an Inland M1ssi<>n ttn c.l c> tl1er 1111 ~s1lJt1 l)oards v. 1 ere l)e tng ft>r 111ed \\' eren ' t thc1 e already enoug l1 chu1 cl1t s in the 13ritis11 Jsles le> se rve tJ1e f)CJ[)Ulati<.111? WJ1y \lc.11 t anotl1er cl1urch a111idst such a J)letl1 Jra c)f great cl1urche1., and 1)1eacher \.\ l1en the fc reign needs \\ c I e s < g I ea l ? "l l1c an \\ er i , "13ecause L: l1urcl1 [l I an l 1 n g a. a t; \·\' 'T' es la 111 en t • • ISIOD priority.'' The greatest textbook on churcl1 planting is the book of Act. ~ the Great Co,nmi . ion i not fulfi lled until churche · are reproduced. The strength of the foreign ,ni ss ion enterprise is found in our vision for the church planting task in our Jerusa le rn . When we lo ·e our vi ·ion for the base, we wil l ultimate ly become ineffective on the periphery . Thi s is what happened in England. The \trength of one ge 11crati on can (Jui ckly becorne a fadin g r11c1nory lo t he nex t . Wc 111us t con t i nuc t <) <i o tl1at whi ch revitali1.e~ tl1c c l1urch and rnakcs it ~trong in order to i n\ure that the church wi 11 re111ai n \ lrong in ~ucceedi ng gcncratic)ns. Tl1e parallel\ between tl1e church in 19th cen tury England ancJ the church 1n A111erica at the end c)f the 20th ccntt1ry arc s triking. We arc \Crved up a ~111orga\bord of great preacher\ and churchc\ thrt>ugh the 111ed1a. l "hc need~ at the uttcrn1t>"i t pa1t\ t> f the cart l1 arc great . All tl1e field\ a,e 1n neccJ l>f 111i,~1(>na1 IC\ an(J t int-tncc, . l ... 1ke I (Jtl1 ce nlur 1 l ~r1 gland , tl1e re is " lack (>f enthu,iasn1 f <>r h(>llll' 1111, \J(>n, l1ec.,1u~e t>f a 1 e 1L t.: t\ c<.l l ,1ck t>t need 'I' l1c An1er1Lan Ll1t11 c h t s • GARBC search committee to present candidate for national representa t1ve. page 2 • Leavittsburg Baptist pastor dies page 2 • A seminar for your deacons is available page 3 • Kenton church begins new m1n1stry to widows . page 5 • Ohio women announce new proJect page 6 beginning ll) l t)\C \l)ll1C ()f tl\ a l)illl ) to prc.1jccl the gt)~1c l tc.) lli,tant lanll-., . Thi~ i-., rcflcctccl 111 the c.lccl 1nc 111 rccru1t 111cnt a111t)t1 g 111aJ <) r 1111"'..J<)ll boartis. I n A111cr1ca, 8()< , t) I churchc" havc p I ateaucll C)r a1 c 1 n l ice It n c l'hc unchurcheti 11<>11ttlattt)n 1, () \ c 1 )() ' , . 'l 'hc face t)f 111c r1 ca ,, chan~1n ~ .. .. ra1 i <. II ), th r() u g h i n 11111 g I at 1 t Hl , ~ccular11attl)t1, the ~rt)\\th l)I cult" .. an <.l n t) n-( ,h I i .., l Id 11 1 c I I g I t) n" '- 'f' hc an,,\c1 '" ltlllllll tn the l)t)()"- t)f c t\ \Ve ncctl ,l t L'l'tH1 11111t 111l'llt t {) the ch,dlcnge (.)I the (i1L',tl ( , l)l1111ll '-1\ l()Jl l)\ L'tlj)lll l Ill!!, ,I\ I\Jt)fl ll)t chu1 ch 11l,t11t111g 111 t)ttt J l'lll' l 'ttl John nncl M iche le Morgdn drtJ church p lanters \-v1th ;\ BWF. fllv}i h .. 1ve beg t,n n new wo, k. on the e.::1~1 ::,nlt'l or Colu111bus, lf J the C:,.1h.. 1nn._t Ne ~v Albany ared
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