The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1996
Across The State, continued l)n l'hu, ,d.,,. l c..'b1 ll,ll, I J>leasant l{ill llapti~t '-',tiled .111 ,,1dtll,\lh\ll ll)ll ll l'tl ll) ll,n,1d'-'' t' lltnf ap,trl tht'lr ,1,,1,t,lllt p,t,h)I. l1r 1.1n ,lHl. ll) the ,, nr l-.. l,f the ~l,,pel 111111,"lr) ·\rte , t'h,,,,u~hl, l'\,1111111111~ the c.1nthdatc·~ ~ ~ ,.ti, ,lllllll c\pe1 tl'n ·c. ·.,II tt, the 111 111 1.., lr) .tnd lh'\,.·11 inc. thc c,,unctl unan1n1ou~I) I c l,nuncndcJ lt) the L' hurch th.1t the) r1l,\..l'l'd ,,,th I311.1n·, nrd 1n.1t1on . l)n the h,lll' ' ' 1n~ .."' und.1,. Fchruar, 4. . . 1~11.111 11.111,l,n ,,.1, n1d.1tncd to the go~pc l 1111111,tr\ ,ll ,\11 ,lfle1nOt)Jl :--er,1cc at r) lc.1,,\11( 111 ll 'tcphcn ()l,cn ,, \l'I\HH p,1,to1 a t P L',\,.1111 1-1,11 l3.1rt1,t Fol lo,, 1 ng the death of ..... DeEIJa P,1\ ton. ABWE ., 1111:--sH,nar) pa: tor at Fir t Bapti t . the con orenation ha~ called ::: e . \ BV.."E n11ss1onarv Dick • Grn, er to he pastor. Dick I nrn1crlv ~e r, ed a~ as~1: tanL to ., P.1,tt")r Pa, ton . On ·ruL'\tht,. Mtlrch 12, ,\l the I cquc~t of the lliblc llapti t Church . the Northca~l Ohi o l'a tor·~ 1:c ll owsh1p and a nu1nhcr of other 1n ,tcd guc~t!-1 and pastor~ cxan1in c<..I Mi chael Po~ t for ord1nat1on. I t , a~ the unan1n1ous rccon1n1cndat1on of the counc il that the church proceed with ordination. The ordination $ervice was held unday, March 17. Robert Ladygo , as council secretary; \Villi an1 Davis i~ pastor at Bible Bapti st. Recently 20 teens of Faith Baptis t partici– pated in World Vi sion·s "30 Hour Famine.·· The young people. who we nt without food for 30 hours, raised o er 600 by asking ponsors to contribute to the Christian non-pro fit world re lief organ iza– ti on. In addition, the teen fill ed several boxes with canned goods they had co llected to upport a loca l relief group. Merlyn Jones i eni or pa tor al Faith Bapti t. Cedarvi ll e College is pleased to host The Institute for Creat ion Research Seminar: Summer Institute on SCIENTIFIC CREATIONISM . July 22-26, 1996 For more information contact: Michelle Miller, Cedarville College P.O. Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314 513-766-7957 emai l: cosoonsored by (DR1@Kfu 7 @ " '6 ,. .,... .,..... 111ETWOR;.;. ll"t The Institute for Creation '-' Research Seminar equips ..____ ___, Christians with scientific evidences to overwhelmingly support creation by a supernatural Creator. Creation scientists-Ors. Ken Cumming and Duane Gish-will present five days of lectures and films dealing with a range of topi cs associated with various disciplines. MINISTRY Learn To Use Your Abilities For God John S il vius, Ph.D. Professor of Biolog At ' cda r villc s inee J 979 "The Christian faculty at Cedarville try to be role models for the students in our love for God, our concern for people, and our r.mmitment to excellence." CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions at 1-800-CEDARVILLE I-SD0-233-2784
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