The Ohio Independent Baptist, Summer 1998
, HATS OFF to Dick and Barbara Mac intosh upon complet ing eleven years of ministry at First Baptist of Galion . They are retiring to live in Xenia , Ohio. Rootstown Prepares To Welcome OARBC N ew Mil ford Bapti st Church of Rootstown, Ohio, wi ll hos t the 7 1 st annual conference of the Ohio A sociati on of Regular Bap ti st Churches October 26-27 . The theme for this year ' s Monday-Tuesday conference is "Have Fai th In God." Dr. Ernest Pickering and Ohio State Representati ve Dave Warren are the mai n speakers. Eight workshop in two ession arc planned fo r Tuesday afternoon: "CE/ Youth Internships," "Cult Awarencs ,· · "Writing," "Preachi ng," "Church Pl anting," "Bci ng the Second Man ," "Leadership." and "Planning for the Church.·· Special sessions for women with Mrs. Merle Brock and Mrs. Pat Warren are pl anned for Monday . The Ohio Women's Missionary Union will meet on Tuesday. Cedarville Offers New Financial Pla1111i11g Assistance O n January 5 John Hess as urned the newly created position of financial aid ad visor at Cedarvi lle College. This position was created to be an outreach to churches, camps and schools, as we ll as prospective students and thei r parents, in the area of financial planning and ass is– tance. Thi s summer Hess will be speaking at all of the fami ly camps at Scioto Hills, Skyview Ranch and Ca,np Pat1nos. His presentations focus not only on the deve loprncnt of a fan1il y financial plan, but al o on options that should be cons id– ered for both short term and long tem1 sav ings for college. Ir your church or school would like to schedu le a presentation , pica ·c contac t John Hess at 1-800-766-2668. BBS Ohio Extension To Offer Masters Program B aptist 81hlc Seminary will hos t the following Mu~ter~' degree level courses at 1t1., ex1cn'>1on "ii Le 111 Ohio for the 1998-99 at udem1L yea, Admin1stra t1on of Youth M1n1stries October 12- 16, 1998 Mr Mel Walker D1spensat1onal Prem1llenn1al1sm October 19-23, 1998 Dr Michael Stallard Exposi tion of Psalms February 15- 19. 1999 Dr Richard Engle Contemporary Old Testament Theology February 22 26, 1999 Dr Richard E:ngle These cour~c~ wi ll be held at Grahan1 Road Bapt1~t Church in Cuyahoga Fall s, Ohio. r:-onnal application for ad tnission to BBS should he rccci vcJ prior to the first clas~. J\ll arc wclcon1c 10 auuit BBS extension course~ rcgnrdlcs .., of the an1ount or prcv1ou~ educati on. 1 ... ·or furthe r infonnntion contact: Mr. J)aul Golden, Director or Adrni s~ ion~ Bapt1s1Bible Scn1inary 538 Venard l{oad C~lar"~Su1n1n1t , PA 184 11 pgolucn (a bbc.educ 7 17 58(>2400 BBS ,\l ..,o o ll'er.., "it'Vt' 1,il g1aduate h~\ L' I cou, ..,e.., O\l' I 1hc l111c1ne t ~lore 1nl o1111a t1011 Lan be obt a ined b) 100"1 ng at the Bli '&S ~·eb.., 11e ,ll ~ ,, w hhL educ OIB news deadline fall issue November 5 Baptist Children 's Home .._ ___ _. & Famil)' Ministry J>ro v icii11g (~l1r is t ia n I l o 111cs for 11ced y c l1 il tirc n . () h ie> () ffi c • (93 7) '322-0006 (~h a rles M c) 11rc)c , () hi e) l) irc tor RUPP AGENCY, INC. Speciali-::, ing in church JJrOJJerty "~ liability insurance. ,,·ith o ,·er 1.50() churches insure(/ srate1,.1 ·icle. Over 90 OARBC churches are currently participating in th e Group Plan. Call fo r a f ree appraisal ancl no obligation, co,npetitive quote. 1357 Wesl L ane Avenue Colurnbu~. OH ..i3,2 I Call toll - free. 1-800-2 2-9 1 58 or 614-486-591I Contact Ben Rupp PAS'I'OR APPRECIATION ongregations interested in sending their pastor to Israel should consider the special "Pastor Appredation" seminar package offered by Baptists for Israel Institute I) I) I) For dates & rates, contact Rev. Gay w. Ccrd1sh ~ ~Q;b. 8(. ~ fa lsioef h;ffllJe 526W.lba1yg. •Mbd,00 • 44805 (419) 282--6024 E-rrd: 110164.3062 . .can M issed th QARBC c ot\fe~ Y\ e ? l 1 .l . •11 I , • lh.· -.,· .... -.1,, , \..., "' ' !,\ / '• ' 11 ,> I\\ ( I >I, \\. ·, 11.i \ \ 111--.I,·~ ,>J .,. l.• 11 "/,I\..\ . ... • ' l
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