The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1996
- tor h r1 rol 1-\rn II I" r l 'h.u 1t'' \ rnt'tt •U I\ I l \ \ t I l' (.. \ r') I c . 'l''Pllll'lll(lr,lh.. d 2 °' \ I fn1• 1,l(\ ,lt l n ion Bap t i,t ,H1 .·1d.1,. June l) ·n1c . •\ , 111..'d f.1t1l ii\ h.1 .1llcndcd l nll)n 8. pll-..t ,1n1...l' n, l1r t , r,h."'. ·l)\t.:n1hcr 6. ,4(:) ). tn l ntl)tl, , tll.1_ hJII Til ·1r tnur (ht!Jrcn. eight ... .... .:!r.1nd,:hildrcn . nd I nc ..!fC,ll ~r..lnd- - ... .... J.1u;ht r .:ii attcno L n1nn B..1ptl',t 'fhc IJ llil\ ha, e,cn 1 :,cd tn the cllllC hou C n L'n1 )fl 1n·e Ju: P.1,t r .\rnctt cr,cd .1 Jc..i(on under c 1..hur... h', t1r,t three p.1 tt,r then ~ .1n1e ~ ,, r 1n 19- 1. Ht.: h.1, hccn 'n cd profe ,•< nal cn;1nce r "1nce I u .:'. ar.u llll peru, ne or t,, o da) a ,, ee n uh1n2 ant 1 c'-tron1 · hard,, arc - JnJ t,t1,,.... ...1C' 1.2n - \rnett ,,, i and Parll ular in the JJ ll )0 1 uu; I -th entur\ P:irlll ulc.1r . Bjpll b He 1 , derator tor the 1996- - , ~ Jr I r th1... Jth,, e,t Oh1 l) \Cr- .:n Gra r \t 1n1 it'r · F'ello,, hip. ..ind hJd art1 .. le publi hcd 1n e, cral .1t nal re It git u paper . ~ft ~hat r1egel hJ a epteJ he al I h.., r.... t'Jlt.: cntor pa l r '\ o ttingha m Ba pt ' t. ..... e£el. J (' e,'-,..ind ... na 1, e. on1e, to . ·( tllngham afLer nine ..... ,ear fm1n1 lf\ 1n\\ 1 atk1n . . en e" 'l r' He 1 a ~r~duJtc of .... B pt1 t 81 e College. Clar \ummll . P n , , dn1..1 p1egel and h1 "1fe. e a,t: t, n1arr1ed dau_hter - - Il l ., , 1n th" ... c un I of sin 11n ' .,nd I'' ·. h1no I ound 111 l· tlcn I' uk . l)hh l' l hi s 1s lhc st Pr, ol ., su "s I uI re," uc. Pl .111 Olli( ,s1 101 the (,P,..l'CI <) n I u I, I I , I l) ~ q . 1 '., s lo I I >., , 1 d < ~ n ~ c ,, t lhl' l·11sl ~lt ssttlll,ll) ll .1p11 ,1 ( hut ch ,,t l·dcn t·.,n1c to P.,slor Jnhn ;,,,,d). ut ·rt•1npll· l!.1pt1 st. Pot tstnnuth . scc l,..1ng .,d, ll't' .,ncl .,sstsl:tllC' C. I IJ s ('hurch h.,d ~u Ilcr cd a nu1nht·1 of , k., ,lnd dt ,t n\H ,\ 1 cn1L·n t o, e r the )C,lr. ,1nd ,va, 1n .1cnp,ud, of c los ing. ( lc.,rl, . tht•t t' ,, as a nCl'd for dra111atu.: , ,l\.'ltnn ~late Rcprc~c nt,\ll\C I an', 1:ctzc1 ,,,\~ 1nv1tcd to n1ccl \\ tth the h:.,dc rship ol hoth congregation, '-1nd othct area 0f\RB pd tor, It \\-J\ dctcn11incd that the bc,t cour5c of action \\- ouId be to let the church at Eden Park. clo<,c The deed v. ou Id be trans ferred to ~fcn1pl c and the ~tcv.iard hip of the property he 1t~ rcspon 1htlit). The church would remain clo"cd for a minimum of one )Car and then reopen under a ne'w name . On Jul) 15 . 