The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1996
[ apllst Ctiurch Planters pr es1dClnt, Frank Ha rt\\ 19, is re101c1ng n God s cH1S\ver to tt1t~ir 1:11 ~ r\l\ , reques t · Send us n1ore r 11::-~,c nanes " He notes that 24 ne\l\ , ,,~s, n,~nt;~ dre n application this year. HELP REACH RUS IAN JEWS ( 'all or -..·rite Bil l McVey • 3606 Cedarbrook Rd. "le,·eland, OR 441 18 216-932-5029 Appointees with Re,unant ~li11istries, /11 c. Travel Off the Beaten Path ... with Leeland & Mary Crotts Baptists for Israel Semin ars Contact us for written details for planning your trip to Israel! ~ mmar Coordmator Gan \\'. Candlt. h 220-1 22nd St. W. Roche~ter, 1J 55901 507-2 9-6750 Pas tors: l\'rite for our free 1nan11al, "Ho1t• To Lead A e,ninar Trip To Israel" Prefer red Risk Insurance Company • Auto • Life • Church • Health • Ho111e • Business • Disability • A nnuities Insurance for non-drinkers your " best buy" Phelp Financia l Services, Inc. Profe iona l con ulting a nd ale fo r ) Our financia l and in urance need Dorr R Phe lps, GP. CFP. RFP. LUTCF 019- H Park Meadows Dnve \\ 'e~ tel"\ tile. Ohio 4308 1 Phone 61 -t- 99-6000 FAX 899-6022 Buses & Vans For Sale 15-84 passenger vehicles available Buy quality for less at ~"t,1',:,f Transportation jJJ,;.Jt,;t:J Equip. Sa les Corp. 6401 Seaman Ad.. Oregon. OH 436 18 4 19-836-2835 Toll- free nationwide 1-800-227-3572 ·a,g church discounts· ask for Bud Graham . Having An Impact On Ohio by Stephen Olsen Pleasant Hill Baptist, Smithvi lle CONFERENCE COMMENTS A cts 12:24 , "But the Word of God g rew and mult ipl ied ." Thi vc r e wa · a co n tanl reminder to co nfe rence a tt e nde r · a th e table wa bei ng e t for th e 65t h Annual GARBC Co nfe r– e nce in Lakela nd , Fl o rid a, o n Jun e 22-26. I had th e privil ege to rep re e nt th e late a a n o bse rver and a tte nd th e co nfe re nce. Admittedly , th e tab le had been par e in year · pa t bcca u e o f un · c ttl ed ne in leade r hip , doc trina l i uc and e parati o n diffe re nce . Thi year' theme, " As ig nme nl Ea rth ," mini try foc u and direc ti o n o f leade r hip prov id ed piritual food for refre hment a nd no uri hment, a nd th e ta bl e wa full. The bu ine e io n e t the to ne with exci tin g a nd upbeat repor t . Regul a r Ba pti t Pres i being u ed by God in provi din g lit erat ure wo rldwid e. Our a pp roved mi io n age nc ie are g row ing with Eastern Eu ro pe as a n exci tin g opportunit y . One of th e mo t exci t ing re por ts was Go pc! Lite rature Services with an o utreac h into Cuba, wh ere there a re ove r 200 fundame nt a l Bapti t Ch urc he . Ac t 12:24 , "But th e Wo rd o f God g rew a nd multipli ed ." I o ur fe ll ows hip hea lth y? Ye . We are no t a dying fe ll owship. J ohn R . Greenin g was ove rwhelmi ng ly e lec ted as the nati o na l re pre e nt a ti ve wi th ju t 12 di e ntin g vo tes . Rev. Gree nin g ha th e backg ro und in o ur a oc iati o n to give co ntinuit y and foc us for yea r to come. He has th e v isio n a nd v ita l ity to give direc ti o n and leade rs hip . T he re is a burde n fo r evangel is m but a l o a burden to help build a nd tre ng th e n our exi tin g c hurc he . On e q ues ti on co ntinued to ari e in I "\_ • Pray for Medals for Glory, the Bapt1st-M id-M1ss1ons / , outreach at the 1996 Olympic Centennial Games . . ... ... .. my mind as th e th eme was developed and th e s pir 1L ua l rood se rved : " How ca n a pas tor fr o,n a rural churc h in Wayne CounLy , Ohi o, ma ke a diffe re nce in Broo kl yn , Burma . or Bul ga ri a?' ' By be in g part o f a g rowi ng assoc1a t1 o n of com111ittcd , B ib le- based churc hc,. We we re rc1ninded that we are no t th e o nly o nes prov idin g the food . but we a rc "o ne" o f th e o nes provi din g th e food ! Our 1ninis tr1 c~ do not ·to p at o ur doo r... th ey bcg, n there , a nd a · we pa rt ic ipate a a fe ll ows hip , "Th e Wo rd o f God grew a nd multiplied ' ' (Ac ts 12 :24) . Ohio Winners Showcase Talents C ongratul ati on to the fo ll owing first and econd pl ace winners of the 1996 Ohi o Tale nts For Chri st, held on May 18 at Cedarvi lie Co llege . Each of the e wa e li gibl e to compe te in the Nati onal Talent For Chri l at Lakeland . Fl orida. Pia no : ( 1st) Rebecca Chapman, Fo toria ; (2nd ) Emil y Bi gelow, Columbu Fema le Voice : ( I t) Jennifer Drexel, Gali on: (2nd ) Loi Horner, orth Ridgev i I le Male Voice : ( Isl) Jo hua Cory, Spri ngfie ld ; (2nd ) Benjamin Caldwell. Troy Wood winds : ( 1 t) Je ica Harriman , Alli ance; (2nd) Jenn y Hawk, Medi na Brass : ( l st) Mary Goodall , Bl anche ter; (2nd ) Sarah Wood . Perry Strings: ( 1s t) Nicho las Carrol l, LaGrange ; (2nd ) Lynae Chu rgovich , Med ina Bible Kno \.vled ge : ( I st) Bl aine Padgett, Berea; (2nd ) Sara Condon, Troy Writing: ( I st) Jil l Hand , Lanca ter; (2nd) Rebecca Newe ll , Hill iard Fema le Public Speaking: ( 1 t) Sarah Folkmann , Brook Park ; (2nd ) Heather Lotze, Loui ville Male Public Speaking: ( l st) Philip Jone , Howard ; (2nd) Davi d Griffieth , Troy
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