The Ohio Independent Baptist, Special Conference Issue 1996
on erence F~ 0 1" tr t1on r K vr, t S lrv1c Gr tin s frorn host p, stor KPn S~Jink lntr dt1c t1on of n 71 \V pastors 1n the state. l., rry F tzer ~ ~agn by Joh,, Gr ning : "Fe 1thful In Proclaiming The Truth Of God's Word'' r R ~1t1on For New Pastors Tuesda~ October 29 Oar .... a r 9 00 a n1 o 00 a. 1. 00 a.n1. ~ 00 a.m. 30 p.m. ·30 p.m. 2·~5 o.m. - 00 o.m. Continental breakfast provided by host church Prayer Meeting Assoc at,on Hour Church planters' and treasurer's reports Encouragement Service 1essage by Larry Fetzer: ''The Church's M1n1stry To The Suffering" Prayer and Encouragement for pastors & wives with members of the Council of Twelve Encouragement for our lay people: "The Church Meeting The Needs Of Those In Pain. ' with Dr. Tom Linke, physician and member of Grace Baptist, Westlake Oh io Womens Missionary Union Mens Workshops • Discipling Men To Be Godly" - Larry Fetzer • "Evangelism Explosion In The Local Church" - Brad Pellish, assistant in outreach, Washington Heights Baptist, Day1on • Youth Ministries Workshop - Youth Committee • "Church Planting In Ohio" - Church Planting Task Team Meet the new GARBC National Representative, John Greening Evening Challenge Introduction of new Council of Twe lve Message by John Greening: 11 Bold In Exposing The Truth" Wednesday, October 30 a·oo a.m. s·30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Cont inental breakfast provided by host church Prayer Meet ing Business Hour Reports E ection of Camp Patmos Trustees Camp reports i 0:00 a.m. Morn ng Challenge Message by T.W. Teall . pastor, Perry Baptist, Canton: "Godliness: Devotion In Motion ~ i 00 a m. Fina Send-Off Service Message by Brad Qu ick, pastor, First Baptist. Elyna: "Diligent In The Work Of Ministry ' JOH A. GREEr lt-lG : • y preoara•1on for pastoral vocat ion .,.. • ,..,..,e · Bat:r s B be Co ege of Clarks Summ1 Subsequent ·~a,... : "'as r-.c uded s·ud es a· Bap~1st Bible Seminary, Trini ty =. d ge --a D n t Schoo and Grand Rapids Bap tist Ser,-, ,..a... al"T' c1.;· e y n o ed 1n ·he Doctor of M1n1stnes :: • ::ra...,... a· 6ap· s Boe Sem nary 1n Clar..: s Summit It has ::to.:: a o s· ~ nor o na e ad a number o add1 1onal ...... .... ....,~ es r .o eme and se '"'1 ce Some of tnose have been the Council of Twelve of the OARBC the board of Western Baptist College , the Council of Eighteen of the GAABC and the boards of ABWE and Bapt ist Bible College My wife and I have been involved 1n wnt1ng proJects for Regular Bapt ist Press 1nclud1ng the current adult series on 1 Timothy : Greening's wi fe Dana, is an educator specializing 1n working with chi ldren ~vho have reading and learning diff iculties. The Green1ngs have two children.
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