The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1997

Tb~<> Irlld.~pe;••d.~•-t :Baa.pti..:::st The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches ol. 70 o. 4 Fall 1997 70th A 11nual Co erence: ' ' rd, Teach Us To ay'' A prayer from the pen of AW. Tozer: "I~o rd teach me Lo listen. The ttn1es are nuis) and n l) ears are v.. eary with the lhousand raucous sounds which cont1nu– ousl) assault Lhem Give me the sp1r1t of the bo) Samuel v.. hen he said l o Thee, 'Speak for thy ser\ ant heareth '" So was the sp1r1t of the r11essenger'> who converged upon the Cal , ary Bap ti st Church of Bcllefonta1ne for the 70th Annuc.11 on ferentc There v. as !'\OllH! th1n g un14uc about th1 -.. conference \Vt d1cJn' l go l o son1e v. eJI I nt>v. n, great)) acclaunec.J SJ caker . v. c <.:a1ne lo hettr f I 0111 (jod And CJ d I l l e A hun hie ,ne 11 !, ull full u1ened God !, \ 'ord nd io<.:us ~d tllcrllll>n upon I• e, sen c of o,er,,heln11ng ~,nallnes c.:u1n1ell du~lo<.:r. out1ns1de " l 1dte h u lo pr u I e I t:aJ d l uut the 22 huu, s of p, er und fa ung luch u1 n1ed1 tel .. pr eded J n th n J d .. 1d e1111 n •· inner~ 111 the Hands of an Angry God ," and suddenly the impact of that sermon 1nade sense. We heard the report of God ·') miraculous an swer co prayer 1n the ~eu lenient of the Can1p Patr110~ lav.. ~ull 'ii <? heard n1c1n) other n.: pll rl \ d lld lC~ lll11l)– lll t!\ But rllO\ I of c1l I, v.. c heard God ~pc'1k.1 ng through \ p1r1t-fi lleJ prec.1clung ~ ·c left the conference v..llh .. 1grc.. 1ter Lon1n11 tn1ent to the p, 101 uy llf prayer and .. 1gre-.llt' l L llfl \ 1c- tion about the ·1gnificance of pr.. l) er 1n succcss ful n1in1 ·try . o v.. , the prayer of Andre\\l ~1urray ha been heard echoing around the ·tate of Ohio: ··o let the pl '1ce of ~cc rct prayer becorne to rne the n1o~t bel oved spot of earth." • Search for state represen tative cont inues page 2 • Norn1a Nulph's n11n1st,y beco,ne~ d ' Miracle page 3 • Ohio welcorne~ three new p.. stors p ges 4 & 5 • Your Council of 12 to, 1997- 98 page 6