The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1997

HATS OFF to Gospel ~ ::;:;;~ Literature Services ~~~Qi (GSL), providing 8 infant churches in Ohio with free Sunday school curriculum VBS materials and more. State Representative Profile The OARBC State Representative must be: 1 A man of godly character, Sp1rit-f1lled and a man of prayer. reflected in his life and 1n the life of his family. 2 A man who has a heart for pastors wrth the ability to counsel and to encourage (a pastor's pastor) . 3 A man with adm1n1strat1ve skills, organized and an organizer 4 A man who 1s a visionary, goal or ented aggressive and committed to assoc1at1onal growth 5 A man who 1s a model of fa ithfulness 1n preaching and strong 1n the pulpit 6. A man who can skillfully articulate our position both verbally and in writing. 7. A man with diplomacy in dealing with church and associational challenges. 8 A man to lead 1n the ongoing process of strategic planning concerning the work of the OARBC 9 A man who holds to the doctrinal d1st1nct1ves of the OARBC and under– stands our historic separatist position. 10. A man with a vision and burden for those not 1n our Fellowship who may need encouragement or counsel. Semi11ary A1111ou11ces Courses In October Bapti\l B1hlc Sem111ar} "'Iii o f fer tw o c.: our\C\ cspcc,ally de">tgncd lor pasto rs: rf'ht' rt of Di~cipling. lc.tughl h) l)r John Jelinek . v.111 he taughl Oc.1ohe1 13- 17 ·1 hts tv. o-credll cour">e I"> Je-,1gned lo hC' lp the pastor or 1n1ss1011Jr") dc:\el op a phil osoph) and pro~ess for training other to enter the (Jospcl nun1str) . The e1nphas1s 1s upo n )t?arn1ng lo reproduLc: one ~ \ alues, knov. lc:dgc, beha\ 1or.s , and ~ ~ di ~ 111 the:- 11 c fa d1 c 1ple. IJ 'J 1111o th\ 2 I & 2 1 "b1bli cal , Ulllllltil ) ol the COUfS(' pu, p O \C hri!) t iani t\: and t-: thica l l'rob len1\ • al o taught b) l)r John Jcltnch. , ,._111 de1a1 l thc hr1 sttc1n ·~ re~po11~1hd1t) "1th 1.,uch is<.;ue · a. fan1tl) and social rclauon– \htp~. d1 \ orcc. ahortion, capital pun1~h- 111enl. tace rcluuon~. dlcohol1~n1. poltt1cal 1ntegr1t), and drug~ B,hltcal 111t11er1als and "elec ted theolog1,1n\ of the p.1~t and pre\cn t v. tll he "tud1cd a" the) rcll1tc to 1hc hd\JC queslton" of 1hc Chrt \ltan It f L' ,ind \\ llnl!\\ , holh J)Cf\00,d ,Ind \()L'Ja l ·rh1\ COU I \C I\ lV. (.} c.:rcdlt hnur s ( ~li.1\\ llt11C: \\ JII he lllHll 9 ()(} ,I Ill noun ,tnd 2 00 ..t 10 p n1 e.tLh d,t\ 131.Hh L"UUJ \C:\ \\ tll he t,1ugh1 -.ll c;1,1h,u11 Ko,td 13.tplt\l hurLh 111 ('u)ahug.i l·,111\ ('.tit l)r . Janle"> King l>J f\lr P.1ul (;olden .tl .... 7 17-5~6 2100 ti ) uu h,1\e que\tJOll\ .,buul 1eg1 str:tl1on <>I housing oppo1lun1t1c:\ Out purposB is S •E·MI BRENTWOOD to p10 1d11 God·hononng D gn!Bulld S f\licw:; .. Design I Bulld \ 4150 lndi nola Av \ Columbus, OH 432,.1 4 614 I 267·6369 61 Columbus Pike Cedarville, OH 45314 513 t 766·5585 ,. M U~Hark.ltfrOad, Pt t f Hammond organ, model 195, & two Hammond tone cabinets. free to a church or m1ss1onary. Leave message for Pastor Lee Grosh at 330-875-4343, or with Pastor Joel Harriman at 330-823-3010. RUPP AGENCY, INC. SJJec1c1li;.ing in church proper() & liabili0· insurance. l 1 virh o\ ·er /,_-ou churches insurecl srareH·ide. Over 90 OARBC churclz e are currently participati11g i11 the Group Plan. Call for a f ree appraisal a11d 110 obligation, co,npetilil'e quote. 1357 \i\'e. l Lane A, enue Colurnbu . 01-1 -lJ22 I Call toll-free : I- 00-2 2-9 1 5 or 61-l- -l 6-5911 Contact B~n Rupp HELP REACH RUSSIAN FWS1 / lN OHIO ( 'all ())'" ~---..., r- Tiill-:\ c~ 3606 ("e4~ rbrook Rd . ( ' lcvclancl. ()H .t.t 118 2 l 6-9J2-5029 A ministry of encouragement to leadership of the church ',VOr/di,v1de • Biblical Counseling • Leadership Consultation • Organizational Consultation • Sern1nars & Conferences • Team Bu1ld1ng • Ministry Development Workshops • Deacon/Pastor Developrnent • Crisis Re~ponse I llcl l n:, l llut 0 01 01ohc,tl Ledoer~tltp 334 Ch pet f)o1nt Ro Lake Lure NC 287 l ti Ptiont) 70·• 025 0054 A /04 o.. :> 00