1990, Temple a urned re pon– s1bil1ty and brought the lone m1,sionary being upported by Fir t Bapti t onto 1t, budoel e, In May 1992. Temple brought JI m Collingsworth onto 1t taIT a full -lime church planter. He devoted himself lo tarting a new mini try 1n the old building. Al the time of Jim Colling worth' . re 1gnati on on ovember 28. 1993. the nev..· hawnee Hill Bapti l Church had an average of 28 in unday chool. 42 in the morning wor hip, 26 1n the evening ervtce and 18 for the m1d-\veek prayer meeung. When tl became apparent that the continuity of an interim pa tor would be t ult the need of the congregalton , Dr. Clifford Marquardt , president of I 11 s1.,1 IJ1hl t II , 111 s u1h J 0 11H ( h10, ., c pl I th h.111 fl 1 I "Ill , th 11" I t, o 11 • und I l11 s t1Hhlul .,n I c ,,p, hie I ,id I shq . lh chur ch n1 ,11n1.un d 11s 1.,h1lit • pur ch,1 d t i v.,n . h '111 ,, oulh I 'o ,, tun .ind I C ' I\ "<I 11.l1rl11l' Ill .. ,.n, 'Cl1s 111 111 I di s 1pl "slup I ur1n , th, t1111c , I rnpl con11nucd ICJ (l\CI SCC the 1111111 II Inthcsp11n 1 o f l 'lfl,th chur ch ex tended., c.,11 to l)av1d l• r,1z1c I le htl'– SC\.:ll the l...ord hi 'SS\ ,th SC\~ r .tl ,n )f" dl·crsions f n r salval1c111 .ind h,1p11 Ill On Sunda . .. cplc rnhcr 8. I ') 1 J<J. t1 .101nt scr, tee \Vllh Sha\vncc Ilills w,, s he ld at ·rc111ple B,1pti s t. rn,1rk1n 1 the n fli c1~il c lose o l thi s ope rati on . ·r he deed and all legal titles have nnw been tran~ferred Lo th is independent Baptist c. hurch It has hccn a succcss lul rescue! f-ro1n the \ Crv hcginning. Pas to r Gowdy and the rncn1bcrs al 'fcrnpl c "1cwcd the \ llUati on 1n nautical lcrrns. When a di\trc\\ call came from a sister 5htp, they came alongside and helped stab1l11e with prayer, finances and crew. hawnee Hill s Baptist Church i~ now a recond1t1oned ve~sel. fit for the Ma. ter' c; u e. We o ffer prai c to the Lord and thanks to all who have been a part of this ·· re cue In Eden." L to R, Pastor David Fraz,e. Dr Clifford Marquart, Pastor John Gowdy The Church-Planting Pages ~ ~ J graduated from Practical Bible College . In rccogniuon of Pa tor·, Apprec1at1on Dav, Pastors \\'or"man and Conver e ., recei,cd e\eral gift and many card\ The da~ c.ulm1nated v..ith the pre entation to Pa,tor \\'orkman of a ">J x-foot ">hepherd· taff. ymholi l of the congregati on· s relat ion hip to him a their sp1r1tual hepherd . On 0Ltohcr 11 , truther Ba pti t Ta bernacle wclcon1cd Brian \\ 1 cbcr a'> pa~lor. \Veber . a graduate of CcdJrvilh: College , wa, previou,J) a technicc1l writer. and !-ICr\ cd as an ass istant editor for Regular Bapti st Press . He al~o pastored at Ftr~t Bapt is t Church, Belmont We'>t \t 1rg1n1a. Brian and ht\ wife. Beth. have three on . Jo 1ah, Joel and Jose •
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