The Ohio Independent Baptist, Spring 1997

• Camp Patmos ( -- . It's a long time 1 til next summer. T here he 11 • 5UJLCa5e and Jeeping bag &II around h1m . Wh y doe~ he look so ad> Becau~e hi s week al Palmo i near I y O\ e r. Soon a truck v. i 11 come to take the luggage and then a tram will rn ovc the c..ampe r to the ferry boat for 7241 T.R 319 Millersburg OH 44654 330-674-7511 FAX 330-674-4606 E-mail SVRanch@AOL com '' nleash the Pov. er ." ALt~ I 8. 1 the unHne r the 1ne at the Rant h. nlca h1ng the o f the Holy Sp111t 10 do the v.urk of Ch, t \ l v.-ill be our focu . Based on the Book of Ac.. t . v .. c ""ill he gu1d1ng R.1n <.. hcr s through .1n aero tic dealing v. 1th neccssar} ele1nc.:nts of the hr1 s11an ltf e 10 unleilsh God ' s pnv.•cr 1n ou r li\Cs . Our staff I eage rl y a,i.t11tJng the opportu 1111) 10 teach the se truth s thr ough ou r <.: hapcls l~1hl e s tud1t· and p111tual late 11ogra111 l.... oo \\ hat ' s ' 01ning! t'\\ .id,cnturt·s c1re c,)111111, 10 ,>u1 tt', n prograrns 1111 su1n11lt>1 Junior dlld Sc.::n1 or h1 •h c .unp~, c.111 ,· pt·l t < I po r I un tt I e ~ to l on 4 u er suc h .t d, en 1u1c~ u the \ h. le \\ 1 a1clt \\ dd \ oo c) the 1'01 l li ole £tlld our nev, fc.::utu1e ch llengc thl' 13ouldc:11ng \ull J ilh e cnt I an ob talll'. ,1th I l h lllcn, to l>c.: O\t l t.:0111~ s tr 1b1n g1 uup or n 1nd1 1du I , 1th •roup d 1 1111 l'. e I he e 1 \\ 111 bccou1t> c1 their trip aero lhe lake to Part Clinton. However, hope full y, he will ign up for another week for the ummer of ·97 at Camp Patmo . He will be pica antly surpri ed al the improven1ent . The cab in ha ve been vinyl- ided . and there ' new plywood in ide . They arc more comfortabl e. too. v.·ith a large ex hau t fan in every attic . Tv.,·o key peopl e that make each yo ung per on·· week a grea t tin1e are the umme r directo r. Ru Clark. and the prog ram direc tor. Ken Mantl e . Bo th men have yea r o f camp experi ence and lot: o f idea that will make each young per on' week a never-to- be-forgotten fun week . with eternal dec1 ion · th at may we ll change the direc ti on o f a camper '· life . There 1 room for you at Patmo · thi · umrne r. Get yo ur reg i ·trati on off to Mrs. Darlene Morgan . P.O. Box 126. Mogadore. OH 44260. Do it today! prac ti cal laboratory for Chr1. t1an l1 v1ng as we teach biblical lc~son of fJ1th . con11nun1 cat1on. conni c t re!-io lu– t1 on. Cf\ 1ng othe rs and other practi cal li fe app licati ons A nev. pct ting f arn1 \\ 111 a l IO\\ \ 1s1tors a personal up-c lose experience. T.;or our typi ca l urban and suburban Ran cher , lhi ~ will be another grea t ncv.· opportunit ) to teach le \O n for Chr1\t1an living 1"h1 "> Un1n1c r Ran chers w ii I not 1 cc ma n } othcr 1 111 provcrn cnts . 'I he girl · rc\ troon1 has been rcn1odc!cu 'Ihe \W tn1n11 ng poo l area ,s rccc1\ing a face lift , too. Many thank )nu ·~ to the n1 ore thc.111 I00 \ oluntecr\ ,i. ho gtt\c thei r t11n c 10 the Ranch thl"> v.1n1cr .ind spring cioto Hills 1009 Mart in Rd Wheelersburg O~i 45694· 8462 61 4-778-2273 FAX 61 4 118 3219 E-rna1I sc.1oto h1lls@sv1s org J , l) , \\ J t Ii l l h t fl ks g I \ 111 ' , l \I I \ l I ll l O J I ii f ,ti II (l U11 d l l ~ fll I l I t' ., l ' h I I h.t11k t,,>d l u 1 b1111g111 • ldlll p e r s to re pt· n t d 11 • e a II d t, 1n 1! I .11th 111 Jesus ' tJ f I l Baptist Children's Home & Family Ministries Providing Christian Homes for needy children. Be thesda Home for women in crisis pregnancies Ohio Office: (513) 322-0006 Charles Monroe, Ohio Director Norwood Baptist Christian School A ministry of Norwood Baptist Church I Faculty needed for 1997-98 j K-12, Traditional classroom se tting Established 1n 1957. Member ACSI Send resume to Mark Spradling , Adm1n. NBCS 2041 Courtland Ave. Cincinnati. OH 45212 513-631-4841 2 . Thank God for Hts prote ' ll\ l' care o f campers . s ta ff an<l \ oluntcer~ 3. 'I'h an k. God for our prog ran1 l1.) a C C O tll p It S h H I O \\, n p U r p(.) ~ C p I C .1 ~ <..' pra) -..pcc1f1cal l) fo r ea ·h \\Cc"- Jr Hi Junior Junio r r Hi Jr Hi J unio r Junio r 14' an1ily ~ June 16- 1 1 June 13 2 June 30-Jul, • Jul ) 7- 12 Julv 1-lN 19 , Jul , 21 26 • t-=rcJ H.1nd D.irre II '\ : hHJ( "– S Jo,cph l· ,.uc) Chad C't,l' L.1rr, N1.,l'elL1 (},tr\ Br.t~~ . ... ... Ju I\ 2 I - 1\ u ~ 2 . .... ('ht:1 \ I l·.I\\ l.'t'II • 1\ug -l -9 1\ l\ 1, f>l ,11.ll d ·rhc rc 1, 100111 tn ,di \\ t'ek., t'\ t'pl Ju nt' 21 -21 4 ·rh.1nk. (J ud t,, , prll\ 1J1ng the Il l.\\ p1o pt·rt) .•1 ... k.1n g Ht' p1"'' tdt lht· 1c 111 .11n 1n g fu nd" " r h . l n" (, \l J I 1.) I I )I O \ I d 111 ~ \ l I·111 I l.' (. I ' to help '-o rnph: lt' pr,1Jl'l.l-.. I .llt''ll I' I ') 1 t' l l \ \\ l' l l' I h l' ~ -l \ H) ,l dd I l. l (\ l l) l h l ,hup , l llt'\\ dt'lk , ll l d,,.11d, ' lhlllh.' tht' ,.~ \()-1 l~llltldt·t · budd111t! \\ htl h ... \\ ti! J'I ll\ Ide..• sp,11. <..' f lll I .llfl\ d.t\ llllll . tll\ t , l l."ll\ 1111..·, l ht' Ill'\( pt lljl. l 1, , I ~ ' \\ .t l l I 1111 t' l \ l , I , l d I , l l! 1.' d I , ll I b ll l Ii I ll ... l lll) 6 1h ,Ill k ( ~ l l d t h" t t I l · " ii I , It u" , u u }I\)\\ \ llll . 111 be 111, o l, t•d h, p1 .1, t il t! h, p.Hllltp.11111!' 111 p1 og1d1t\-. h, L!t\111' .ttHI b, \l)lu11tt·e1111t! ....