The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1996

1996 Ohio Talents For Christ , sponsored by the Ohio State Youth C'on11111ttee. will be held May 18 at Cedarville College For more 1nforn1at 1on contact Greg Davies. Calvary Baptist Church, Sandusky {419 625 9690) Mark Your Calendar! Annual OARBC Conf erenee October 28-30 Berea Baptist Church Berea, Ohio HELP REACH RUSSIAN Having An Impact On Ohio JEWS l 'all or M'rite Bi ll Mc ey • 3606 Cedarbrook Rd. --1e,·eland , OH 44 J 18 216-932·5029 Appt>intees with Re111na11t ,._1inistries, Inc. Travel Off the Beaten Path... "vith Leeland & Mary Crotts Baptists for Israel Seminars Contact us for written details for planning your trip to Israel! , mmar Coordinator Gt1 ry \t\' Candlish 220+?2nd St l.W. R0che ter, M 55901 507-2 9-6150 Pa ~tors: i\'rite fo r our free ,nanual, " H cl'lt' Tv Lead A e1ninnr Trip To Israel" Preferred Risk Insurance Company • ,4.uto • Life • Church • Health • Honie • Business • Disability • Annuities Insurance for non-drinkers your "best buy" Phelp Financial Services, Inc. ' - Profe ional con ulting a nd aJe5 for }OUr financ ia l and in urancc need l)orr R Phel p~ GP CFP. RFP. LL'TCF t,StLH Park \1cadov. '\ Orn c \\ CS[Cr\ Ille Ohi o 4 ~o I Phone 61-t- '99-6000 FAX 899-6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at :i,t,t,1'f:, Transportation IJJ,;.J.;.:J Equip. Sales Corp. 6401 Seaman Rd . Oregon. OH 43618 4 19-836 2835 Toll-free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 "819 church discounts• ask for Bud Graham Larry Fetzer State Representative G ood new from the nati onal cene . The earch commi tlee for national repre entati ve for the General A oc iation of Regular Bapti t Churche wi ll be pre enting a candidate at th i year' annual conference in Lakeland, Fl orid a, June 22-26. Ohio churche hould make every effort to be repre ented at this conference in order to have a -ignificant voice in thi . selec ti on. The candidate i Pa tor John Gree ning of Clark. Summit, Penn ylva– ni a, where he pa tors the Su1nmit Bapti l Bibl e Church. Pa tor Greening served for ·evcral year a · pa tor of outhgate Bapti ·t Church in Spri ngfield , Ohio. He al o erved on the Council of Twe lve of the OARBC and held the offi ce of Counci l ecretary. Greening ha everal year experience on the GARBC Counci l of Eighteen, holding the offices of ecretary and chai rman, and has abundant experience in leadership in our Regular Bapti t as ociati on . Greening' trai ning include Bapti t Bibl e College and Sem inary , Trinity Evange lical Di vinity School and Grand Rapids Bapti t Seminary. He currentl y i working on the Doctor of Ministry degree at Bapti l Bible Seminary. Havi ng erved as a ne ighboring pa tor with Greening and worked with him on both the OARBC and GARBC council s. I am \ve il acquainted wi th hi leadership abili ties. He i a good thinker. CHURCH BOOKKEEPERS &TREASURERS Send all contributions and correspondence regarding f ipances to the OARBC bookkeeper. Write OARBC, c/o Phil Mille r, 1750 Flinthill Dr. Columbus OH 43223 Call 614-871 -5723 or FAX 614-871-7229 . theo logica ll y 'iound , balanced in ht~ posi ti ons, and a strong, gracious leader who wi ll serve our associat ion we! I. I am de li ghted with the choice of John Greening a · our next national representati ve. I bel ieve that God has a great work for our a soc iati on to accomplish in this nation. The fu ture of this ministry will depend greatl y on the quality of leader– ·hip we e lect. Plea e make every effort to be a part of th is proce ·. A Pat's condition has tabilizcd, I am again avai lable for Sunday meetings. and have . pring and summer openings. Plea ·e cal I me at 6 14-523-3666 if I can be of he lp to you and your church. F-- Update On Pat Fetzer A s of the middle of April , Pat ' conditi on ha tabili zed. She continue under chemotherapy and medicati on because the cancer i till ac tive in her body . Pat and I have been overwhe lmed by the how of love and concern from our Regul ar Bapti t fri ends throughout the state. Your card and letter have been a great encouragement to us. We are convi nced that it is the faithful prayer of folk all acros Ohi o and beyond that have been the main fac tor in preserv ing her Ii fe thu far. To all we ay a heart-felt THANK YOU. ii Wolford The Lord P a tor Virgil Wolford , of Leavitt burg Baptist Church, Warren, died on March 2. He was 72. Pa tor Wolford founded Leavittsburg Bapti t, and pa tored it for 26 year . Clara, hi wife of 48 year . urv1ve . Virgil , who wa a graduate of Moody Bible Institute Evening School, wa led to the Lord while in his 20s by a circuit Methodi t preacher.