The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1997

l l l l ( l • Il l( • J . 11111 • 1 0uiet Time For The Whole Family? r 111 , ,n th ~( r11 a h t th u O\vn n,' ri 11 ns, n' G· 1-2: 3-S: 5-6. Teen/Adult F n n 1t on II n Dad t 5 3-59 ·2358 C C ms at ~ 16-355-5687 WORD OF LIFE Too l s For The \Vho le Church Family Tra\ el tf the Beaten Pa th ... ,, ith l eeland & \tan rotts Baptist fo r I rael em i nar ontact u~ tor , ,·ritten detai ls tor planning\ our trip to I ra e l! ~ n ,.. ) r l1lnJt r Gan \\ C.1nd'1 r 2.2rh.i ~t '\; \ \ . - - ~ Q -- ·-" ~ f ' rs : \\"n"te for our free ,nanual, Hou , To Lead.-\ ~oninar Trip To Israel" Preferred Risk Insurance Company • Auto • Llft • Church • Health • Home • Bu ::. znes5 • Dzsahilit) • Annu1ties •nsurance for non-dnnkers your • best buy" Phelp inancial er,·ice . Inc. Prof ,1onal con.,ulung and ,ales (or ~ our financial and 1nsuranc.e needs rr Phelp GP CFP RFP. L lJTCF - H Par ~1e do~ s Dn , e ~ es~-. llle Ohio .! i I Phone I .! - 99 F r\:X 00-6022 Buses & Vans For Sa le 5-8-! passenger • a,,a abl.e Buy qu~ .., '?f ess at •r,~1 Transportation IJ I,;~.;.!, Equap Sales Corp. 6-4 l Se Ro Of egoo Ot'i 4 36 l 8 4 19 836-2835 '~ ilabo Mae l-800-227-3572 ·s.g c •ch s.r,.,ounts • as.- or Bud Granam • 1 I b , P stor K0n Spink, cha1rn1an, Council of 12 , ,t,llccl ,n the ct11, , t1tul1nn o l the l)IHn \ ,,l,l. l,tllllll of Regu lar [3,,ptist (~hurlhc,. uur purpll\t' 1, " to p10 \1c.Jc H.h.·nt1ftl.,\IHH1. lt•lhl\\\htp tlnd ,l concerted , l'll.C lnr ,ndt·pcndcnt. non-a l I tl1(1lcd. l31hlt' ht'lic, 1ng B.1pt1 ,t l.'hu1chc, 1n the stalt' tlf Ohll) that tai...c "' ,cp,1r'"1t1,t po,lltlltl regard ing \\orldllnc,, . n1odcrn- 1,n1 ,,nJ ,1po,t,l\) and that ... ub,cr,bc to the l)o(lr1nal tatcmcnt and the Con,t1tu– t1on ot chc /\ ,oc1J t1on ·· ,\l,o tl \l,ltc,. "Further to pro\ it.le churchc, 1 n the \ ..,,nc1.1t1on \vllh the opportunit y for 1nforrn"1tton . coopc rat1on. cncouragcn1cnt and outreach .. \ \ 'hen rc,1d1 ng \Orne of the aho\ c ... ,, urd~....umc cringe . They arc fearful that recruit~ to our fell ow hip may be repelled by ~uch ·trong ~ ord, ng. There •~ no doubt that 01ne will be repe lled . If the) are not willing to be convinced of Proitle For State Rep The OARBC State Representa ti ve must be: 1 A man of godly character, Sp1nt-f1lled and a man of prayer, reflected 1n his life and n the life of his family. 2 . A man who has a heart for pastors with the ability to counsel and to encourage (a pastor's pastor) . 3 A man with adm1n1strat1ve skills; organized and an organizer. 4 A man who 1s a visionary, goal onented, aggressive and committed to assoc1at1onal growth 5 A man who 1s a model of fa ithfulness .n preaching and strong ,n the pulpit. 6 A n1an who can skillfully articulate our posit.on both verbally and 1n wnt,ng 7 A man w•th diplomacy 1n dealing with church and assoc1at1onal challenges. 8. A man to lead 1n the ongoing process of strateg,c planning concerning the Nork of the OAABC 9. A mar who holds to the doctnnal d1st1nctives of the OAABC and under– stands our h.stonc separatist pos1t1on 10. A man Nith a vision and burden for those not 1n our Fellowship who may need encouragement or counsel. n hio lhc 1.·0 11 cct ncss o f ou, posllton 1lunu 1 h b1hl1ral tcaclung, then the() RIJ ts n 1t l o, thcn1 . 13ut surely ,n su ha de 1 cncrc1t tn g tin1 c as this. there arc 111cn ,tnd churche'i v.:ho arc look ing to scp,11.1tc ft 0 111 apo,tat111ng dcno1n1nat1ons and dc, 1r1ng to ,\fftl1atc with a sound fund (1- 1nc nt,11 group. ·rhcy shou Id he cncnu, - <lgc<.J to exan1 inc o ut fcll o\vsh1p. Y ,u ..,hould I ntroducc thcn1 to the OAR Il .. Gt '-'C thcn1 a cop) of the OARB Con \ ll tu tion and A rttc le~ ol r lit th . If you do not ha\c ,1 cop) . you n1ay call n1c lo ha\ c one ....ent to you . Let u.... not "' h)' a'A·ay frorn, nor htdc our hcrttagc L.ct none of u, tn \vard ly cringe at the strong po\ llton articulated 1n our purpose Let us boldly carry the torch of truth 1nto the 21 , t century. Search Co1n1nittee Interviews Several Men The earch Committee ha met , 1x ttmes ince the bcg1nn1ng of Jul y. F1tteen written re pon\e have resulted in the comptlauon of a lt ·t of 24 rtcommenda– tt ons. The commlltee carefully con 1d– ered each recommendat1on before sending out letter of 1nqu1ry to clec.ted 1nd1vidual . Four preliminary inter, 1e\.vs have been conducted and the committee 1s now 1n the proce s of narrowi ng do\vn their focus . Another meettng 1s sched– uled 1n December Please conttnue to pra, eamc ti} for God· s ~elccuon' Rev Larry Fetzer is available for pulpit supply Bible conferences and seminars Contact him at 130 South Johanna Dayton. OH 45458 or call 937-438-8750