The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1996

' Th~<> :....d.~p~--d.~•-t. H.~pti. ... a.t Th e ewsle tte r o f the Ohio Associa tion o f Regular Baptis t Churc h es \ 1 0 1. 69 o. 4 by Pastor Kenneth Spink ohn Greening ··rang the bell" and God· people ca1ne nock1ng from all O\ er Ohio LO the dinner tablc- 'A hat a f ca\t' The 69th Annu<.tl Conference <>f th\: ()ARBC 'A a~ \Uperh. Both evening e ion!-. pdckcd Berea Bapt1\t Church h~y(>nd capac1t) Special mu\ic included a \ ar1Cl) ol ~late and local 1nd1, ,dua ls ci\ 'Acll as !')(>rne Talent For hrtsl 'A' inncr~ Arca mu~1c:1an~ he lped 'A 1th the song leading. organ and p1an<> . < )r Tuesday C\en1ng. cight}-th ree men Jr Jfll thr Hchrt>n A~':l<.>c 1c.1llon o f Regular li apl1 l hurche~ ~ang J sti1ring rcnd1 - t u Hl o I t he Bat t I c I I y n1 n <) f t hc Repuh Ii L 1 here \\er e pe..: 1 al 'A'<.> rkshop\, rcpor ts, luncheon ~ and hu inc~ scssll>n, cw pa to1 s t1nd ~ 1, es 1 n the slate v. en.: \l. el(o111ed and treated l<> a \f)L'Ltal dc~se, l r eceplllHl. ' f'he I e lit>\\ ship \.Vas p1 ec 1l>us. , ttnd the <Jnly nc 1 ati, c nt>tc ,~ a the ab encc <JI ,,ur State Rcprc ,cn· l ..HJ c I arr\ l .. Cl/CJ 13 ul l.>11 ·r ue ua\ r u101n1ng l<e J .. et1.e1 1 1ee,~J all the L u ni ere 11<.: e atte nde1 , 1,1 le I e ph< >Ill" ht)o up Ii i greeting '11ld p1.i)C1 ~et the 1t ,nc f l >I a v.c.>n<lerful da) '] uc day e t:nan' 111, ,c than l<)O dl~ct teens c.1111L" It• he u Jl1tJh.: so, IJa,1d \~' a11en <>f c: d I iJ I e c, 11 c 'e c1 n d en 1,1) c d p 11. 1 u d j t e r\\ 1 d 1 an\ sin d t h c , h c d I 11 ., , Jlll e Ll11n • I etter than the p11,u 1 And thd l 1J1c \ .; ll ,a fo1 th~ cnll 1e '- )lll e it:lllC e Jl c)hn < ,1een111 J , the nc111tHl dl 1c1 re entatl e fo, the <,A ll i! •. 1 u c four llnle ( le rI de 111on 11 un, d b1hh1.. I f > us 1n h1 le der hap of the ltlHni ( 1 ll n l'ctl(H ' 1111111h, 1 e I 11d J3r d >uac l , < u •111 lht: " conference to a fine conclusion. In talking about the benefit · of a voluntary nationwide fell ow hip with other Bi ble-believing Bapti t . the former GARBC National Represent ative Dr. Pau I R. Jack on ' lated that ·uch a fellow~hip "give a refuge from the generally unrecognized dangers of isolationism." He al o pointed ou l that it give refuge from ''pride in the pre ·ump– t1on that our church stands alone and the despair over the de lusion that there is n<)nc \,\;ho slands wilh u ." That is ,vh) we need to plan now to join t<)gc thcr again next year al Bcllcftlnta1nc. 1996-97 OARB 0 Fall 1996 • Larry Fetzer 1s back 1n the pulpit page 2 • Seminary extension classes offered page 2 • You can order tapes of the OARBC conference . page 3 • OARBC approves Ohio m1n1stry page 3 • Ohio welcomes five new pastors pages 4,5 & 8 • Scioto Hills 1s getting "Boulder " page 7 IL OF TWEL E 1\111111po rtanl le.Huie o f nur .1nnu• .1I Lonle1L'nLL' 1, the ,eat ing \.l l lhc nt'\\ ( 'ouncil o r ·1 \.\Cl\ c 1 h1, \ L',\I thtl'L' nev. llll' lllhl'l \ \\L'IL' L' I L'l tl'd \\ 11l1.tll\ I) ,}\, .... • v• .ts re L' lcLtcu h.1,1ng ,e,,t·d onl\ .t p.ull.11 te1 111 ()nl) 11 (\HlllLil n1cn1hc1 .... arc lt~lc<l. Jue to a la~t 1111nute rl',1 gna t1 un . \ n .tddu1 n11 .tl lllL'tllht•r ,, ill be appo1nh:d ~uon. Joe l ll arrunan f\1 ount Plca'iant l3aplt t , 11 u nl t'\\ lH lh ( l)7) ~l' l'rt>tar) t\1c1lyn Jont'\ , l ,uth J3apll st, ~1uunt \ 't• 111 un ( ' 9'), ·r rt'a,urer I 1111t>th, ~ enoyt•r 1,tranath., 13 ,,pll ~t. (\,lun1hus ( ' L)7) ( ' hairn1an ' 1'0111 \\'11,hl , 1c n1u11,,l 11 apu-..t ( ulu n1hu ~ t ' ')7), \ arl·- l h~111n1an l)cnn1 ~ lJu, ns, 1-~uth LJ ,1pt1s t l\.t 11t o11 ( ' 9S) 1',tul J tt:k~un , ' t->d.u IJtll li .1pt1st , c·1~, cl.u1d ( ' l) ,') Ja111t' s 1 ( Lun , \ tl,at) IJ,1pt1~1 . 1 \lt,,.dk (' ') ,') \\' illl,u11 l>.1,1 , ll1hl r l1 dpl1st , ll edl,11d (' 'J9 ) l u I J- ng le • < i 1 "I ht 111 H. o, ld l i , p t 1 l , l ' u , "ti o u •, I· .ii 1-.. ( ',, > ) J I l::d I I tnd , C di, .11) li ,1p11 t , l arH.: tt~l l" I t ' l)lJ ) Kenneth ' pink , l1 t're<t li ,tpt1 1, ll r11.."'d ( 9') )