The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1997
, I~f) ll S1ll.. l ~: 22 - 12 foot pews; 1 - 9 foot pew Padded seats Call Twinsburg Baptist Church 216-425-8144 Cedarville College News T he College will ho t it annua l Memo rial Day chape l e rvice on Ma\ 26 at 11 a. m. in the Di xon ~ Mini tr} Cente r. The pub lic i v. el come to attend thi patri ot ic program of mu ic and d rama in which v. 1 e wi I J honor current and former membe r of the a rmed force Armed e rvice membe r · are encouraged to wea r the ir uniform for thi pec ia l occa ion. On June 7, the Col lege wi ll graduate approx imate ly 550 eni or during the 10 1 t Commencement , the f 1rst to be he ld 1n the Di xon \11 n 1 t r \ Ce nte r. Th i\ w I ll be the ; largc\t gradua ting c la \ 1n the h1 scor) of che \choo l . The College\\ ill ho\t five \u111111er Pre\ ,ev~s for hi gh 'lC hoo l l u dents. eac h fea turIng a ca 111 p u\ , i~it and a trip Lo King\ f':) land an1u sernent park . The dale\ fo r the pre\ ie\\ are June 26-28, Jul 1 10- 12. Jul 1 24-26. Jul, 31 -Augu':) t 2. and Augu l 14- 16. I~or 111ore informati on, all I - 00- ' I lJAJ{\ ' ILLr4. edar vi Ile <Jllege has planned J , a, 1el) o f port s can1ps ft)r tht\ llfllJl1t::f ·rhe <.:arnps ar c.:: as fol lo\\\ . l~ O) l3a l e t ball l)J) an1r> (age\ -9 ), J u 11 e 9- I ( , 1 r I s 13 as k c.:: t b a 11 Team Camp (high chool team ~) June 16- 18; Boy Ba ke tba ll Team Camp (hi gh choo l team ), June 19-2 1: Girl Ba ketba ll camp (grade · 7- 12), Ju ne 23-27 : Boy · Cro · Count ry Camp (grade 9- 12), June 30- July 4 ; Boy occe r Camp (grade 7- 12), Jul y 7- ll ; Boy and Gi rl occe r Day Camp (g rade 4-6), Jul y 7- 11 ; Boy Ba. ke tba ll Camp (grade 5- 12), Jul y 14- 1 : Fa the r/Son Ba. ke tba l I Camp (age 10 and above), Jul y 1 - 19: Girl Cross Country Camp (grade~ 9- 12), Jul y 2 1-25: and Girls Vo ll eyba ll an1p (g rade: 7- 12), Ju ly 2 1-25. For more in forn1at ion, ca ll 937-766-7755. Ove r 240 men1be r~ of the Ceda rville Co llege fan1il y are part1c1pating in mi ss1on,u-) endeavo r~ around the world between Decen1ber 1996 and epte ,nbe r 1997. Thi · nun1be r inc lu de\ the 134 s tudent . . facu I Ly, and ·ta ff w ho \V i 11 serv e th1 ~ sumn1e r 1n Austra lia , China. Gua ten1ala, Hunga ry, Ita ly. J a,n a I ca , the Ph i I i pp i nes, R() 111 an I tt , . out h Afr tCtl, . Jova kia, , C<) ll dnJ , T hai land , Tl)go. and the , Late, t) f ltt ,kl, l1ntl e \\ l\ 1 e;,., tl'l) Our purposs 1s S•E·MI BRENTWOOD to provid God-honoring D s gntBuild S tvlC a Desi gn I Build · 61 Columbus Pike Cadarvtllo, OH 4531 4 ~13 / 766-5585 ~ M J~ph 1ial1J~road, P, .. ...~ Ladies, don't forget to . ft.. ~ save your quarters for o r.-f~ ABWE's Student ~~ _: ~ Center in Baguio City, Philippines. $12,421 DiVldend Pa id to OARBC Gr oup Property Ins u ran ce Plan RUPP AGENCY, INC. S pecia lizing in church pr operty & lia bili ty in u rance. \vi lh over l .500church e in ured la tewide. Over 90 OARBC churches are currently participating in the Group Plan . Call for a free appraisal and no obligation, competitive quote. 1357 We t Lane A\'enue Colun1bu . OH 43221 Call toll -fr ee: 1 00-2 2 -925 o r 6 14 -4 6 5911 Con tact Ben Rupp Bible Baptist Church Madison, Oh io Needed -- Minister of Music part -time, to develop and oversee adul t choi r and ensembles. If interested, please contact Pastor Henry Halblaub Bible Baptist Church 5819 W Chapel Rd Madison, OH 44057 Phone 216-428-2859 ( 'all or k'r i t r. 111 11 f\il t' \ t'\ 3606 "t-darl•rc.K> RJ . ' le , e l nc.t, ( )11 -'-' l 1 l. l () .l>J .2 5t)l9 l 1111oi,1ft t \ .,. 1/}1 Re1,, 11 ar,/ ,\/111,,tr,c, /r,c: '
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