The Ohio Independent Baptist, Special Conference Issue 1996

Having An Impact On Ohio Larry Fetzer State Representative P hilemon 7. "Your )O\e has gi\en me great JO) and encouragement, becau e vou. broLher. have refre hed the hearts of ., the saints," ( especiall} o f me and my famil)) Vi-r'e ha\!e received an 1ncred1ble number of cards and letters from friend from all across Ohio. both du ring Pat ' sickness. and e\en more . o ince God took her home to Glory In add ition, n1an) have cal led to peak v. ords of con1fort and strength to us A special v. ord of thanks to those v. 1 ho sent fl owers and v.·ho took part in the memorial gi ft designated for church planting tn Ohi o Sa rne also sent gifts tov. 1 ard the medical ex pen es , v. htch v. as much appreciated . Across the bottom of our A ')Oc1auon h:tterhcad v. e have irnprt ntcd the word'>. "\\' hat a 1:ellov. shtp.' ' li ov. appropriate arc tho~e v.ords ! You dear folk ha\C certainl} added ncv. n1eaning to that littl e phra e b) the lo\ e and support ) nu ha\ c g1,en I arn espc tall) grateful to the CounLtl of I v.el, e for their scns1u, ll) during these da) s 'I he) grac1ousl) gave rne a three inonth leave of ahsen c v. htle Pat v. <1s so , er) ill and Ill) da) s v. erL filled v. nh the dut1e ot <.:ar1ng tor her, and then cx tend1ng lor rne 11111~ after her death . OHIO WOMEN'S MISSIONARY UNION Tue; day Oct.ober 2~ 199~ 130 fJ rn Bc; r ea Ba rJ'tlSt Churci, ?r::;0 'e~'t ::?tr ee't Berea I~ Theme: I t t-r ti t'I r I I d 5pc; i er lv1r [ l c:t I r rt I I e, I .::ii ;I r r f: lv1f "'1 t. t I t: f a t B.JJ i, t rr n r t. er r n el~r d ~ual tviuslc i::1lhe tv1 £ I , dir IF at.ure I ldfft' It t I This gave me the opportunity to recover from the emotional stress of tho e difficuJ t days. To all our churches and people who o faithfully prayed for u , and continue to do o, I. along with my family, ex tend our deepest appreciation for your love and encouragement. I look forward to eeing many of you at the annual conference in Berea. I love you all . Dear Women Of Ohio W hat fre h thought . new word and good examples could I use to say one more time, "You need to be at the nex t OWMU meeting."? I was ure the Lord knew, so I asked Him for His w 1 dom and help. H1 answer dtd not come at that moment. I had to wa1t. ..almo ·t 24 hours ! Here· s what happe ned. A friend and I met for breakfast. After our great tin1e together, l stopped at the Chr1 t1an bookstore. As I entered the \ tore, I ·aw a new line of greeting cards The first one I picked up said. " I an1 always so refre -hcd by your con1- puny It 's so n1uch like the Lord '\ ." You' re right , l bought ll for rn 1 friend because ll expressed exac tl y hov. l felt af tcr our lt n1e toge ther I rcn1en1hered that I hc1d ftr\l n1et 111\ ~ friend c1t ,ln area le llov.i \ h1p n1eeting, and that n1en1or, n1ade n1e real11c that God had an')v.ercd n1, prayer tor v.1 , don1 antl help l,n' t )Ou t -..p 111t \1 lv.i.1) , relre ... hed \\ hen vou attt:1H.J , ln di Cd fello\\ \ hrp n1Let111g or an O\\'Ml 1.tll, ! .\ren t you \tlv.a)s :.t\\,llL lh.ll Jl.',us 1, thL're 111 our 1n1d st'! So, dear ladies . let ) l>U r spirits he rt· fre sht:d lll thL' {)\\' l\1 U Jail 1all) on ·rue~da) at tt: r noun, October 29 , at l3e1 t•a liaptt t ( hu1ch It 's v,,)rth ,lll) d11\L' )lHI need to ,n.tke II ),>u J ouht that , c.dl ,H1l~ of the ,, 0 1ne11 tr 0 111 J~rr t ll.1pt1 s t { hut l h 111 <,,allipo li I ht'\ st·ldoru 1111 ,s .tll <J \\ ' 1l 111L• l• t 111 g, "1 HI t lit' ) u s u. dI) tr " , e I lllctll) rnilc s to llh.' 1Hi l 'o111 L· to th ink o t ll , I ht ) ' I l ' d I\\ , l) s .l p .11 I O I 111 \ ' ' I l ' 11 l' \ h l' r Lo1ps ' I ' ll st'e ) OU <111d thL· 1n 1n li e1c .i 1 JnJl1 l O \L' , ' uc J\1ill e r J> S 11, i ng tho e l ti Ied qu l r l e 1 '- c1 \ t' 1 ~ J ha t v. ill Le ftct1nl tt:lt el'l h the ~ p1111 , o l 'o r 1n a ' ulph , N<1 11 l Sidl e ct nd liarh I ds h 1 OARBC CONFERENCE HOTEUMOTEL INFORMATION You must have a tax exempt form in order to avoid paying extra tax at each hotel. Without the tax exempt form, you pay 14.5°/o tax. With the tax exempt form you pay only 3°/o tax . You must also pay with a church check to receive the tax break. **Harley Hotel is recommended as the Conference Headquar– ters Hotel. Only 30 rooms are reserved . There will be no guarantees on reservations or price after October 14. All these hotels are about 2 miles from Berea Baptist Church. Other hotels are available within 5 miles. Harley Hotel 216-243-5200 $58 per room plus tax Motel 6 2 16-234-0990 $49 per room plus tax Cross Countr y Inn 216-243-2277 $55 per room plus tax Red Roof Inn 2 16-243-2441 $60 per room plus tax Hol iday Inn 216-243-4040 $8 1 per roon1 plus tax Comfort Inn 2 16-234 -3131 $85 5 per roorn plu~ tc. x Free housing is available to those \JVho regi ster by October 14. For information, call Sharon Weinschreid r at 216-826-1599.