The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1997

• Tb~ <>I •i<> -...c1.~p~••d.~••t :Bcllpt:i:st The ew s letter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Ch urches \ 'o l . 70 o. 1 he nex t everal week will be mo ' t crucial for our a .. 'Ociation of Regular Bapti ·t Churches. We are engaged in a law~uit ari~ing out of the inj ury of a young woman at our Camp Pat1110~ two and one-half years ago . The girl wa · injured in a diving acciden t. Thi ~ituation bri ngs up the urgent need for prayer : 1. pril 24 i the date et for the ourt hea ring. P lea e . eek the face of od , that H i will be done. 2. '"Or the inJured girl , her l1ealtl1 . reco cry and adjust1ne11t to the 1njurie~. . 1::or l1er fan1i 1 y a11d the ex tra s tress ar1d bt1rde 11 tl1i s J)lacc\ <> Il tl1e 111. 4 . l.. <>r tll l: f,1111il} 1 's l1<>111e cl1L1rc l1 ~ls tll t:;' seek l<> l1 t: IJ) a 11 d e 11 c<Ju r ,1 gt: t l 1 e gi rl ,111 d 11 e r 1a111 i J) ' . 5. l.. (Jt tl1e aLl<Jf'Ilc)'S ir1, 1 <>l\ 1 ed ir1 tl1e '" J) rt)L ec Ji11 1 s. J ... 0 1 tJ1e l>L111 ii L>J '1", 1 .1el, 1 e a11 I 1t lcadc1 s as tl1c,, \\' Jrk • \\ t lll ll. c a ll l) I 11C) 1 S 'l il t ) tl1e ·ou1 tl ) 1e <Jl c tl1 1 tte . 7. That we a · an as ·ociation may be able to maintain a strong te ·timony for God in the way we handle this matter. 8. For an1p Patmos and its leader~as they ~eek t provide a safe and wholcson1c . . . cru11p1ng ex per t 1ce 1 n ·1 hri \l-l1c)n<Jri 11g c1 vi rt)11r11c n l . 9 1::or k.)' \ ' ic ~' R ,1r1cl1 ,111d "c t()l<) Hill~ L111111. a~ Loge tl1er til e} ,eek l<> 111ec l tl1c c~11111) 1r1g 11ccd"i (Jf cl11 IJrcr1, yt)t1tt1 ~111J f d r111 l 1 e\ t 111 t > tt g 11 t> tt t C) l 1 i( >. I() . r·c>r tl1e e\ .. 1r1ge l1 st1c ~1r1li cJi sL· i11l111g <>J)J1<>1 tt111it1 L'\ \\ 1 l1i cl1 ar 111 ~1<..J c a, 1 ,ul,thlt~ tl1r >t1gl1 'l1ri s tia11 L~tttl J)t ll t> 111 >ur s l ,1lc. Winter 1997 • Snowstorm damages northern Ohio church. page 2 • Its t ime to sign up your teens for Talents For Chris t. page 2 • Chu rch planting prayer retreat announced . page 3 • Dan Gelatt. Sr , has a bnde page 4 • Ohio welcomes si x new pastors pages 4 & 5 Have You Participated In The •97 Earl Umbaugh Offering? I o 1 111 t' 1 ( > r \ RI/ ( Rt I" t , t II f" t 1 , < 1~·", I l , 11 ho II g h II ll , 111 , 11 '", u , 11, 1 / 111 II t ' (I I I\ I ()() () I, I( I l Ill{ I ( I, I'" l It ( ' () \ ( I 7 () 11/ "'"l" lit' ,11/l 111 t \l\ftlltt !otl<1\ I ll,t \<'Cl/\ ojjt, 111g t th1bf,, I It \ ( ( I XI \ <' .: l 1 {)() ( ) t' ( h /, / () II t> I I 1, () I 1 \ lit ( ;,,;, Ill/Ill <llltl ( 'It'\ t>l 111,I Help us nurture ne\v church plants 1n Ohio!