The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1996

Praye1· and P1·aise PIQUA Hope Chapel Baptist Church Earl & Marilyn Shaffer (ABWE) Young Christians are acti,·ely sharing their faith ! Tlus has resulted 1n sal, ·ation decisions and visitors to the church. The church has painted the exterior of the building. Praj' for a keyboard player and successful outreach. PORT CLINTON, Grace Baptist Church Jeff & Deb Minniear (CBM) The education ,ving is almost complete! The church ,,ill soon graduate from mission status. The church is inten1.e,,ing pastoral candidates. Several neiv couples are doing a great job \\1th children s nurustries. Pray for the Minniears as they schedule meetings, raise support (35%). and find God' s location for their next Ohio church-plant. PORTSMOUTH, Shawnee Hills Baptist Church David Frazie The church is praising God for their ne,v pastor. A daughter church of Temple in Portsmouth, Sha"vnee Hills graduated from mission status 10 October The OARBC recognized the church' s graduation at the annual conference Tlus ,,11J be Sha,,nee Hill ' s last report in the Prayer and Praise. SIDNEY , Good Shepherd ' s Baptist Church Steve & Junia Olsen Good Shepherd 's dedicated their ne,,· building! Speakers included Dr Mark Jackson. interim GARBC representati\'e. Earl Shaffer, founding pastor. and Steve Olsen. The OARBC also recognized the church' s graduation at the annual conference. This ,viii be Good Shepherd 's last report. WAPAKONETA, Harvest Baptist Church Gary & Joy Bragg T,,·enty-eight ne,, people ha,·e committed to membership. Attendance ts a, erag1ng 190-200. Pray: O\'er 350 signed up for an evangelistic llan 1 e!; f Boun f} Dinner The retention pond is no,, finished at the building site. Ground breaking 1s scheduled for March 1998 . OTHER REQUESTS Brian & Sharon Gardiner (BM1v1 appointees) are interested tn church– plant1ng Pra) for meetings & support Pra) for Earl Shaffer, our church– plant ing consultant Pra) for contact,, 1th t,,o ne,, Russian Baptist churches 1n Ohio A couple rs looking at northern C1nc1nnau Pra) for the Church-Plant1ng Pra~ er Retrea t Ren1cn1bcr the OARBC s Church-Planting Task Tean1 Wi11ter 1996 of Ahhe J<oad ,1f te1\ • )t:ur of n11n1 ~tc11ng 111 chu1 l: he 1n I\1,u111:: e,, ) 0 1 h10 c1nd ( , n,1d<1 llt:l:hUtlh,,ratcsthdt '" lhe h,,,c t ,ut:hc:d rnun) 11, t: o e, the pas , 5<> cu ,tndv.t1ep1c.:sented i.11hc1 ' l~ oo uf 1e1no11e t:on ti1n1ng lette1 s 11 0 111 die 11\ 11 I pit: lht:) h C 1111 Ill le.: I ~ct (0 i he r nu,,n fu1 theu g1at:1ous pu11 dnd se1, nt l ea11l • uppu ed l) 1et11cd li t: c< nllnut.:: l< 1111n1 sh:: r tu thl': Sr a1nts und dll Hlt' c I t: , ho n ed a lende, lOULh - r ·- ••• - 1\ ~( L'laltun and 11 \\::t, .d-.u Lhl' hu1hplac(' O f llil· ()Id 1\~~llL'l,llllHl 11 lllll \\ )11L· h \\ l• had J'H~\ IOU~!) \\ 1thJ1 a\\ II 1 , \ pl.tqUl' ,, .,~ deJ, c.,teJ , hc.u 111g thl· lldllh.·, ,)I .tll p.1~Lur s ~ llH.:C 1 lJ2S I \\ o ~c,, l'd Lhl· c ltu, c h 1,, Ill', &111d HL lc.t~l t,, o p.t~to1<... d the I 1tt:ltl1eld liapt1 t ( ~IHHlh dt tht" ~dlltl' t1111e \\' c .,pp, eL 1.tlt' (1od 's l allhlulne~:-. u1d the 1 ,>l tdllt1n ,, 11h othc, heltt•\ er~ dlld 1~tl'1 cln11 che " c ,11111 ,111t1<I ,,a ,~ 8 om news deadline Winter issue February 10 Y hcLher , ou ,1rc gl11ng Lhrouoh <llep "l)f· ro,r , our elf or \\ .int to help ,ornconl' \\ hl, 1 \\ alh Lcphcn on· Lon \\' Ill g1, t' , l)ll 1n.1ght into and uggc uon~ .ibout ,un 1, 1ng .1 Lr,1ge<l, ( ,111 tl)<l,l\ .1n<l l)r<ll'r th1 111,11?.htf ul 11C\\ hth1k 1-800-727-4440 l!IRegular Baptist Press O l'lio Independc11t Bapt ist b, a publi cati on of the ()hio ,\~ ociatio n of Reguhir liapti~t t ' hu rche, Edit <> r ')l,HL' KL'ptL'\L'lll.1l1, L' l .u 1, l·e1,c1 f\ l an.1gi11g Fdil c.>r l llld,l I lHl ll \. l\ Pr<H.>fr t'ad t:r l )t hll( ,lh H ' ' 'L'll I e<.. l1n t <.. .t\ ~, i, t .lt\ <.. e Rt. l!l,Lt.'I ( ,, .,ph h ... K t1hh> ph '\ 1.. ,, 't k Pl1..·,1,l' d111..·l t ,ill l Olllllll'lll, l ,11 t l''lhllld1..•t1l ' Ill f IIC\\ , Ill ( >h it> 11\<lt· pt 11<.l t t\l tt a pt1,t I ' (> Bo,2')'1' K 1.."' ll e 1111 ~ l >t I -1" I 2 ' ' I .:!•>4 02') ' 1 h l ' < l l H 11 ~ SN O •• ti h ' I " p uh It \ h1.. I tU,lllC:1 I\ IOI -t IOI\: 1g111 pct \t .u t \ tt11.. ( >h10 'I , , IJlh II l t Kc:t:ul.u l:LJJ II I l h II t 1.. ~ 2 I ~~, I >n, l I )j h II l) II 4"