The Ohio Independent Baptist, Winter 1997

7241 T.R 319 Millersburg. OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-mail \1en· Retrea t l\1av 1-3 - p eak e r : Dr. harle \ are Dr \)\.'are 1 pre 1dent of Bapti t Bible CoJ1ege of Indianapoli . a biblically con!)er\ ati \ e evangelical 1 n ti tution dedicated to trairung Chri. tian leader to reach multiethnic urban America for Christ. He I a radio and conference speaker and ha\ LO-founded the V oi ce of B1 b1ical Retonciliauon to addre s. fron1 a cnptural per pect1,e. racial t~sue 1n the church. k~ "ie,, Ra n ch umme r c hedul e June 16-21 Jun ior Dan immon June 23-2 Jr H1 Ken pink June 30-Jul ) 4 Famil) Brad Quick Jul \ 7- I 2 Sr H1 Mike Patterson , Jul, I4 I9 J un1 or TBA ., Jul) 21 -26 Jr H1 Matt Frey Jul) 2 -Aug 2 Junior Jach.1e Hopkin Aug 4-9 Farnily Bruce Chouinard Aug I I - 16 Farnil 1 TBA Camp Patmos The tor) i~ Lold of a Bapl1~t pastor v.·ho regulail) left h1 o ffice Jt 11 45 a .m. dro\C into the business distr1cl and \Ul 1n hi s Lt1r reading Lhe paper unul the noon !Jn11ted tra111 v, ent b\ When asked b\ n1cn1ber" . . about ,, hat the) LOrlstdercd ~trtJ.n g1.: heh.1, 101. he ~a id, " It d es rtl\ he.11 t \O , n1uch good -., ah. lung ornething 1n th1~ tov. n that I don ' t ha,e to push ." I hut 5 hov. huck (_1nge1 rn:.ide n1e f l'L'I v.hen v.e ~dt 1n a g)nl v.atclung o ur oungcr ·· l Jnt oU" pbt) ha".iketh.tll 11c s~ud , ..J>a~to1 v.hen ::ue )OU ha, 1ng \\Ork v,c.:ek al Paunt ' I h.. t\t' ~onle ,,ork up there 1 need lo f uu h." J1c ,~ a~ a rl·,tl upli lt lu rne \\'c do so n1uch enJO) the fell ov. ~lup ot \J\ 0 1 k.1n, toge1he.r to er \e the I ~<rd , ( t > say , oth1ng of the gold I od al,'- :J) pr o, 1dt'd). \ ould )OU p1u)c11ullJ <.:011s1de1 hc:lpang' \ e hd c a 10 1 of an 1de tr 1111 ,, u , l to l c.:: done.:: 1 <.: ab1n~ t J , Ul) I 1de dlld ~,x 101Jf to ~lung le ll1t·re 1 tl~o 0111\! 1.1k111g ttnd eed1ng to t done And tht· lu:-ahh e1 1 line nt , u1t~ u to repll1 c 20 1nl I ,c I t 1 0 111c.:: tlung e\ er) 0 11~ <.: an Jo Jl c ,01 eel end Ht' A111111 12, __() 1 2 I 17 2 26 .ind ,eel . da Af nl 2 i 2( 1a 12 17 _ I l 1 h u11t: J e d ut 21 b 7 4 3.,, I ll t' boat u11 , 1U trt1e I d e l: n u1{o n11 ti Scioto Hills 1009 Martin Rd. Wheelersbu rg, OH 45694-8462 61 4-778-2273 FAX 61 4-778-3279 E-mail scioto OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE AT SCIOTO HILLS CAMP ummer taff: We are accepting application for ummer worker (counselor , ground . kitchen ). Th1 · i a 9-week commitment. Work G r oup : We need vo luntee r to help with grounds, building, and cutttng . splitting and hauling firewood. OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE La t Fr1da 1 v.'e rece1vcd a ca ll rron1 a neighbor who want · to se ll us I