The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1997

< // r r,r, }ti ll ~l l' ' ,., • ..1606 c ..Arl1rc k Rd . <. ·1l, , t•I nt-1. 11 44 l 1, - 1 ~-9J1-5 )2Q .l ppoinlc' t' ' K'ilh R < n1nlln I \/in ,,rric., , In c. 1· ra , ·cl O t t the Beat e n Pa th ... ,, 1th l ~~l.1nd & \J an (~rottc. • Bapti"'t "' tor I~ rael em1nar ontact u , tor\\ r1tten detail tor planning, o ur trip to I rael! ~ n11n,.:- L ,rd n,1 l ,.'In \\ C,1ndh,h 2: ' ~-nd ""l '\ \ \ Rl ht.•,tt.: r \ 1'\. :;; 1 - 1- ~ -- -- - ~ l'a ,tor, \\ 'ntt" , , , tlllr frt!t• 111t11rr1a/, llo,c To L .. ·41,i ..\ ' c."'lniu,1r Trip To Is rael" Preferred Risk Insurance Company • \lllv • I ife • ( ' hurch • llealrh • llomt • Bus, ne"" • I>•,ahi/1n • 4nnuitze', Insurance for non-drinkers your best buy Ph Ip f' inan ia l er, ice , Inc. o~ ulung and ,al~ fo r~ ou r financial and ,~ urancc need- C rr R Phelp GP CFP RFP I UT ' F ' HP- \:earl \\S f)n,e \ e n e ()ha Buses & Vans For Sale · 5 5-! ;:a.ssenge· .. et: a a ;able Buy ouaJ .. 'f ' J, 'ess at •r,~':-~ Transportat ion j/1,;~ ~ Equtp. Sales Corp. Se n Rd 0Jegoo Oti 43618 .t 1 9 836- 2835 h~ naoo .-.,oe -800-227-3572 ·- . ~g c re s.coo s as· •or Bua Gra am • 1 nl a by State Representative Larry Fetzer \. 0 0 llllllPll \l'l1llllH.. 'nl hl',Hd a Clll\\ OUI l.1nd 1n 1c1..cnt d.1,, 1,. · \\'h,ttr, L' r h,1, h,tppl'lll'd tu ,,ur heh,, cd l.1nd ,.. It ,ct' tll s .1, th,lu~h dcr.1v h.1, 111, ,Hied 1u,t ,1hnu1 L'' er, l ,11...·c t <.l l life 1n 1\ 111c1 IL,\ In h1, h,H, i,. , The /) t \ c1/u111.~ of \ 111c11c a. 8111 Rcnnctt c ite, the rc,ult, of ,l ,tud, that * 1ndtl.,llc,' " htlc ou, U. popul,ll1on h.1, 1ncrc.1,cd h) 41 percent ,,nee 196(). there h.1 hccn ,\ 56() percent 1nLrc,1,c ,n , Hllcnt l.r1n1c ...... 1 400 percen t 1nLrC,l\C 1n tllcl!1t1n1,llc h11th, • .ind 111 dt\orcc,. ,1n<l J .... 2()0 pcrLcnt tnLrt:·a,c in lccn,1gc \ Ut c1dc,. .dong,, 1th,\ drop of .1ln1o~l O po111t, tn the J\ cr,1gc . ,\ T ,core .... of high school .... ~ ...,tuJcnt Ethtc,d hch .. t\ tor dnd n1orJI ,tJrH.lctrd, h.1,c dctcr1oralcd . The future nf An1er1ca depend~ on a rcph:-n1\h1ng ol our n1oral cnpttal. What \\ c need 1, a ,p1r1 tual renewal and a re hJpt ng o f charac ter .. It 1s here that wc n1u t depend on our familic\ and our churchc .... 'A'e cannot look to the god le · \\ orld 1 stem to re. cue u~ f ron1 the dO\Vn\\ard "i ltdc . Thi ts a ta: k for the pir,c of God \v orking through the church . the Bod o f Chr1 ·t 1n the world . ~ \\'c arc the amba ~ador\ of God. cnt out into the \\. Orl<l to proclai m the truth o f God t1n<l the eternal \ aluc of H1 \.\'ord. The re- , alu1ng of America, to a greaL extent. depend\ on u I The lhu rche . o f the 0 1-\RBC hear a great re pon 1billl) 1n our tatc to be the \Chicle through ~h, ch God v:orks His ...... influence lo change the world .. The early church mini tercd 1n J ~ orld that could onl} be called pagan Yet through their impact. 1L could trul} be ,aid that the) "turncJ the v.. orld up 1de do~ n.. \vtth their reJccn11ng me age Once again the church find tt\elf ,n the mid l of a pagan world on the ".1 I I ppc ': Iope to c;e If-de ·truelion. What are \\e, the church, doing about 1t ? Each one of u should a i... the e que uons. "I m 1 Lhu rch doing our part 1n the re- \ alu1ng of America.., Arc v.,e truly making a difference,, I" our tov.n any better because m} churth I \ here> What must \\C do to effecti,el\ reath our own # ommuntt) and 1mpatt 1l for God>" l 'hc OARBC bears c1 \ tgn1ficant respon 1billly 1n the re -\aluing of Amer1 a. or at lea t in that nei ghborhood r t h . l that ( iod has placed us 1n ( h11 h1hl1ct1I nu:ssag~ 1s the onl y lltl'ssagc \\ tth ctc hope ro, rcdccn11 ng .u,d , csh,tpt ng . 1 l(lst \\ orld (iod 1s dcpcnd1n~ on us l o l1t c1all, r hangc o u1 "'<H Id fo1 ( 'h, t\ l ·r ogcthc , v. c can ' ' turn Ohio ups ide <l o\.\ 1 11 ." f Storm Destroys Auditorium Clearing the debris at Faith Baptist unday eveni ng. ovember I 0. a heavy ~now torm which slruc.k north– ca~tern Ohio collap ed the roof of Faith Bapti t Church o f Perry . erv1cc\ Ior the da\ had been cJnccllcd hccau5c the area ., had no heat or e lect r1cll} . \O the c.. hurch wa\ unoccupied E\c r 1 thing 1n the recently refurb1,hed audi torium ~a\ des troyed. incl uding the organ. piano and pcv.., A \Cttlemcnt ha".1 been reached with the 1n urancc– pan}. and the congregati on plan\ to rebuild th t pr,ng Meanwh ile. the church 1~ meeung 1n a nearhy \<.. hoo t building Michael Fra,er 1s pa tor at Faith Bapll \ t •