The Ohio Independent Baptist, Fall 1997

' I ,ntltlU{' "' ('Ill' ' ' .. , ,, th 1 1ttc1n , t th<." l.1,t "11 1 r, nth ,,,n ' uu,c 111 tll 1, \J ,tudcnt the t 111 ' tcr 111 t 1 1 ur n rc.l C' ,,t l) Cud Ill , \Cf u I ,11 n~ th l~, nl ,,n11n ~ ,, "Ck n i. \ lun,n \ , ,. tH,n Ir cntcd the ~- 1 un1n1 ,\,, .11 1 "r, 1g l :\ 1• Ucr · '), <.. t t n1.1 I .1 t r. ,, • , n.\lll<'"- \ \ 1nnu, t h 'l .1r 11,c I , r I h.1, I<' l • • 1\ l~~n, It, n '.>, 1 , ung \ lunl"P t) f the ) c.1r int" 11,1n ·ring n1t, h'n, n the l h, IJ 11n Jnd ~t o,. 111h1qu,· 1 r l Ufl"llt' \ prl . na1n'd 11 , .,,,r,\r~ \ un1nu <.)f th· l c. r. 1, a t u,h.. 'C .1nd n\'!Un1 tnen i ot the Plll'k!,' ,, hn ~ ~ h 11 ·d l.1u ...... 1 , 'he nur inc and t'rl!!tnt·cr n!! pr,,~r J ~ •!:!<:' .lnd l llcr.\ lurc rr tc , r ,...,, • .trd 'fl\.'Cr, \ \ h,• (C\.Ci\ CJ th"[ 1,t1ncu1 t '1., \ \.• ,•('c ·\ ,, ard h.1, t.1u~ht Jnd 1111, , cr,·d h., ,ludcnt, t,H ~5 .. l'eJan 1 1 \ .. C llt'\!t h.. 1, rc(, cJ 1t, ... ,, ndC \' la,,.1rdC.\ LSr1 thc J, l IJlllln I r rl'3P,l~l'l.! ,lnJ u,tn~ ~ .... .... 1nt1.. m1at1l,n ,' ur.... c, 1n htl!hcr cdu(',1- .. ti l n re ·(lg n 1 ' \. ,1 c g c, J. n J un 1, cr ll t c, - ... ht· l e,h1b.. ...:-,1...c lcn .... ·c 1n c:.1 n1pu n "t,, or 1 1n.: 1n h12 1cr cdut..at1on. ~ - l'edar, Ille ,llc~c the l 097 ,.,. inner a ... the top an1ru TlCl\\ 1."'f ilml ng Ill lllU– lll n \\ 1ih a bud~ct under I00 rntl li on. In l 3. edar,11le ,\ a, one of . e,en hl",n ...~le n1enuon rc(tptcnt o t the C.-\ r a, a.rd. alon2: ,, tth \ tlT. Penn .... cro co11ti11 i , ed ~ The State, An ord1 natton counL ti niet l)n ept~mber 23 a a l, a 1y Fe lJ o,\ hip Ba pt i t t examine J I .. \ .~er,. ha1rman of - .:he oard of dea on for ord1nauon into the G,, pcl m1 n1_lI\ Re, Denni~ • \111...hel n er.eda moderatorofthe un 11 an Re, Roland Glob1 g "len ed - as~ler \~iththe ounc11' appr \aland ..e..... mmendauon. an ord1nauon er, ice _ held unda\ e, en1n2. 0 t< ber - . - ... Pa t r Pau Bere ford ea, e the Ch.i!ee to .... ..... e Chu \..h and Dr R1 hard F1 her. D ... e..... t r • the .1 , e, en1n~ chool - ... n e Cle, eland area. ea, e lhe Charge to e Candidate Joel 1 the fourth member I e hur1..h l be rda1ned into the m1n1 tn 1nre~ent,ear . . Bere ,. rd I pastor at Paine , 1 Ile s1.,tc. nd I~, ,,, 11 l In,, c1s11, Ill(' I()() \ ( \I C ( I ,\lot H l ( ~,Hll llS ptc cntcd A 111c: I 1, r I on Sund. , . I c "1nl "t 7 the p1oduc t1on l f', lltt1 cd t., ult, .,nd ~,udc nt ~,, IP1sts .,nd thl· u1 plH I o t ., 2(l p1 c1.. <..' 0 1 r hr·s t, ., I 01 thl· I l)'>7 I dI qu.u l l' t . "'l' d,11 \ 1 Ilc ( Ill· 1 r hP~h.·d, 1s1l1ng I tnl(' ' ' ' ' ' 1, Rt lh,ud hl· ,,11111 1 . tht•( 'h.,,.uuh.. ' l'1nll'ss,, , n l ' h1i,t1an l"th1l s 1n llu s1 nc"s .n 11 .t\l o , l ln1,t1,11, ' l'hr .utthu1 o l n10 1c • th.u, 7<) b, ,u~, .,nd .11t1th.·, dcn1on , tr.1t1ng lhl' 1cl .ltll)n,h1p bet,, ccn h1bltt.1ll} gu 1dt·d f,ltth .1nd one', lt•,, rn1ng . I r Che,, n1ng .11,o h,\, produLcd a fou1- , <,Iu nll' ,crtc,. ('ht, \t1a11, 111 rlu ~f arAct– fl/act . ,, h i t h ,, con,1dcrcd the n10,t ,1gn1l1L.1nt h,.)d\. of lttcr.\lurc on the " ,uh Jt'( t o I 111 bltL .1 I t n tc grat inn In hu, 1 nc,, .1nd ct:nnon11c, Shepherds Receives 7th Van T ha nk . to the he lp o f fri e nds , famil, and churche · all O\Cr the ., countr 1 \\ ho donated their Campbe ll' label . hephe rds has rccCJ'-'Cd their 7th \an from the Campbe ll' oup compan 1 0\ er the cour. e o f the yea r ·uppo rtc r. ent over o ne mtl lto n label s to hepherd . Re ident proce ed 74. 000 to receive the nev., mi nt -van Re 1dcnt. will atte nd field trips and loca l acti\ 1t1e~ v..1th the ,an. plu be tran ported to medical appoin tment ·. the airport and other ouung~. State Representative Search Committee Members Council of 12 Members. Ken Spink, Berea Baptist, Berea. {chairman) 81 11 Dav,s. Bible Baptist. Bedford. {secretary) Dennis Burns. Faith Baptist. Kenton Ben Reed . First Bapt ist. Niles Members at Large Jack Jacobs. Grace Baptist. Westlake Cal Searles Camden Baptist. Oberlin hroughout hi 'i lOr ) , the go\pcl ha\ heen comn1uni ca ted in man) fo rn1 'i. I-l a nd· ,, ritt cn \Croll s. printed pa~c,. a nd modern a ir,, a , e<, ha , c all heen u,ed a c; medi a to c, pread the go pcl. ,\ t ,cdar, ilJ e C..' ollcgc. c; tudentc, u,e the n1ediun1 of their generation to r each the \\ orld for ( ' hri \ l. f, ro n1 C\ er) r e\ idencc ha ll r oom on ca n1pu 'i. , tud ent~ u\e the nc,, e l co,nputcr technolog) to acce~ da ta ,, orld,, ide. order lihra r) ma teri a l • read the la tc,t maga1.ine or journal. correspond ,, ith famil) a nd fr iend . a nd spread the go pel-2-' hour a da) . 7 da) c; a ,, eek . ,\II thi s a nd more ic; a \ a ila ble at no C).lr a co t through ' edar\ ille'c, a,, a rd· " inning computer net,, ork. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE