The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1996
Across The State, continued \ r11l \\,\, l.' hl,,('n b) 1-'aitll llapti~t .,, ., pl'1..:1.,t cn1ph.1, 1, n1\Hlth cnt,tlcd , .. l'hc ( "hurl' h \ li,c 1 " On \pr JI 7 . dcl l c It n ll n,\ ll on ..""' und.1, . 1: ,llth c , ccct.lcd the gt),\I ,)t $4266 b) o, er <1l)() l 1..' p,l) the llll)rtgngc Jcbt on the ·hu r · h .1nnc, ,\ l..,o on prtl 7. Dr. Paut' H.1tn1.1 · her. LI Dire ·tor. 1runland l~h1n.1 \l1 ...,~1 1..1 n~ . Inc.. ·a111c to Fntth to '1..) nJu ·c a "' pr1ng Enr1 · hn1cnl Confcr– cn~c ·\ nurnhcr ot dec1 ·ions were tnadc th1t,ughout the ,,cc1' . /\ s part of the 1...·t, nlcrcnLc . rru. ung Heart . the church' , ... group 1..1f ,, 1do\.\ . . n1et for a n1cal and fcll o,, :--hip . :-\ prtl 14. "The Church live \\ tth l:>o,vcr." \.\'U~ e, crv n1emhcr ~ "' undJ) . cn1pha. 11,ng · hurch loya lty. ~\prtl 21 . "The Chur ·h Ali ve With People... ,, as a mi - ·ion cmpha.. · is. with ~pec1al guest · the cott Ru :e ll fan1il y, .\8\\ 'E n11 · ·1onar1c to Chile . April 2 ,, d~ "The Chur ·h Alt, c With Pra1·e," featuring Bra ·~ and Ivory, with musi – l' 1,1n. J1n1 Cole n1an and Mike DiCui rci. ·'The Chur ·h Alive~ .. cmpha.· i for April and the pr1ng Enrichn1cnt Conference ha, c become annual event at Faith . Denni - Burn. 1 pa tor at Faith Bapti · t. Huntsbu rg Bapt ist ha call ed David John on as it · new pa tor. Pa lor John ·on atte nded Hunt burg 1n h1 earl) vear , and wa - ·aved and ., bapt17ed 1n the church. A graduate of purgeon Bapti l B1ble Collegc \Vtth a Bachel or o f Art in ... :V1 1 ..,,on.., Jnd a Certificate in Deaf t\l 1n1 tr1e . he and h1. wife, usan. pre, 1ou I) er\'ed under Baptist Mid - \1 1 ion 1n Jamai ca. Since 19 7 John on hJ been pn tor of Panama Bapti l Church. Panama , ev., York He i curre nt !~ c1 tudent 1n the Ma ter of Arts 1n ~I1n1 tr) progran1 at Moody Graduate l..'. hool. The John on have four children. nion Baptist ho ted the second Joi nt conference of the Continental Baptist Churche and the Sovere1 (Tn Grace e, Bapti t As ociat1on Jul y 23-25. The theme for the ·onte rcnl.c \.\J "Churches of Revela– uon 1 & 3 ·· .A.ccord1ng to Union Baru t pa"' t 1r Charle\ ..A.rnett. both a . uL 1..iuon h )Id to h1 to r1c Bapu t d1~t1n ll\e~ Jnd ~ub c r1bc to che r do tr1ne t \Ove re1gn grace . Pa,tnr Rnbc1 t Barrell \VUS ··· rhc L.cadcr or the Pack" at the 7th Annual Gong Sho, prc~cntcd th is spring at }i"a ith Ba pti t. The Mogador e Ba pti t Church ord ained it a ·sistant pa tor, Don Rohrbacher , Sunday evcni ng, April 28 . Rohrbacher was exan1ined by an ord ination counc il on April l . Seni or Pa. tor Robert Seymour led the ordination ervicc, which included . pecial mu ic, Scripture read ing and prayer by Pa tor Rohrhacher 's two son -in- law. OARBC Representative Larry Fetzer preached the ord ination n1e age. David Robert on gave the charge to the church and Dean Henry the charge to Pa tor Rohrbacher. Tim Ste iner began hi ' mini try a pastor at Faith Baptist on July 14. A 199 1 graduate of Cedarvi lle Coll ege, Tim also holds an M. Di v. from Bapti t Bible Seminary in Clark Summit . Penn ylvania. He and hi wife, Kathy , al o a grad uate of Cedarvi lie Co llege, are parent of one on. Ohio Women's Missionary Union ~E--: · .· ... . . 9 _. 1<f! • ,· ~-. 2• :' Strengthen Our Hands BAPI IST MID-MISSIONS' Project Cleveland Security System MINISTRY Learn To Use Your Abilities For God J ohn ' il vius, Ph.D. Profes or of Biology l eda r villc since 1979 "The Christian faculty at Cedarville try to be role models for the students in our love for God, our concern for people, and our r..mmitment to excellence." CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Call Admissions at 1-800-CEDARVILLE 1-800-233-2784
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