The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1996

• The B ible Quiz Team from the First Baptist Church of Parma placed f irst in the Hebron Fellowship Quiz League for the 1995-96 season. Rachel Richards earned the most individual points for the league. winning a f irst place trophy. Mary Minch won the second place trophy for individual points. The team 1s coached by Steve Larson . Cedarville College News Cedar, 1lle College has named its newe t building The Dixon Mini tr) Center. Dedicated during the recent homecoming te u, 1Lie . the building honor Dr. Paul and Mrs. Pat Dixon for their ervice to the College . ._ Hou~ed 1n the Center and al o named at the ded1cauon are The Jeremiah Chapel. The Bolthouse Center for Mu ic, and The Ree e Center for Chrisuan Mini trie . The $15 million . 120,000 quare-foot Dixon :t\11n1strv Cenler. under construction ~ for 19 n1onth . \\ as first conceptualized as part of the college trategic planning proce ten year ago. "The Mini try Center truly advance the mi ion of the College: To provide an educati on con i tent with biblical truth ," ay Dr. Dixon. The College i enj oying another record enrollment of 2,509 student , coming from 49 tate and everal foreign countries. The large t depart– ments are Bu ine Administration, Education. Engineering, cience and Mathematics and Nur ing. r--------------------------~ I I I I COST: $3.00 PER TAPE TAPE ORDER FORM 1996 OARBC CONFERENCE I I I I I T TAL : Mail to Berea Bapt ist Church, 250 West St . , Berea, OH 44017 #TAPE 1- Vvarren· Youth Night I oaferenee Music I I Be sure to include your name and addresst TOTAL ENCLOSED I I L--- ----------------- ___ ... Our purpo JS to p10 kJ God t,ononng D s ni£Ju1ld S rv,cBs Our S •E·MI BRENTWOOD Design I Bulld ' 61 Columbus P1k0 Cedarv11l , OH 4531 4 513 I 766·5585 ., M LJ<>f ¥ Har1'.h,road, P, Ladies, don't forget to save your quarters for Project Cleveland ! RUPP AGENCY, INC. Speciali~ing in church proper0 & liabili0· insurance. ·vvith 0 1·er 1.500 chu rches insured stateH·ide . Over 90 OARBC churche are curre11tly participating in the Group Plo.n. Call fo r a free appraisal and no obligation, con1petitive quote. 1357 We l Lane Avenue Colun1bu , OH .+3221 Call toll-free: 1- 00-2 2-92_– or 61 4-4 6-5911 Contact Ben Rupp r / .,., KENT STATE UNIVERSITY KENT, OHIO Satttrday, Mai-ch 29 • Co1111) ., t,tio 11 to 1 T ear11s • Act1\ 1 iti s to 1 l11(it\ 1dL1als • C los i11g E\, t1 ll ,1t~t1 t f\ , lh. ( '()I flu tlh' t lllh.H llld ( h ) ll ,, l ll (<H ( l 'clltl \.l<t ll h1t>"e11, l lllr lld ll ltt'I Kapt1-,t <l l l ~,tl,cf t) (,l 1 <>) 17) ~2~0 ,"'-; I )()ti :-»() I t'l { bl I I h, ( ) I 11<) f\ ss<•t 1t1t 1<,n <>I l?t~qu/u, l>u11t1=-,l ( I H11 \ /, es \ 1 <)ut)1 ( <>111nUtlt e