The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1998
The: C>I•i<> I••<Ie:pe:••<Ie:••t :B~pti... The Newsletter of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches Vol. 7t No. 2 Summer 1998 • oo n ac n Lancaster • New format set for OARBC Fall Conference in Rootstown. page 2 hi s year's then1e. "Lord. we want to know you, " permiatcd Lhe 67th Annual Conference of the General Assoc iati on o f Regul ar Bapti st Churches. John Greening used the blind man in Mark 's gospel to show us our need lo see Chri st c learly . P. Hantz Bernard, special gues t from Hait i, used Psalm 73 to show us that regard le s how much we know about God, there wil l al way~ he more to learn. that the things of thi s life are not ends in themselves, but arc n1eans to an end- knowing God. Other speakers used personal and bibli cal exampl es to show us how trouble and loss can bring us to a fuller understanding of Who God 1s. David Harris, rnusic in structor from Bapll \t Bibl e Coll ege in Clarks Summit Pcnn\y lva n1 a, carri ed out the thc n1e. d1rec LJng our hearts and 1111 nu s to the Lord 1n his informal and happy style. Music groups from Bap ti st B 1ble College. Faith Baptt \ t Bibl e College and Bi hi e Bapti st Church of Sh1 ren1 anstown. Pen nsy I van1a, a~ wel l as many solo1\ t<-i, capped off thi s hi gh poin t 1n the Conference schedule. John Gree ning' \ n1otlo, ""f ogcthcr we can acc;o1npl1sh n1ore. " co lored Lhe e ntire conf'crcnLe a~ we! I A \ national rcprc~cn– tat1 vc, for the b1'>t two year'> he has been delivering th1 ~ n1c c.,sage all over the country Reports from Gospel l_ueraturc Sci vice~. l<egular 13apll~t Pt e~s Bapll '> l Builder~' C'lub of A111er1 ca and the C' hJpla1nLy on1n11 ~'> ton certainly proved the point Ou1 g1oup of t hur Lhe'> rs U(.;C<Jn1p lt ~h1ng rnuth on 1nuny f1 unt s. Parcnc11ng togethc, so as to reach ou1 full potential is beco1ning one of the core va lues of our Association . Youth Days n1et with great success. Havi ng the youth j oin lhc Conference on Monday evening was a great bless ing. Thal even ing participants in several categori es of Tal ents for Ch rist presented spec ial 1nusic. Ken Rudolph en1phas ized the value of the local church for our young people, showing us from Ephes ians 3 how God 's wisdom i n1anifested by the chu rch . The yo ung people were also challenged to rai se the $3,000 it wi 11 take to to send each youth pas tor LO the 2000 Ol ympi cs in Sydney , Au strali a, as part of a great united evange– li s tic e ffort of our Fell owship. Con1ing a\vay fro1n the Conference with these two ernphascs, ' 'Together... " and ··w e want to know You," ringing in our hearts and n1inds was reward enough for be ing there When you add lo that the wann fcllows hip o f rea l fri ends, pleasant scenery 111 a vaca ti on at1n os phere and a break away f'ro n, the norn1- i L real I y Lurncd out to be a highlight of the sun1n1cr. Ohio was well rcprcscnLcd at the • Trying to save money for college? Cedarville offers f ree help. page 2 • Lightening strikes Oberlin church. page 4 • Two more Ohioans named to Counci l of Eighteen. page 8 Confercncc: our pastors and ,v, VC\, agency leaders, ex hibit ors, young peopl e attending the Harrisburg youth progran1 and in Talent s for Christ. and peopl e rro1n our pews do tting Lhc land~ca pc It \VOu lc.J he grea t for all th e fo lk 1n our chu rches to cx pc r1c ncc suc h a confe r c ncc. /\n<l it is <:<Hning to cdnr\ ril e Oh io in 2002, 14ord w1ll 1n g. .... We're looking forward to Bclll'\ uc. Washington, nex t June , 1999 ! "O.tulations ! ongraL ul auons to the followi ng Ohi o teens \vho \Vere ,, inner\ in the 1998 ·r a lcnt s l'or hr1s1 co rn pc t1t1 on at the (1 RL)(.' conf crcnc:c 1n 1 ... ancaster: Kaleb l~ rasee, ( 'a111dcn U.ipll \l. Ober It n, \cc:ond place in 131 hie Kno\v ledge. 1\ n1bt•r lartinclli . Grace l3ap t1 st, 'I'roy, ~ccond place 1n 1:c1n .tl c Puhl tl' Spc.1J...rn~. Melissa \Vals h , Uc thc l 13,tplr\l. ' l'o lcdu. \Crond pl .lLL' l·c1n.tll· Vo1c:c, and Joseph \\' itt n1 cr, ( \ d\ .u \ l~.1pt1 \ l , S.indu ... i..., f11 '> l plct<.:l' 111 Stri ng\
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