acre~ or land borde ring lhe camp for 6,000. Pra) v. ith u a!) we ee God grac1ou I) prov ide. We can use many upphe~ at ca,np. If 1 ou have anything you think ,.ve might be 1ntere ted in, call the office for detail ·. OPPORTUNITIES TO PRAY Pray fo r God to conllnue lo change hearts of can1pc r, a · the Word of God i!:, pr0cla1n1ed . Pray for God'~ pr0Lcc t1 \ c hand of afe ty ove r the ca,np. Pray for God 's direction for the future and long- range plan o f the camp . Pray fo r ncv., staff n1cn1hcrs. Jon & Tri sh Pi ch. en~ v. ill be leaving th1~ fall Lo pur ue a) outh pa~torate and Erin \Va\\ ro v. ill he go ing hac i-. lo '>Choo!. OPPORTUNITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN SCIOTO HILLS SUMMER PROGRAMS .'.\1 en 's Retreat # 1 Aprtl 25 26 I)r [),l\ 1d Drull1ngc1 . ' en io r Sain t!-. i\ p1 ii 2lJ i\1Ll ) I 1) 1 J ..1n1e" I Je,enuah 1\ l e n ', Retreat #2 i\1 .. 1, 2-3 l) r l )._1\ 1J l ) 1ull1n~e1 .. Jr Ii i June 16 2 1 l·rt:J I lt1nJ Junio r June 21 28 l) .. urell ~Lhr oL h. Junio r June 10 Jul\ <; Jo,t: ph l ·,.. 11L·, S r (I i Jul 1 7- 12 'h,td ('oe Jun io r Jul) 14- 19 I a11\ l>LL'll.t Junio r July 2 1-26 c;.u\ l3r.tgg Junior Jul\ 28-Aug 2 t ' hL'f ) 11 ,t\\Ll'll l;- aIn il \ u g 4- lJ 1 \ l\ 1 s l' u II .11 d l uok ~o ul 11 ' ll~nt I uud 1~ sh1ppt•d 111 I ht' tat I I he111g torrued , thl· , pt· .1~l· r , alt' in plct 1:, t' \ L lll' tnt·nt I hull J111l! dll I 1u>, ,,e nee I to 1n.1kt> !ht' l .te.:1li ue, 111 h >p h ti A It , c ,lit' f,uthlul , C,l I v.111 hie~~ 'uh 11\rlll\ d~( I H) ll Ill lht .. 11 c o l lhO'\t' " IJe end u Baptist Children' s Home & Family Ministries Providing Christian Homes for needy children. Bethesda Home for women • • • • 1n cns1s pregnanaes Ohio Office: (513) 322-0006 Charles Monroe, Ohio Director Norwood Baptist Christian School A ministry of Norwood Baptist Church Faculty needed for 1997-98 i K-12, Tradrt,onal classroom setting Established 1n 1957. Member ACSI Send resume to Mark Spradling . Adm1n . NBCS 2041 Courtland Ave C1nc1nnat1 , OH 4521 2 513-631-4841 Quiet Time For The Whole Family? Yes, the whole f am1ly 1n the same passage yet each at their own level of comprehension' Grades 1-2; 3-4 ; 5-6 ; Teen/Adult For Information Call Ken Dady at 513-592 2358 Cecil Cairns at 216-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Tools For The Whole Church Family A ministry of encouragemen t to leadership of the church ~vorld~vide • Biblical Counseling • Leadership Consultation • Organ1zat1onal Consultation • Seminars & Conferences • Team Bu1ld1ng • Ministry Developrnent Workshops • Deacon/Pastor Developn,ent • Cr1s1s Response I h • lnstrtu lt: o f 81t lrcal l edl1er~t1 ~ F oute ff l)o ,. 10 Lc1ke L urt! NC 287 l b Pt1one 704 625 0054 f A 704 - OOt>