The Ohio Independent Baptist, Special Conference Issue 1996

, The:: <> d.«::IIt :8.;; +pti.s.t The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Special Conference Issue Summer 1996 ear friend in the Ohio A ociation, I have ju t een the full program for our Annual Conference, cheduled for October 28-30. It i very exciting! We at Berea Bapti t would like to invite all of you from our i ter churche in the tate of Ohio to this very important annual meeting. We are working diligently to prepare for your coming. Many confusing winds of' doctri11e and rnisgL1id d 111i r1j stries r11 e fl<}<)ding our co1n111u11i tie~ today. It is \'cry tir11e 1 y tl1at tl1t: ( c)ur1c i I <Jf ~ el \ 'e }1~t~ c l1o~en a~ the the111e t)f tl1e C<)r1terer1ce, ' 'A 1a11date <>1 131bl1cal Minj~try." T l1e r1evil )' elected RB I at i <) rl~tl f<epreser1t~tt1 \ e, J t)hn G reer1ing, 'A'i11 cl1al le11ge tl~ tl1ree t j 111c duri r1g tl1t: C<J111 ere11ce . ll1e 1..iJ)ec 1 ~ti 111 Ll~ic frc.)111 \Or11e c.>f <)tlr s l~llc ']11l c11ts (~or l1rist \\' ir1r1ers ~tr1c.i tl1e f ellov. ~111p l1re gL1l ll'tlI1teeJ l<> 1 ~(· }1 l11 ,c )'<>LJr l)~tttc1 ies. 111 1l1csc Lla)'s t>f d[trk tli\ 1 i sic)11 ~111tl cLtI '-lcll L'<> tlf Lt\i(>Il , \\:c tlceti t<) cc 111e l ) 1 e tl1e1 ~1r1tl eXJ) rc ss il t ' (>rl ·e1tcd \ ' <>IL'C f<>r l1il)l1L·ltl t111tl1 . 131 cl' Lil tl1< ). e t,~.1<, ~1r1cJ C)11e-l1~1lf t i~t)'S ~111t J j<>111 ti s f<>r <Hl ;\ <>f tile fi11e. t AJ 15 c 11t c 1 J1L' c s ! • i11ce re l\ 1 \ ' l>t1rs i11 t1ri st, ., ., National Representative John R. Greening Pastor Kenneth Spink This special ed1t1on of tt1e 018 focuses on the OARBC Con fer ence 1n Berea October 28-30 A ltn11ted nun1ber of copies hc1v 0 been n1a1led out to each A~soc1ct t1on ct1urch. l he cj nadltne tor th 0 ne t regula r eci1t1on ,~ Novernber 5 Please subn11 t our hurct1 ne~, s c n(i c r11cle~ by t he\ t (jcl l • Questions abol,t the confer– ence? C II Bere Baptist ChlJr ch at 216-234-9797 or FAX the1l1 at 216-234-3657.