The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1997

Th~ C>Iwic:> Ir..<I~p~••<I~••t :Bc:11.pti..r-t Th e ewsle tte r of the Ohio Asso ciation of Regular Ba ptis t Church e \ 'o l . ...,0 o. 2 • • ision by Pastor Joel Harriman he <) AH.Ii( ( hurlh IJ l.1nt111g '1 .t-.k I t:.1111 LonduL ted ,,..., l ou r lh .tnnu.ll ( >A}{ 13l ( h urc h I'I a 11 t I n !' I' r .1) c r I< t: lJ t: at JI the < 0111fu1 t Inn 1 0 1 th. ( 'olu 1nbu~. un Apt ti I 4 15 J hut~ Jour 111cn .uid \\ t)llh:n I ur d t n e d f or ch u 1 <.: h p I.,n t Ing I n < >111 o llL IH.ft :d the \C.:\\1011\ 1,tll \ p.i\tOr ~ Ld llll' .j \\t:ll d LhUJlh planllng llll ~~IOll, 11 !C~ nd rcp1e,t:nldtl\e~ f101111110 t o l our l{t:!!UIJI 13dp11~1 1111\ H ll dg_t:lllll:~ (, Jl\forthc It 11 t Jl I Ill Iudc d I 1 11ntn!;! J ll Ill\\ t.:d \ ...... )I} I r I d illll::! ()h111 Ill ft 1 Ill lJUl I I 11 ll I dl IJ lltt.: I t f ( )htt ~ I} \\ II) I lht p \\ l I dllO 11 tie 1(1,d • n ene through the pr1orlly of prayer: anc.l 4 ) change! A · part1c1pant~ eva luated the retreat they 1 ndicatcd that progress ,vas 111adc tov. ard tho~c goal~ . On Monda) afternoon. l)r. Ho,vard 81\hy . dcJn of Baptt~t B1hlc ·cn11nar). prc~cnlc<l '' Pro1cc t Jcru...,alcn1.'' a ~tr.Hcg) v. h1 c h In, o l, c~ pa~tor~. local churc hc~. 1111-...,1 o n.., and Baptt~t 81 hie Scn1 i nar) v..01 l,.1ng Logc thcr to n1cct the great need o f church pl.1nt1ng 1n the Lln1tc<l • t,\lc~ . 'I'hc \l tdtCg)- inc lude, uppo1tun111c.., for ,J .... ,t·n1111.11, s tudent ~ I\) h e 1n,lil\l'd 111 , L IH11 c h pl.1nt111g 11ttl't 11 \ hq) \ \\ hil t· llj'l' l \lSt•d h\ t l' ,I li c1, :tlld L \j)l ll l.lh.t'd l lllllt.:h pL111tL·t • the~l' ~tudc tll \ ,, uuld dl IU,lll ) ht pl,11Htllg l lllll h t'\ l{1ch l l.: ( jhct· chu t lh pl.111t1ng p.,,tur .,1 liethe,d.1 li.1pt1 ,1 t 'hu1 L h 1{1 o,, n,hut g lnd1 .tlld l 1e I l 10,,11 1t·t11i:d p,1stl11/ "'hutt h pl.tnttl .ind l{.1pllst ( IH1tlh P lc11ttL:1 J 1111 S pc II n 1. 111 , I t• L 1,1 It, I 111 1111111 s ti t u t ht.: d t u I g d, c t c \ 111110111 ~, o I l ht: 11 l >" n h u I h Spring 199i • Lawsuit tnal has been postponed. page 2 • Cedarville's Memorial Day f est1v1t1es open to all. page 3 • Ohio welcomes two new youth pastors pages 4 & 5 • M1ss1on house dedicated 1n honor of Larry & Pat Fetzer page 5 • Greg Davies announces Talents for Christ winners page 8 p l..t t ll 111 ~ l' \ pl.' 1 I l.' n l L', I h l') , pl'" t' u l lh1,, ( ;l,d h.1, \\lll"l'd .111d blt'',\L'd 111 ti lll',(.' cf l l111 , I )1 < it 1.tld \\ ehhL'l p1L·,1dc111 P l ( l l l\t I lll }J , l('l 1,t I\ l 1,,11 H\ ,, , l'd lllllll \ 1.t, I~ I .t tht' ... 1g1ul1 . 1111.1.' iii the lt11..d i. htlll h 111 ldl'lllll\ Ill~ ll.lllHlH.! .llhl .. '>l'th l 111~ hu11. h pl,1nt1ng 1n1 ,-.ll ,n.1111., ( \,tllllh:'lll-. lllllll lhl' p.ll 11 IJ),lllt" Ill ludt' tltt· h1lll1,, 11111 "I .11th: .1,, .i\ ,, 1th .tn .. lll 1.!L'lll' ',{lll\t'lhllH! llllf',( bl.· dPlll I ... h, I \ l .t I t.: lll• \\ l' d \ I , 10 11 l l I I IJ l • 11 l l.' d .t 11 d It \\ d h, hlll\. h \. ,lll hl'lp ~ t \1.:.11 ,< hu1\.h l'l.1nt1JH! P1.1\Lt l ' I\ 'n.h1.dulcd I II \p1d U l I Pu II l 11 \ lllll .th: IHI.ti IHI\\ ',ll \ \IU \\ II I 1111 It