The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1996
( . II or k ntc ll i 11 \ l c \ . l' , • Jt,( tl l t•darOr< tl k Rd . l l l~, l l a n d . () l-l +a 11.. ~ lh·9J~-S01Q t ppoint«·c ~·it/, Remnant \fin, fnl' 'i , I nc. Tra\·~l ft the Beat en Path... ,,·1th Leeland & \ tan ro tt • Bapti t fo r I rael eminar Contact u for , ..Ti tten d e tails tor planning , ·our trip to I rae l! ~rrun.1r L,x1rdlnat,'"lr .1n \\" Candi ,h - 22nd "-t '\. \ \' Pa,t ... ,... \\ ntt• Jor our free ,nauual, Jl oi. T Lead.-\ Snninar Trip To Israel " Preferred Risk Insurance Company • -t UIO • [_ife • Church • Health • Home • Businers • Disabilirv • 4 nnuines Insurance for non-drinkers your best buy• Ph Ip~ inancial er~'ice , Inc. Prof cs.: 1ona.l consulting and ales (or ~ our financia.1 and ·~ urance needs Dorr R Phelp . GP CFP. RFP. LUTCF ,o H P ~ieado\A. On,e \ c ten 11le Ohio .! •O 1 Ph oe I .!- 99 F ~.X 99-6022 Buses & Vans For Sal e · 5-8~ r-asse"'oer enc es a ,a ab e ~ oua -y 'or ess a • Transportatton Equip Sales Corp . o-! • S€a"12n :::a o·ego o- A3--1e 1. • 9-€36-2335 - - Teena n oe -800-227-3572 •B!o er; Cfi d scoun,s• as• or Bud Granam (,.. l1 11g1·nt11tntio1t t: ! f tor n i r f r t Flo h, C Iv ry pt 1, i i m, r hon r ti on p 1 to, J pr I t1on ct iy, 0 r I " Th church urprl (I th f ~obb 1th n n r 1v d pl l , n1 ny c r 1 ,nd ,,rt I f ( 0 }fllllf) l 2•l v f or f 1thf ul rv C hi • in Anlmp t by Stat e Represen tat ive Larry Fetzer I t\\,\~ the f1r,t 1111,c ,n l\\Cntv eight )c,,rs th,ll l 11\1,,cd ,\n {) \ RBC' •\ nnu ,\I C~nnf cr t'n~c ~{ \,\\ d1,,,ppn1ntcd I\\ ,\ , not to he ,n Bcrc.1 to ,h.u e 1n \() ll1C of the hc,t tcllr~,\,htr th, ~ ,,de of hc.1\cn 't' ct I ,un ,urc that 1t \\U\ o f the Lord \! h\. d1<.J l h.,, c the hc.1rl attJck? I thought I v. J \ ,n C\ (c llcnt ph) ,,cal cond1Lton. \tncc I cat right and c,rrc,,c regularly . ye t ~t11l 1t truck. Blan1c tt on fan1tl y h1\tory. I guc\s . ul I. I thank God for 111, v. ondcrfuI ., heritage He ha" given n1c peace in kno,\ 1 ng that He i in charge . I am making good progre toward re~o,ery. and expect to be back in circulation h) the ttme you read tht arttcle. A huge TH K YOU to all those pa. tor and people of our a oc iation who ha, e fa1thfull 1 prayed for me during tht tumultuou year in my life . l have received literally hundred. of cards and call · a ur1ng me of your prayer on my behalf For th1 I am mo t grateful. Your IO\C and your gift have been appreciated Seminary Extension ounces Classes T he Baptt l Bible Seminary exten ion, located at Graham Road Bapti t Church 1n Cu)ahoga Fall . provide pastor with concentrated one-week module cour e in Oclober and February each year The BBS exten ion is authonzed by the Ohio Board of Regenls as a fully-appro,ed Ohio eminar) . Cla es offered 1n Februaf) 1997 are B1602 Pentateuch February 17-2 1 Dr John Lawlor 3 credit hours PT602 Princ ip les of Church Growth February 24-28, Dr Howard Bixby 2 credi t hours Te, regi ter call Dr Jame King at 1- 00-451- 2 2 7 111orc than I can ,,,y \ o n o \.\ 11 , h,1Lk lll work . gratc lul to C,o<l that I- le ,1 ii I has a pla1,;c for n1c 1n !he se rvi ce o f 111~ k1ngc.Jon1 . 1 have lot s of ope n1 ng\ for 1997. I hope to sec you on the road ,oon. \OfllC place in Ohio. I Ohio Pastor To Teach In Russia E vangelical Baptt st M1ss1ons ha\ a ked Pa tor Merlyn Jone , Faith Bapll sl. Mount Vernon, to join a teaching team to Ru ta with m1 1onar1e Byron Shearer and David Haag The purpose of the December trip i to help equip Ru \\tan pa tor who. under commun1 \ l rule . v..ere unable to rece ive formal Bible tra1n1ng Jone will also have opportunity to preach 1n a Ru 1an church Remnant Mini trie Gain Approved Statu At the 1996 OARBC confer– ence 1n Berea. messengers voted to grant "approved status" to Remnant M,n,str,es. Remnant M1n1str1es, directed by Rev. Joel Kettennng, wasfounded 1n 1904 as The Cleveland Hebrew Mission Its current m1ss1on act1v1t1es include works in Cleveland . C1nc1nnat1. Pittsburg, southern Florida, North Carolina , Arizona and Brazil •
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