The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1997

Ji\ ANNOUNCING / 1997 TALENTS FOR CHRIST APR IL 19, CEDARVILLE COLLEGE For information , call Greg Davies , Calvary Baptist Church, Sandusky 419-625-9690 Cedarville College News C edar, Ille College opened the 'A-Inter quaner v.1th tv. o Arll t Series concert . On J anuar) 14. the Arti st eri e pre ented a c.oncert of cla 1cal mu 1c bv the ; Columbu ) mphon} Orche tra . The Bra Choir and ) mphonic Band concert f caturcd the Carill on Bra of Day ton on Januar) 31 Profe or Charles Pagnard . .t\\UL Jate profe or of music, and adJ unct profe, \or tc, c W1ntcregg are n1en1bers of the bra" '> quintet. Dr Joe Stov. ell. pre 1:, 1dent of Mood) Bible ln '> lltute Jnd a 1966 graduate of Cedar, tile . \poke at the an nual Winter l: nr1chrncnt Conference January 15- J7. 1 he annual Sp rin g Mt s!)ionar} Conf erenee v. 1 IJ be held on the carnpu of Cedar, 1lle College from Tuesday morning through 'J hur'>da) e, en1n g March 25-27 at 1O:<JO a.rn . and 7 30 p . 111. ·rhe fcatured ... pcakcr o f the co nference 'N 1ll be lJr ~ cndell Kemp ton . pre1:,1dcnt of th l r\ ~~UC I at l O n O f Bapt l \ t 1:i [ 0 r WO r) d l:. , a nge li sm. Approx11natel) 50 1111 :-. 1o narie s are expec ted to a tt e nd . 'I h I ou g hou t l he c. o n f c r cncc th c rn1 s 1o naric -will prc!)en t their fields and In l c r ac t v.· it h th c ')tuden l ~. \ 1 1cc })re s ident fo1 J: nr o lln1ent ~1 anage,nt nt l)a, 1d Orn1shce report~ lhc1e I s tJII t1n1c to .1ppl) for ad1n1 ~s1on und II nanc ,al a1d for the con1i ng acctden11L ear J .. ede1 al s late and in stll ull onJI ~ ' I t I a I a Id Is st i 11 a, ail ahI e for the 1997 -98 ~c.: huol )car . l3e sure to -..uh1ni t ) ,ur l'" ree Appli atr u n tor l·edcral <-ituJcnt A id ( J.. AI.. SA) or l<.encv. al 1\ppl1~,1t1 on ,1:-. s<on as possible. I.. 11 lurthe1 1nf u1111auon call Adn11ss1ons at J-8()(). 1.:.1 A l{V ll . 1. 1:. . J he l! uard o t ·r,u stee app, u,cJ p1u 111o t1o ns o r tcnurt' for se ,cral Cedarville College faculty member, . Their new po iti on · wi II be effecti vc eptember I 997. Faculty n1embcr · recei ing tenure are : Dr. Philip Ba , 'Cll . Dr. Robert Cha nov, Dr. Cheryl Fawce tt. Dr. Chi-en Hwang, Dr. Di ane Merchant, and Dr. Chri Miller. 4th ual Church Planting Prayer Retreat A n opportunity ha · bee n planned for our pastors and people to gather toge ther for prayer regarding church plant1 ng throughout Ohi o. pcc1al gues t~ to ~hare the Word and the challenge \\'1 th U\ wtl l be Dr. Hov.·ard B1xbc or Bapll "i l Bible Sen11nary. Clark, Sun1n1ll. Pcnn<.iy l\ttnta. and [)r Gerald Webber o l Con tinental Bapt1-..t M1~-..1o n ()a te: April 14- I 5. .t\1 ondJ) <1nJ ·ruc"idt\) , noon to noon P lace : ol u111bu~ Con1f 0 1 l l nn orlh (17 1 and [{t 161 . ex it 11 7 ) I 800 282 6946 ' o t : Rcg,~ll auon $ 15 1{00111 r ,1tc ~42 per per -.on Ahhn!\ IJtcJ p..1-.tor... · ...e,..,HHl 1-.. J uc \ O,]) 111orn1ng 9 tt 111 I 1 noon n ,note! lee ttnl.1 un i) ~~ rcg1,tr,llHHl l·o r 11101c 1nforr11 .l11on t,d l [)an S1n1n1011-. a t 2 1(, -4"8 " I 2 X Our purposu is S •E·MI BRENlWOOD 10 p1ovidt1 Cod·hononng D s n!Bu,ld S Nie s • Design I Bulld ' J 61 Colu1nbus P1k C darv1II , OH 45314 513 1766·5585 " M ~or.-W>h HartJ~roaa, P, ""~, l ~ ~~-;.'\,- IJV!..,, n 11/JQ Con tru~tlon Ladies , don't forget to save your quarters for Project Cleveland! $12,421 Dividend Pa id to OARBC Group Property In urance Pla n RUPP AGENCY, INC. Specia lizing i11 churcl1 propert}' & liability in urance. \vilh O\'er l .500cht1rc h c i11~ tired ta te\\,ide Over 90 OARBC churches are currently participating in the Group Plan. Call for a free appraisal and no obligation competitive quote. 1357 We t Lar1e Avent1e Columbt1 . 0 1-l 4322 l Call toll -fr ee: l 00-2 2 925 or 6 14 4 6 -59 l 1 Contac t Ben Rt1pp S()IJ'l 1 Ill~llN ()IIIC) (,1~'1 1 1\ ,,, J\ y Small acreage, woods. lots of w1ldhfe Excellent spot for cabin or mobile home Improvements Call Jim Neely @ 937-766-901 0 Bible Baptist Church Madison , Ohio Needed -- Minis ter of Music part -time. to develop and oversee adult ct101r and ensen1bl es. If interested , please contac t Pastor Henry Halblaub Bible Bapt15t Church 5819 W Chapel Ali Mdd1son OH 44051 Phone? 1 b -4 28-285g