The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1996

TbE: <> IIad.E:pE:.-d.E:Iat :B~pti... The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 69 No. 3 Summer 1996 by Pastor Tim Kenoyer Maranatha Baptist Church, Columbus Chairman, Council of Twelve Patricia Ann Fetzer nd the Lord God said... I \\'ill mak him an help meet for him' ' ((;enesi\ 2: 18). \Ve:. sha1t: , in a s111 all \.\a) , the grie f l >Ut l)J (>t l1e1 ~ tale l{cpr esl.!n tali ve l... arr\ f;Lltt.r, se11ses 111 tilt: l10111e " g< )JllU ot hi s dear wife . (>atricia Ann l'"L ltL r. Jod lt>ok J> Jt 11t)lllt to t L" "1th Ji 1111 t)ll Jt1nt: I(>, 1 lJ<.J6 '"f'he J·etzcr Ja111il) 1 l1eld a J)rivate committal ervi ce on Tue day, June 18, and then were joined by a great gathering of God ' people for a memorial . ervice at Grace Bapti t Church in We terville on Thur day, June 20. Pat erved her Lord a Larry' wife of 39 year. ; a. the mother of their children Karl Fetze r and Laura Fetzer Millard ; as a pa. tor 's wife; and then , of late, as a friend and coun ·elor to pa ·tors' wives , ,l. her hu band ·erved our state. I-Ier mini stry in each arena was 11arked by objectivity wi sdorn and a scn~e of humor. Tho~e who were prese nt at the 111emorial service l1eard n1any bear witness to her godlines~, kindness, ~e,1s i ti vi t y, ancl gras1) of the neecl <.)f the 111or11er1t We al~o rc111e111her c.1ur brotl1cr Larry'~ tender re 111ark~ 1r1 closing, a\ l1e bore witne!-.s t<.> hi " pcr '>C) 11al I<)'>~ <.) f life cc) n111an1<.)n , iru..: nd and dc:.11 l1e l1)e r We \.\h(1 are a p:.ut t>f tl11" J)rec1<.>ll\ fellow~h111 <.> f hel1c,ct"i j(>in (>Ur l1rc)thcr in hi s g1 ,et anll al s(> rej<)tce \\tlh hi111 111 the memory of a woman who ran her race fin i hed her cour e, anci kept the fa ith . A fund for church planting in Ohio ha. been eL tabli ..' hed in Mrs. Fetze r , mc111ory. 69Ii-l ;.\ l ll lU;.\ L COt\lFEREI ICE Oi-110 ;.\SSOCl;.\~f101\1 OF r{EGUl;.\R B;.\p·r1s~r Ci-lURCi-lES BE ,(E;\ B;\J>'f I s·r Ci-I u ,{Ci-I BE,(E;\, Oi-110 Conference Theme: "A Mandat e of Biblical Ministry " (from 1 & 2 Timothy) Conference Speakers : John Greening , newly electecl GA~~BC National Repre!>entdt1vt' Pa s tor Brad Quick f- 11st £3aptl!'>l [ lynct Pastor T W. Teall , P tHry Bc1pt1~t C' c1nton Larry Fetzer. OAF~L1C Stc1te f~t' pre~e ll I cl I IV t' Host Pastor Ken Spink