The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1997

( 11 fl(' \ \ ll , lll l i 11 I .,II i ,,i t ' ( ' 1l \ 1 ' ... Quiet Time For The Whole Family? r 111 ,n tt1 n, ch t th tr o , r1 11 n~, n' r de: 1-2: 3-4 : 5-6: Teen/Adult ..·-~a· , C at 5 59c. 6- 58 Ca ms at 216 ~sS-568- \VORD OF LIFE T Is For The \Vho e Church Fami ly 1·r.1,·cl t f thc _Bc.1tc11 Path ... l ,,1th 1 et."land ~ \ 1an C ro tts Baptists tor I~ rael e1ninar on tact us for,, r1tten details t or pl ,1 n n i n g ~ o ur t r1 p to l ra e I ! n"ll ll l r C Xlro llld t r l an \\ Candh,h .:_ • ~nd 't ~ \ \ R ht:>,tt:-r 1 1 - - ·- o-o -=-o l'i,,t r.,. \\'nte t, .. "Ur frl'C 111a111111/ 1-lo,c To Lt•,1d \ , t·111int1r Tnp To Israel" Preferred Risk Insurance Company • \ uto • Church • f{omt.' • /)r abilzt\ " • l .ife • Ilea/th • Bu ,ine'i, • \nnuities In surance for non-drinkers your best buy " I'>ht Ip, t"" ina n ial .... r, i , Inc. Profc ,1onal lOnsultin~ ar,d ,Jh. for , ou r finan ial and 1n,urancc nttd, p GP ( FP RFP LL TCF 1 .ld " On, e e Oh1 .: 1. I FAX i.,q 602 _ Buses & Vans For Sal e &.. 1 o:.1a 'o· ess a ~r, ~ 1' ~ Transportation IJl.:"a.~ Equi p. Sa les Corp. ~ • S ··-··- R:l O eo OH -4 3618 ~....-2835 - ·s::, •. v ts" as· 1 , BJO G a am a Imp Larry Fetzer & Marion Hautt lte1 eight ) , .1, ,t,Hc rerrc,cnta- 11, c tor the O,\RI3C. (_,od ,..., lc.H.i1 ng nic ... int~, lo .11 '-hu1'-h 1111111,lr\ l h ,l\ l' • 1c,1gncd .,, ,t,llc rep cf l ec11,c Jul) 15 ,lnd ,lln llrcn to .. 1 rern1i.1ncnl pa .... lo1.1l J'(1\llHH1 . Rcl.'.cn tl \ , Cind h.. l, hrou~ht .1 \ cry . ... . ,pc'- · lad 1 haL 1-. into 111 1 lit e t,1r1on ,er\ cJ .. 1-.. 111\ ,ccrctJr\ ,lt \\\1,h1ngton . , ... H eight-.. 1n Da 1 tnn lor 12 )Car, ttnd ha~ hccn .1 dcJr f r1cnd ll.l Pat .. tnd n1c for 29 ~ c,1r-.. Th rough .1n unplJnncd C\ cnt ,c, cr.11 n1onth: ago. lari on and 1 \\Crc brought hack into con1 .1ct \\ 1th one '-' another . ,nee that d,l\. C\Cnt ha\c • rno\CO quH.:k l) to the potnl 'where we CJ(h ,ire con\ 1 need God 1 • lendi ng u to~cthcr rv1..1r1 on 1 .... a \\ ondcrfu I '" \.\- On1an \\ llh a c lo c \\ alk wtth God We arc planning a tal l \\edd1ng Plea c pr,1y for 1ar1on and n1c a v..e tran .... 1t1on into married life \\lllh .1ll 1t ndJu tn1cnt ..... and a we \,\, ait on God for H1-.. lc• .1d1nc 1n future m1n1,tf\ . It 1, our '" . dt. ,re to (Onllnuc to ,er\ c God a, long J He g1, c U\ -..trcngth ..1nd energy to do ll hardl 1 -..cc1n~ po.., 1blc that th1\ 1-.. the l.. 1-..t .iru~lc I\\ ill \'.-rite for the O IB Dur1 ng the PJ"t eight 1 cJr\ God ha\ g1,cn me the pr1\ilcge o f rn1n1\tcr1ng 1n mc ,t o f the churc:he, 1n ou r Ohio \ -.., 11..'.iation of Regular Baptt\t Churche IL hJ-.. been an honor to \Cr\ c 1 ou 1n 1 our churLhes in a n1ultitudc o t v.c1) s ~1 an} u n1c \\ c ha vc v. orkcd togethe r In ,cckin~ G0J'" ~ho1c.c tor \hcphcrd of the .... !loc k. T1rnc o l cclcbrJll on uch a, 1n~1allat1on sc r\ ice"i, ordinati on\ anJ rccog n1t1o n counc. tl . Jnnivcr'lJr1c .... and dcd,- auons have been times of great ble 1ng. Our faith ha!-i been incrcJscd .t\ .... ,a.. e ha\ c ,, o rked together through ~omc of the d1t 1cult and hallcnging t to hurch p l 1nVn w work 0 . , IVHl t fyn,n " cornp,I cl by I c.,n,lh C 111 C Iv uy \ 1ph t Church 1ndu~ky t; I 4 I 2 0 n ex p · 11c 11 cs ol Ille, hoth 101 p,1sto 1~ ,ind c htll l h l,lln1'1cs . ·1hc, c h,t\ c hccn lllC,1s 1ons ol cc l ch1.111on ,ind JO) •• ,~ well as \\Cl'p1ng ,ind pta)ct I l has been an honu1 ,u1d JO) 10 scr\ c ou r I otd and the (),\1{13 . r hcl1cvc s1ncc1cly that this 1s one ol thc f111 cs1 associa tions of churches 1n the countr\J I r have gro\Vll lo love and app1cc1t1lc our p,l, tors across lhc sU1ll; and \Viii continue ln p1,ty lor all of you and the c ll orts to qu,cl-.1) find a rcplacc n1cnt. 1ay God hies!'- \ ou all. . ·rhank you fut lhc pr1v1lcgc o f \vorktng \'.- tlh 1 ou t n th t: \C f \ ice ol our l.ord. Graduation For Grace Baptist I L to R, Dr. Gerald Webber, Pastor Peter Dodd. Pas tor Jeff M1nn1ear On Apnl 27. Grace 8Jpl15l of Port Clinton graduated from n11 \\1onary statu, \\. 1th Conu nental Bapll\t M l'>\ lon. Gue t speaker for the day \\ a .... Dr Gerald Webber Former pu\Lor. m1,\1onary church plunter Jcft rv11nn1car. returned for the OLc.as1on. at \\-h1ch 159 were prc'ienl. In tc.1llat1on for Pa 'i tor Peter Dodd. who \va\ called to the church \.\-'ith a I 00% vote of the congregati on. wa held July 13. Pa\tor Da\ id Hi xon, o f Cal\ ary Bapllst. Sandusk 1 . brought the mes\agc. and Pt1stor f_ynn Ruge r\ led in the dedicatory pra) er, as v.ell J'> wclco_ming Pa\to.r Dodd into the Hebron and Ohio 1\ ,1.,oc1allons .