The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1997
TI•~ <> I••<I~p~••<I~••t : i... The ewsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches VoL 70 o . 3 State Representative rry Fetzer Resigns by Pastor Tim Kenoyer Chairman, Council of 12 O ur \tate repre\entati ve. Re,. Lan·y Fetzer, h~ re~igned, concluding hi s official n11nistr) churche . Pa ·tor Ken pink chairs the earch Cor11rnittee. We look to God for His wi dom and provi ion. and appeal to you to be faithful in pray ing for a ··rn,tn ~ent f ron1 God." Summer 1997 Search Committee Members Council of 12 Members: Ken Spink, Berea Bapt ist. Berea. (chairman) 8 111 Davis. Bible Baptist. Bedford. (secretary) Dennis Burns. Faith Baptist. Kenton Ben Reed. First Baptist . Niles Members at large : Jack Jacobs. Grace Baptist Westlake Cal Searles. Camden Baptist . Oberlin to our A \\Oc1at1on on Jul)' 15. We ha\ e en JO) cd Larry '\ leadersl1irJ and 111ini'ltf)' the">e la~t eight )'ear. and will certainly n11\ ~ 111111 . '"rhesc.: )'Cars t1a\ e been 111arked IJ) l>Ur State Represen tat1, e • \ Coin tnittee Seeks Reco1n tnendations g, acit>US counsel , consc1e11l1ous allentton tu the needs <)f l>Ur churches, and g<)dl)' exa111ple tl11 ugh the trial <)I lift· an(i death . \\ 1 111h: \\t 1eg1et our l)1fJt l1cr's 1e~1gnat1 n, \\c thank ,c>cJ lc>r tl1e ,ea1 l. d11 ser,cdus I he ( ounc11 of 12 ,~ c<> 1111n1tte(I to ~e,, 1ng our A~soc1at1, n ancf \\ ill ee I t ee f J ) <> u I n t () , 111 e( i l t a 11 ti at \t' .::11e dcJ111, tl11<JU Jh <)llf ~ea1cl1 ']l1e "oun 11 \\111 l)e usin, tile J l) d .. CJ tpl!Oll late 1 Ill l)Ul ll lllUlJOll l!J)led,,11t1d()I ftlc 111 uJat d ll 1111)111111 , tile I tea~ e J a11 f 10111 ou11 1 I 11 er11l er a11cl <.: 11111 e, t by Pastor Ken Spink Chairman , Search Committee O n June 19, th~ <)Unctl <)f 12 111et lt> con'-i 1dc1 1n1t1JI J)lann1ng 1n ~cc~ing a llC\\t !cadet f t)I ()ttr ()hie) ,\ "i\t>c1lt lt l)fl l>f l{t·gul..11 l-3dJ1lJ~l 'hut cht,;, r\l that n1eetin, .i ,c..t1ch Ctll lltl ltl lcl', " l'l>rlSl~ling ()r fl>ll l Ll)llflLtl lllellll1et~ ancl t\\ t) n1t·111l)L~1 ~ ~t· lcc tecl at la1 \'L'. " \\ ~l~ f ,>rttH.: J. ' f'he search Cl>1111n1tll'L' f 11 ~t 111ct J uI\ 1 l l l >r , an I z t an(I L. st ah I 1, 11 ., J lllCt't Jure s l<H. scck111g 1ll(f's 111~u1 'rt,e l )Il)f 1ll'", a J)I (>tlucl lJf that 111eel1n •, \\a~ · ,eale J th11.>u 1 h th~ <J 11 e · t 1, i n J) u t l ,t t I, e ( ,un • JI l , t l 2, t I 1 e , I<I i ' a t 1, > 11 a I Rcpre .... cntalt\L' J()hn C1retn1ng . , e , era I , t a t c rc 1 re"cn t al 1, t' " I t l) 111 , u11 L)llt1tl1n g ,tate, . ~lnli the ,, t111' tll "" the ,carch Cl) tl11111ttct' t \ct' 11,,~t' ~ 1 \\ c a1e ,t,h.111g 1t)1 \t)Ul ... t, l\l .. 11h.. ' L' '- . in ()t, t) t' r fl)t th1, c 11t1c ... tl J)fl)lc,, \ l\t), tf \()ll }l ... l\L' lL'L'l) flllllL'll fdlltlll, . l ll • l( l) l 11 J) ll l () I t', l \ L' "t' ll l l I t l l l 11 l l' , Lt 2 ~ <) \ \ c, t S t , l1 t' 1 t'. t. < > I I • ~ ~l ( > l 7 \ ll) llllt'IL'"-lt'Lf l)t'l \lltl, \\ h1.l ftl lilt' 1)1(>f1lt• rtl=t) ,ul11n1t .11c"un1e \ l'llllllllllll ll'Hlll)ll ,lt1.ltil1.I t)t' llll Ill\ lt· ,k l1t--l1.11t \ugu,t l _, ,, hh.:11 1, 1.lu1 lll'~l \L'lle( llll t"tf t\ll"t'llllg rht' ' t)lll 11111 t e 1.• , , 111 g 1, e ,ti I I ll J) u l 1 1 d \ e 1 t u I ·<,11~1clc1.tt1,111 I h"nh. , )U l\ ) 1 , 1.)llt ht·l1> l'l t~.l~t' (H,t\ c.t1ne,1I, 11.H (i(}l f 1 '-t g_ lll Lf,tllll' 111 lhl'-t lll .. ll( t'I
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